Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by agentpuhpul, May 30, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS should be exclusive to SMG's & Side arms.(for now, really 0.75 ADS shouldn't exist at all).

    Nothing else should have 0.75 ADS.

    I've said this over the years repeatedly.
  2. ATRA_Wampa-One


    They are still not in the same league as the Anchor or MSW-R at this point.


    You've only just started saying it and you've never once made a thread about it compared to the countless ones about LMG's.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    The PTS Anchor & the PTS MSWR actually were brought down/inline with the PTS Orion if you compare the stats side by side.

    "started saying it"?


    I don't even know why the Jackhammer and the Archer have 0.75 ADS.
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Stop spreading this lie.

    • ADS modifier changed from 0.75 to 0.5
    • Horizontal Recoil to from 0.2/0.225 to 0.22/0.22 Only 0.005 better than the MSW-R
    • Horizontal Tolerance from 0.9 to 0.88 Still 0.33 worst than the MSW-R
    • Standing hipfire from 2.75 to 2.5 Same increase the MSW-R and Anchor is getting and exactly the same when the Anchor/MSW-R equips the Adv Laser vs the Orion equipping the Laser attachment.
    • Moving hipfire from 3.5 to 3.25 Same increase the MSW-R and Anchor is getting and exactly the same when the Anchor/MSW-R equips the Adv Laser vs the Orion equipping the Laser attachment.
    • Projectile Velocity from 570 to 540 10 Worse than the MSW-R and 30 worse than the Anchor
    • ADS CoF Recoil changed from 0.05 to 0.04 0.01 Better than the MSW-R
    • Moving ADS CoF reduced from .4 to .35 The same as the MSW-R and Anchor
    The MSW-R still has better reload speed (3.045/3.305) vs the Orion (3.28/3.655) and has the SPA option.
    So the Orion will be better than the MSW-R Horizontal Recoil (by 0.005, less than 1/2 of the CARV buff when Malorn left), ADS COF, and FSRM.
    The MSW-R will be better than the Orion in velocity, reload speed, and horizontal tolerance, along with having the best attachment in the game with SPA which the Orion doesn't.
    I fail to see how the Orion isn't being turned into an inferior MSW-R.
    Planetside 2 was released November 20, 2012, so it's only been out for 2 years and 8 months.

    Something tells me you're being less than honest with this statement.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    1) I've been playing since the Beta. Also its been 3 years(its now 2015 afterall) since PS2 was released

    2) There you go with the victim complex again & saying I'm "spreading a lie".
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I'm not the one spreading lies that the Orion is on par with the MSW-R when that has clearly been shown not to be the case.

    Also, your joined date on the forums is Dec 8, 2012, and the character that shares your name was created on Aug 22nd, 2013. Care to try again?
  7. Scr1nRusher

    Spreading lies?

    The PTS Orion is onpar with the PTS MSW-R.

    Also..... have you considered that I've made & deleted characters overtime & got on the forums in 2013?

    Look, each empire's starter LMG is a different type of LMG.

    Carv(Mid range)
    SAW(Long range).

    Then each empire can purchase LMG's that fill those gaps or sidegrades of those gaps.
  8. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I've listed the exact stats that will be changed and compared them to the changed MSW-R to show that the MSW-R is going to be flat our superior to the Orion.

    You've done nothing but say "nuh uh" while saying that the Orion will be on par with the MSW-R.

    So now that the Orion will be a horrible option for CQC what LMG can the VS purchase?
  9. Scr1nRusher

    The PTS MSW-R & PTS Orion are nearly identical.

    Also the Orion will still be a damn good weapon.

    Stop victimizing things and grow up.
  10. nehylen

    No between tolerance and SPA ensures that the MSW-R has, not a landslide i'll grant you that, but a clear edge over the Orion.
    While i believe the nerf makes a lot of sense as the .75ads kinda compensates the heavy's main default in mobility, the Orion&Sva are made for one useless (Sva, because inept LSW buffs), and for the other not very competitive against its direct opponents.

    Since i feel it's dumb to make it a carbon copy, i'd like to see the Orion with the Carnage/Zenith attachments choice at the current PTS stats.
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  11. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Nearly as in the MSW-R will be better than the Orion in velocity, reload speed, and horizontal tolerance, along with having the best attachment in the game with SPA which the Orion doesn't while the Orion will be better than the MSW-R Horizontal Recoil (by 0.005, less than 1/2 of the CARV buff when Malorn left), ADS COF, and FSRM.

    According to someone who has no concept of game balance and what weapon stats actually means which is obvious by how you've totally ignored all of the statistical differences I've clearly laid out and only replied with "nuh uh".
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Wow your certainly getting more and more salty as this discussion goes forward.

    Grow up.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    They are far from useless.

    The Orion is still a CQC beast & the SVA-88 is good at mid-long range with the right control.
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Cool, personal attacks since you can't refute and of the weapon stats I've laid out for you.
  15. Scr1nRusher

    Not a personal attack. Just a observation.
  16. nehylen

    I did not say the Orion would be useless , far from it, just less competitive against MSW-R, but the Sva-88 as is on PTS would indeed be. Not useless in absolute of course, but in relative use, as they're making the LSW too close to Sva. If the LSW has all the advantages of the Sva and then some, there is no point in using the latter.
    See my previous post on page 2, where i linked a table i made about Sva/LSW PTS stats.
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  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    And yet you're still (a) spreading the lie on the forums that "The PTS MSW-R & PTS Orion are nearly identical." (b) cannot provided any evidence to counter the very detailed way I've shown that that's not the case.
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    Its not a lie what so ever.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Additional changes were made to the SVA-88 & The LSW, you did factor in those right?
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I've laid out in detail exactly why it is and you've yet to replay with anything other than "nuh uh".