The NC is in a good place right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. TheKhopesh

    The Razor is the NC's Carbine equivalent weapon to the NC's AR, the Carnage AR.

    Trade the 167/550 of the Razor to a 143/750 with the Carnage's stats and attachments.
    Well, all it's stats except the Carnage's min damage and velocity of course!

    Now your Razor is just as good as it ever was at range and can be exceedingly proficient at close quarters depending on your attachments, and that gives the NC Carbines a 143 damage tier.
    Now you can trade the GD-7F from a 143 to a 167 damage weapon.
    (I REALLY want to see a +700 RPM 167 for NC! It would be amazing, and it would keep the weapon's current balance stable exactly as is! Also a 167 damage 666 RPM GR-22 would be absolutely badàss! Even if it were just for the 666 Rate of Freedoms! ;))
  2. uhlan

    Why the NC suffer a bit.

    1. NC weapon systems while very powerful, have a learning curve attached to them. Many players have difficulty with them and so migrate to the other more "spammy" factions. Despite the so-called "shotgun" esthetic, the NC weapons require far more fire discipline than the other factions. Seems counter-intuitive, but it's true.

    2. Because of 1, you end up with very deadly, but MASSIVELY jaded and frustrated veterans and a pile of noobs having difficulty. A recipe for complete disaster.

    3. Much of the VS is OP whining in this forum has caused much migration as well.
  3. TriumphantJelly

    I was discounting issues, but I realise/agree that it's dying of a plague.

    Also, 80% Valk health??!?! Holy crap, that's nice!

    To me NC infantry guns are a lot harder to use than TR/VS weapons. Quite a lot actually. I feel like low rof is at a significant disadvantage in this game. Though maybe it's just because I get so much freaking lag lately, idk. Vanguard is rather tricky as well, but I only have HEAT and the Kobalt with barely any certs put into all the things so what do I know...I love the Reaver though. Air HAmmering the crap out of, well, basically everything is just so much fun :).
  5. Keldrath

    The LMG diversity is a bit bland though. I can't say I prefer 167/600 to 143/750. Especially with our accuracy penalty.

    I've had moments where I was burst firing a guys head and watched all my bullets just do an outline of his head. Just the normal burst firing to control COF that you use on pretty much every weapon. just the first bullet hits and the rest dance around the head while I keep my dot on it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes that happens, it's annoying. But when I use Orion or CARV or whatever, it's not an issue, just tinktinktink and they fall over dead. No magical bullets trying to perform a circus act.

    It's an annoying thing to fight with.
  6. Boildown

    Emerald NC has support players, and most importantly, lots of medics. Emerald VS only has heavy assaults, light assaults, and snipers. You'll never get a revive as VS, and if you play medic, everyone taps out before you can revive them (even in the middle of a revive). If it wasn't for VS being invisible at night thanks to their default camo, NC players would be having the most fun of anyone. The weapons right now are as balanced as I think they've been in the game's history, the one weapon I personally think is the most overpowered at the moment is the NS-30 Vandal.
  7. Hasteras

    Accuracy penalty?

    I swear 95% of the stuff I read forumside is just made up out of thin air. Accuracy of NC guns is as good as anyone elses.
  8. JudgeNu

    I think we often have too many medics.
    Well lets put it this way, 3-4 medics reviving the same corpse is insane.
    Think of the enemy as the boss and NC as a Healtank.
    We have too low DPS when all our medics are running around looking for heal/revives.
    Some people don't need to be revived.
  9. Bape

    I love the NC guns beside 4 things

    NC max
    Scatter pistol

    To me these 4 things disgust me.
  10. Jbrain

    I think the only thing "wrong" with nc is the fact the other two factions like fighting us over each other.. Basically it is summed up to no one wants to fight vanu so NC get blipped hard during alerts. Vanu at night is still a big problem for an old fogey like me.. I sometime just have to log out entirely because I cant see them.. That's the only time I don't enjoy ps2.. vanu at night play /cringe
  11. Keldrath

    Were you unaware that accuracy is tied to damage model, that 143 167 and 200 dmg guns all have different accuracy penalties?
  12. Hasteras

    Were you aware that I have 12,000 kills with the Gauss SAW? Let me assure you: it has laser like accuracy.

    I'm not sure what you're referencing when you're talking about 'accuracy penalties' (CoF? horizontal shake?), but as someone who these days get 30% accuracy and 40% headshot ratio and plays all factions, I can assure that whatever you think you're thinking is an 'accuracy penalty' is no such thing, and handled properly any difference in accuracy between damage tiers is completely, totally, 100% negligible.
  13. Yuukikun

    I'm an AI BOT and i'm offended by that post.
  14. Yuukikun

    I'm sorry but your 12k kills with the SAW are nothing compared to HIS 50 kills with it. You are obviously biased.
  15. Yuukikun

    But it's impossible to have a faction just have worse players overall than the other ones! It's statistically improbable because this is a perfectly random distribution of personalities of people who don't have faction personality preferences and didn't have almost 2 years to switch faction as they pleased!

