Liberator is gamebreakingly op

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ColonelJayce, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    Dont get me wrong, I hate libs with a burning passion, but stock libs are trash. Same with stock, MBTs, lightnings, harassers, esfs, valks and sundies.

    But I think the problem lies in that no one really wants to pull anti air as well as a few smaller buffs and nerfs that could happen to each side of the debate.
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  2. Jake the Dog

    Also thats not cool, hunting people from the forums is in bad taste and lacks class especially if you want him to uninstall. I love this game and don't like it when people decide to quit playing because they don't understand something. Especially something that might change.

    The lib is a platform that requires a high skill to utilize, no denying that there, but its also abused by several high ranking individuals for hunting smaller fights that tend to be really fun and completely ruining them. Which brings us to the problem of people thinking of skygods.

    While a main problem is simply that there is no anti air option for new players (one burster arm is a joke), also the lackluster rewards of AA.
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  3. ColonelJayce

    You are truly a toxic user. Do you spend your days scanning the forums for posts that you disagree with and redirect the topic to something else? Look get off this post if you don't like it, there are plenty of other people here who agree with me, and if you continue to post nonsense I am going to mark you for spam. Now post constructive feedback for this post or get off the forums.

    I play on Connery server, for your information. Now stop redirecting this thread for your egotistic and childish pleasures.
  4. Jake the Dog

    In his defense you have just reposted something thats listed under 3 different forum posts (recent that is). so yeah...
    One would almost assume you just want likes...
  5. ColonelJayce

    I have unlocked almost every vehicle weapon in this game, including the liberator weapons (With certs, and no subscription). I also have all the upgrades for the max suit, and all the weapons for it including dual bursters. I've played long enough to know when a vehicle is OP, the liberator is just the only one. There seems to be an army of people to back this point up according to others.

    The Liberator doesn't necessarily require high skill to pilot. An ESF requires more delicate control, and positioning to be made effective, the problem with the Liberator is that its a jack of all trades, and between its high armor, and shredding damage, a single person doesn't stand good odds of taking one down. That being said, multiple people can assuredly take down the Liberator, obviously.

    The Liberator works best when paired with other pre made Liberators. This diminishes the effect of using multiple targets to take down a Liberator, because of the Liberators superior weapons and armor, so long as they have equal manpower, you will always have the edge.

    I am also not talking about stock liberators, I assume everyone knows that I am referring to a fully upgraded lib. I'm honestly shocked that people think that I would consider a minor delay in weapon/subsystem acquisition would be accounted for in a post referring to balance.
  6. Obstruction

    i'm responding directly to you at every post, no matter what you try to say. my posts are not the ones full of censored language, either. i am simply responding with the same counter-propaganda and basic gameplay information that i usually provide in similar topics. you can mark for spam, or anything else you'd like to do. the facts remain that:

    • the lib has been the single most nerfed vehicle/class in the game since launch
    • libs require a lot of cert investment and skill to be effective
    • libs are unable to affect, or in many cases even approach high pop fights
    • libs are huge cert pinatas that everyone in the air and on the ground shoots at constantly for the entire render of 1000m
    • two primary soft counters for the lib can fire from inside spawn shields
    • your posts indicate a lack of basic information or experience, and some immaturity
    • my first and final assessment is that, other parts of the debate aside (as Jake indicated) this is primarily a L2P user issue
    last, i have several characters with certed libs on Connery. i would be happy to fly you around some time but i seriously doubt you're the type to try to see the other point of view. there's actually a whole other thread here where that very offer was made and only two people stepped up at all.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    Liberators are not OP.

    I'm starting to think theres a agenda to (once again) get vehicles nerfed against infantry. Its hilarious at this point.
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  8. Obstruction

    definitely smells like sock puppets.
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  9. ColonelJayce

    My username is TheTerribleTeemo on connery. So you are going to fly me around to show me that the Liberator is not OP, and can be countered. I am quite confident in my statement here, we will see. Send me your character name as well.

