MAXes are nothing but easy KD padding tools that make infantry combat suck for everyone else

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonmortical, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Lemposs

    And so is mines, infiltrators sitting all the way back picking off people, light assaults sitting in a tree on spree, MANA turrets, mines again, everything heavy assault, grenades, lying on the floor for 30 seconds to get a res, mines for the third time...

    Everything in this game is freaking a K/D padding tool, if we have to be that cynical. But yeah let's remove the MAX, I'll be playing a ton more engineer, set up a good turret, and wait a month till we get a freaking thread about them being farming tools... Oh and also the threads where we complain about all bases with indoor areas, because a firing line of people in those can instagib defend till the end of time.
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  2. irewolf

    If everyone clams down for a second, you will realise that the balance in the game is what it is right now. It's ok, but it will change. SOE types (Higby etc) have all talked about bring more meaning into the game. That is, inter-cont lattice, proper resources etc. The point I am making is this, when they bring in more meta game, balance will have to change, base cap times will have to change, the game will still change a lot.
    I mean, look at resources at the moment, they have left it broken, but playable. They know that is the state it is in, but, they will change it. I actually think MAX suits should be stronger but less spamable, bit like tanks Should be.
  3. Bindlestiff

    The fact that the statement shows a clear bias is an indicator that a rational discussion is unlikely to be had with the OP. It is akin to a marketing questionnaire that shows a clear bias in its line of fact gathering. A good example would be:

    "Do you agree that the last few patches rolled out by SOE have been woeful?"

    It is a valid question, but the results are going to be swayed by the wording.

    This question on the other hand taken as an isolated question is fair game as a starter for a discussion in my opinion.

    I believe that MAX units (can) contribute greatly to the anti-armour potential of a base, especially when the attackers are zerging. Infantry cannot hope to survive long enough to begin to whittle down the numbers, whereas MAXes with their naturally higher resistances can. Sure, if they get hit with fire from those a little more switched on than the normal mindless zerglings then they are going to be out of luck just the same as normal infantry, but they always have that chance.

    I also believe that an organised squad of MAXes, medics and engineers can turn the tide on an otherwise lost cause both at control point and base control level, a task that pure infantry alone would not be able to carry out unless you had overwhelming numbers.
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  4. Hosp

    I love MadLibs. Lemme try...


    Am I doing this right?
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  5. Verviedi

    This is not an infantry game.
    You are bad.
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  6. MAXArmar

    On my one character I'm always a MAX, therefore, MAXes are fine.

    On my other character I play infantry only, therefore, nerf MAXes.
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  7. Schwak

    Except that usually the cause of the losing battle is because of MAXs in the first place. An organized squad of normal infantry units can turn the tide of the same situation.
  8. SavageCrayon

    Wow people really have an issue with maxes. Maxes are a great element of this game as they are now. I completely disagree with the COD mentality of so many of you who think that any unit you cannot kill alone instantly is unfair or lame. There are so many arguments against this...

    1) Maxes add much-needed variety to the infantry game. I barely play my AI max and when I run into one myself it's awesome 'I'll just run in here...OH SH*T...!!!'. They are scary. Fear is emotional. Game makes me feel something = good. Also, Max = challenge. Challenge = achievement = good.

    2) This one goes out to all you nubbers who whine that maxes 'ruin the game for infantry'. Firstly, speak for yourself. I play as infantry most of the time and they certainly don't ruin my game. Secondly, are you that bad that you still don't know how to kill a max? C4, AV grenades, rockets...and more. Seriously, get some f*cking skills before you whine. I'm not saying it's always easy to kill one, but why should it be? Most maxes are easily tricked into your C4 trap. You can even throw C4 into a room. It's really that easy. NC maxes are the toughest to beat, but their range makes them only effective indoors. Seriously, I can usually half health a max with my lmg before they kill me, then i just come straight back to finish him.

    3) Maxes cost 450 nanites. This is relatively expensive if you want to use vehicles too.

    So really, why the hell do you want to remove these awesome stompy mechs from our game? Only noobs can't deal with maxes and that is how it should be. Learning to deal with maxes is part of the learning-curve of the game. Why should you be able to walk into any game like this and instantly be able to pwn any unit you want just because you've played fps games before? Not every encounter needs to be 'fair'.
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  9. Schwak

    If we wanted to get farmed then we would run face first at HE tanks with C4 like you probably do. WOAH TANK. AMAZE. MUST KILL. DIED. DANG OUTSKILLED. Ya, no.
  10. z1967

    As a curious question, is the MAX account the one with the 80.5 K/D or the one with the 2.6 K/D?
  11. MaxDamage

    Does the enemy have access to something overpowered that you do not? Yes/No.

    Yes: No they do not.
    No: Correct.
  12. SavageCrayon

    But you are complaining about being farmed by maxes...therefore you must walk face-first into them often... think that on the basis of what I say about maxes you can infer so much about the rest of my gameplay? You make massive assumptions here and think you know how I deal with tanks...weird. On that subject, I personally fight tanks with tanks, my mossie or with c4 (by sneaking up behind them, not in the ******** way you suggest I do based on no facts whatsoever).

    If you don't 'want to get farmed' then learn how to fight a max or avoid fighting it 1 v 1 in a room with your LA or whatever it is you must be doing to get owned so hard by them every time.
  13. PrimePriest

    You think MAXes are good for padding KD? Lol. I guess you haven't tried some properly equipped vehicles. :D
  14. Schwak

    They nerfed AV grenades and they nerfed rocket velocities. There is hardly a reliable way to fight them.
  15. MAXArmar

    Not sure if serious!
  16. SavageCrayon

    So what you are saying is that you haven't mastered a rocket launcher with a different velocity....sounds like you have a problem, not the maxes.

    Also, don't fight a max solo if you find it so hard.
  17. Bobman23

    C4 bait... but then people are crusading to have that nerfed too.

    Personally, I get excited when a MAX (or three or four) shows up because it's a clutch moment. It forces me to really plan out and assess if I'm in a position to take them down, or if I have to back up and reset. I rarely die to a MAX I'm not aware of, simply because I work to maintain situational awareness. Then again I'm not one of those who mindlessly charges head-first into the unknown.
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  18. acksbox

    I strongly suspect that if the segment of the game that wants to remove or castrate MAXes and HA had their way, and we were all reduced to playing LA, minus the jetpack and with NS only weapons, they would immediately leave for Battlefield.

    If you want every contest to be nothing more than who can click on a moving target, there are much simpler, purer, ways to test this. Here: - the only game you'll ever need.
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  19. SavageCrayon

    Ah, now this is a sensible man. Not a child who cries 'UNFAIR, UNFAIR!' whenever he meets a challenge.
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  20. Dunkarooo

    the problem is that a lot of players try to take on a max by themselves and expect a good outcome. If your not LA with c4 or a heavy that is going after a damaged/non flak armor max you're going to have a bad day. but how often is there a max in a situation where it's just you and said max. noone pulls a max to fight a single infantry. so in short stop trying to kill a max with your smg infil or whatever other class that is not suited for it
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