    .. oh wait..
  16. Bearlover

    I started playing planetside about a month ago and i can tell you this, NC is indeed hard mode for a beginner. When i first tried out all the factions, VS seemed to be the best due to their superior accuracy and high rof in medium to close range, i would get 10 or more kill streaks on VS. This seemed like the faction i wanted to play in the long run and will have the most fun. Very fun and Very easy to play.

    When i tried TR, the weapon sounds were just amazing, combined with the ROF with high magazines on their weapons, i thought also this was satisfactory, but lack of accuracy killed it. Also very fun but somewhat difficult when it comes to long to medium range engagements using infantry.

    NC on the other hand is a different story, while indeed " hard hitting " weapons are their faction traits, accuracy and rof was slower than vs and tr. While i also thought NC was also a fun faction to play, i did not have the same satisfaction as playing with VS. On 1v1 engagements i would often die from faster hitting weapons. NC is indeed hard mode, fun but challenging to play, every bullet must count 1v1 otherwise you are dead.

    So this is my opinion , from a player who plays arma, bf3 and bf4 and other fps, VS is the best for a beginner player for planetside. Weapons are more generous, especially if you have bad fps or bad ping, that high ROF will help you in the long run.

    Population also is a major factor and i can understand why many flock to VS.

    This is of course my opinion coming from a beginners' standpoint
  17. rogviir

    I think that NC need a small amount of love. Overall we have good guns, but nothing great. I suggest to even it out a bit would be to give the GD-22S a .75 movement modifier, that way it fits perfectly in the middle of the orion and the and the MSW-R. I would also like to improve the ROF of the EM-1 to 700 to put it on the same level as the SV-88. I would in exchange for these buffs give the Flare and the TMG-50 a 600 ROF,

    NC carbines are overall awesome there is no need for any buffs here. Same goes for the AR's, and SMG's neither needs any buffs. so i guess where the NC are lacking the most is in LMG's, and i bet those small buffs i suggested would really put the NC in a great spot.
  18. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, the Phoenix ever since it's release has always had the highest number of unique players using the weapon of the ESRL's, as it's always been one of the funnest weapons to use, at least mechanics-wise.

    (Please note: This particular linked chart counts the number of unique players who get at least one kill with the respective weapon on that day, allowing it to count the number of separate instances of each weapon. Going by kills is better for determining effectiveness, and less accurate in determining popularity.)

    It's got the worst straight-up bugs, glitches, and mechanics issues (by mechanics issues I mean the issues with flight time inadvertently increasing reload time to +12 seconds at range, as you have to add flight time and reload time together due to not being able to reload until the flight is finished, unlike all other weapons to date).
    But, it does have the most fun experience of any hand-held weapon (it's practically a suicide bomber ESF if you think about it. Best part is, you don't blow up in the process. :D).

    And while the Valk does take 80% damage from one hit, the most difficult vehicles to hit are quick reacting air vehicles when the vehicle is hovering. And as the Valk is permanently in hover mode, just like ESF's, if you get hit by a Phoenix while piloting a Valk, you're doing something incredibly wrong.
    ESF's and Valks when flying correctly and proficiently are literally impossible to hit with the Phoenix.

    It's like an ESF or Valk getting hit by a C-4 LA with jets so loud you can hear them from 375m away (that's the audio play range on the phoenix. If your target is in range, he can hear you coming and can hear where you fired from the moment you pull the trigger!). Oh, and that LA has a max ~290m range before he instantly dies, can never stop moving forward, and has only ~65% the turning radius of a stock galaxy.

    It really needs to be able to keep up with at least a galaxy, and in order to get the reload time on ranged targets down from a whopping +12 seconds to a more reasonable 7.7-8.7 seconds the Phoenix needs an ESF's afterburner.

    Those changes alone would fix a good 80% of the Phoenix' shortcomings.
    (Unfortunately, it would be a bit too powerful compared to the current ESRL's, as they really need some work too.)

    The Lancer is actually a great weapon, but it's far too situational.
    A faster charge time for each tier, longer hold time on the final charge, up to 4x zoom optics attachment options, and the ability to headshot are all things that this weapon deserves to make it more viable for regular use without making it overpowered.

    The Striker is now an AA weapon, rather than having an intended effective role against both air and ground, for which it has picked up the ability to dumbfire allowing it to be used as an anti-max point defense weapon.
    I feel it would be better off if they kept the DPS, lowered damage per shot by 50%, upped the fire rate and ammo by 100% (both in the mag as well as in reserve), and made it a 3x burst weapon.

    This would craft it into a 12 round 3x burst AA weapon, still allowing for the same moderately effectiveness for use against max units, and keeps it's .
    (Think of it as the AA RL equivalent of the Jackhammer, but no delay between bursts. ;))
    As well, reload speed could stand to lose about a quarter second for short reload so that if a striker HA finds himself in a situation where AV use against ground armor is viable, they can pelt with higher efficiency against abandoned or clueless targets. ;)
    • Up x 1
  19. Keldrath

    Accuracy loss per shot for 200 dmg model weapons is 0.07, for 167 model weapons it's 0.06, for 143 model weapons it's 0.05

    It's in the damn stat sheet, how can you people be so ignorant?
  20. Maxlrainer

    "Only a bad musician will blame the instrument."

    Thats all that comes to my mind, when I read complaints about bad weaponry for faction x or y. :)