    I also have some major disagreements on your points.
    Cert investment doesn't count when considering balance.
    High pop fights don't always (And often don't) determine territory control.
    All aircraft have their usefulness greatly diminished in high pop fights, not just the lib.
    AA infantry and max suits that sit in their spawn are not able to reach out to other areas of the map.

    These things aside, as a whole you have not addressed their excess armor, damage, and mobility over other vehicles. You have only tried reasoning by counters, which is great and all but that isn't effective at determining a vehicle's balance, because there is much more than just counters that you deal with. Balance in any game is determined by overall value, plus that which is accompanied by their weakness and strengths, not just their weaknesses and strengths alone.

    Also I have no association with any of these other liberator posts, you can smell fish all you want, I do not recognize one of their names.
  10. Jawarisin

    If I bothered, I'd do the math and show how full of crap you are to say 150 rounds and then they engage you. I just think that you hit so rarely that you think a hit-marker is when you actually miss.

    That said, 1 esf pilot is plenty to kill a lib, provided he isn't horrible. And no, flak is fine right now, if not overpowered.

    First, it's not monkeys, it's peasants (I do know the joke though). And it's not as hard as it seems to hit an ESF. I actually surprised myself with my HEAT mag-rider. I managed to get 2, sometime 3 shots on target. From far very far sure, but it has to slow down to have any chance at killing something, so it's really not too hard to hit at that point.
  11. Jawarisin

    OW MAN. I actually made a post asking for people like you. I've got a fully certed lib with all the guns just waiting for you! Just made a lvl 1(if you dont have one already) on Emerald NC, and I'll pull you a lib. Then you can try to show me how OP a lib actually is. You can even have multiple tries!

    Are you all bark?
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  12. Obstruction

    it's at the bottom of my posts for reference. my Connery TR is Withstand. i have about 43 days of playtime in that lib. i was thinking you'd be the one to show me that it's OP. that's usually the deal, since i could just fly into mountains or whatever. i figured you could show me how it takes little skill because it's so unbalanced.

    also i just want to point out that this seems to be your thesis:

    • the game isn't balanced for 1vX. a single person doesn't have "good odds" to do anything without knowledge and skill. but, since you bring up the point of single players taking out libs, they can and do. usually it's a skilled ESF, or a solo Lib, but on occasion it can be an MBT or a very crafty Heavy Assault.
    • teamwork is not really an excuse, seeing as you have already made the first caveat that multiple people can obviously take out a liberator. claiming that the "problem" stems from "several premades" flying in formation, well, i probably know those guys. there are honestly only maybe 20 players on Connery that are any good in a lib, and half of them are from other servers. your claim is problematic as far as balance because getting that kind of steady team together is usually outfit level organization and not at all indicative of the typical playerbase. it would be like saying vanu weapons need to be nerfed because Future Crew makes them OP. the truth is they just attract and keep good players, and foster an environment where good players can become better. you can't nerf the whole VS because teamwork and skill are powerful.
    • basically the same point from a different angle, you can't balance everyone based on those few who put 10,000+ certs, minimum, into their libs. the amount of certs required to be competitive, not just over infantry spawns or ground targets, but to compete in the air for any length of time, is non-trival. people can do much more with the certs and playtime. the difference in performance is fairly large and that really matters since the vast majority of players cannot spawn effective libs.
  13. Alarox

    Are you kidding?

    We can debate whether or not it is the most nerfed, but saying that the stock lib is the most useless requires complete insanity.
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  14. Jawarisin

    Don't you try to steal him away... you.... :mad:
  15. Jawarisin

    Point granted, a stock valkiry, hell, even a certed one, is more useless.
  16. TheDarSin

    Libs are not OP. I have a fully certed one but unfortunately I don't fly it any more since I can get much more exp just from going infantry or running a solo ESF. Liberators are not only dependent on having a skilled pilot, but also need a skilled gunner. If you're a lone wolf, good luck with finding a single gunner or a good one at that. For me for example a single Skyguard or a single AA turret will never kill me but once you add more to the mix Eg. One more Skyguard, one more Flak turret, a single heavy with G2A lockons or one ESF, I have to bug out.

    Liberators right now the only way for them is to roam and pick off stragglers if they want to be effective and not have to spawn liberators over and over. I can't join in zerg fights without almost instantly dying to enemy AA, ESFs and MBTs. My best recommendation is to stop being by yourself in a open field otherwise you're asking to get blown up. Enough with the nerf threads about Libs. They've been nerfed enough that I feel that all my certs have been wasted to pander to people like you that refuse to learn how to play the game.

    If Liberators are so much overpowered, lets see you pull one and do the same. Honestly if something is really OP the best thing to do is abuse the hell out of it until the Devs realise it is OP if it is OP. Lets see you be OP with a Liberator. Your next post should be about your Liberator experience otherwise I wont take you seriously.
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  17. Zedex

    Ok, lets presume Liberator is gamebrakingly OP. When something is so awesome, easy and rewarding to use - people just stop using everything else and start pulling the OP thingy, like it was with pre nerf ZOE when there were more MAXes than infatry. My memory fails me i guess, because i cant remember when Liberator got the cloak ability - its the only logical explanation why i never see those super duper OP Libs pulled in numbers...
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  18. Telono

    Liberators do have the most room for evolution, and are the most potent vehicle in the game. But saying that anyone can pull a lib and do well with it is absurd. People just arent willing to fly libs or even ESFs for a period of longer than 10m minutes. And before you asked, I have indeed spent time in AA, and have done pretty well in it. Thats probably because, contrary to most people, I didnt place my skyguard in the middle of the road, or on top of an isolated hill. Thats the best way to get killed. Go Under a tree, use cover. And for the love of god, stop complaining about getting TB nuked. That gun has risks. A lib cant dive into an armour column and expect to live.
    Libs arent OP. Libs harness skill (exclude the zephyr/duster), and turn into the most dangerous weapon in the game. Something has to be the most dangerous, right? Otherwise we end up nerfing the lib to oblivion, killing the fun for a group of skilled players. Or you buff AA, making it even more absurd and ruining the air for everyone. Your call, but dont complain about AP tanks once those become the go-to.
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  19. Mythologicus

    Rather than just taking the approach of out-and-out bashing the Liberator from the point of view of a ground user and responding negatively to anyone who attempts to reason with you, why don't you start your "this item is broken OP" thread from the perspective of someone who has actually flown the vehicle and has reached this conclusion from experience.

    For example, I once thought that the Ursa LMG would be a great choice as a punchy and accurate long-range weapon, but I only based this off of a couple of tests. After buying and using the LMG extensively, I can safely say as a user of this weapon that it's awful.

    So the thing to do if you actually want to be taken seriously is to go out and cert up your Liberator, fly around and wreck scrubs, maybe Auraxium your Tank Buster, then come back and tell us as an experienced user of this vehicle, how unbalanced it is.
  20. Obstruction

    stock lib is pretty bad. i guess i wasn't thinking of the valkyrie, but that is at least cheap enough and easy enough to use, to transport 6 guys stock. MBTs and lightnings and etc aren't great with no upgrades, but they do ok, following the herd. as do all infantry classes and MAX, right out of the box on day 1. and a stock sundy is at least a deployable AMS with dual basilisks. that's not nothing.

    a vector lib, however, with no airframe and no defense or utility slot? it's bad. like i said man, my partner and i have certed out six libs in our time playing, and each one of those we funded the certs by playing from near-stock with a station cash dalton. i mean, it's not bragging to say we're highly skilled and even somewhat known, if you ask around. so no, i'm not insane. we know what we're doing and i can tell you it's a brutal grind to build from nothing with that, even for us.

    so when i say 'most useless' i mean that any day 1 noob can get in a thing and get its intended function from it with nary a cert or dollar spent. don't get me wrong, shredder/drake is a great loadout. that's not the issue if that is what is confusing you. but nanite for nanite you will get more use out of a stock anything than a stock lib.

    do we have to go down the list of things to be sure? i hope not. besides this is a serious derailment from this guy's hateful, childish thread. so let's just leave it at that.