JUST IN: PPA nerfed!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Tyrant103

    Canister isn't bad though, playing against it atleast.
  2. Tyrant103

    All that they needed to do since the magazine was nerfed, was to add recoil and lower splash damage.
  3. bl33ping

    the difference is that with the marauder we have to get a lot closer to the enemy unlike the ppa. i myself get a good amount of kills with it on the harasser because we drive right up to them... marauder requires much more skill at range than the ppa ever will. ppa needed a nerf and probably another one after this (decrease ROF). you guys had your fun with your op toy while it lasted.
  4. IrishPride

    I really miss when everything came out in Alpha it was mayhem, now they seem to make you suffer being alive longer :( What happened to rocket pods? what happened to the striker? the ZOE? the everything! It made me angry at times sure but had fun when everything was "OP" I didn't care how many times i died sure i got angry but that was because I sucked; this game is getting waayy too easy and it saddens me especially hearing from people that another gun is yet again going to be useless, like the striker, I want all of everything rolled back to Alpha! Libs and all! :eek: Really makes me mad, VS imo are suppose to be advanced and deadly as all get out. I never minded the PPA just made me rage sometimes. These changes are getting very weird. No offense to SOE but I seem to think they are lost in the realm between console and P.C.
  5. AdmiralArcher

    the swagrider is good at whatever you want it to be at, just like every other tank. if you want it to suck and mot be able to do anything, then that is what it will do, however if you go get a saron and an AP cannon you can shred tanks at close range or bombard them from long range. its a jack of all trades almost, where the prowler is more sustained damage and the vanugard is more alpha damage with sustained survivability.
  6. Xasapis

    You are not reading what you're answering. Or maybe I'm not clear enough.

    The VS MAX as a whole (emphasis to the whole bit) is inferior to the other two MAXes. The Blueshift is marginally better than the Mercies, but unfortunately all AV weapons are lagging behind perforance wise to their TR and NC counterparts. I won't even go into ZOE, which has zero uses, situational or otherwise.

    I hope I'm clear enough this time.

    I believe, that everyone is wishing for this downgrade to happen as soon as possible. No shotguns for any MAX will indeed be a blessing.

    That's because you're assuming that the trait of bullet drop is useful, which is not. I can assure you that if tomorrow they remove bullet drop from all Vanu weapons, nobody will notice. The weapons that would benefit from it (like sniper rifles) do have bullet drop anyway.

    At the time the change was considered a good thing for the Vanu, although it was an actual nerf. While, the damage penalty was severe for fights over 75m, before 70m all VS weapons essentially had free soft point ammo damage increase. And since 90% of the fighting happens in distances lower than 70m ...
  7. trit0Ch


    There is something really wrong when you can prop a Harasser on a hill almost 1 hex away shooting the PPA at a door or the vehicle terminal with no hard counters other than pulling air and bombaring it with that. Magriders scale mountains the best out of the MBTs and I have seen a few spam their main guns and PPA from hills too and is virtually untouchable.

    So yay for change.

    Next up: NC AV maxes hurrah!
  8. Draczar

    It's designed to be a ranged weapon though, one easily avoided by not standing in the way of the fairly slow moving projectiles. The fact that people spam spawn points with it is more a symptom of how Planetside 2 pretty much demands that you camp spawns with everything you have to prevent redeploy blobs and because people refuse to abandon bases that they have no intention to even try to push back into.

    That said, I've never used a PPA on any vehicles other than Scythe and I haven't deployed a scythe for anything other than pumpkin hunting in nearly a year so I'm hardly going to miss the thing.
  9. Schizomatic

    9 page thread about the PPA. I don't know if you can see it or not, but such shock wow
  10. Xasapis

    Or rage, depending on how you want to see it.

    Hmm, I'm looking forward auraxium the new PPA, looks like a challenge :)
  11. Schizomatic

    Don't worry, guys. You can still win the great Pumpkin Wars.
  12. Draczar

    I'd have gone the other way with the PPA, turn it into a long range precision weapon since long range suppression isn't really that great of a deal, but then that was what the original Saron was and people didn't like that either.

    Range was supposedly the last Vanu defining trait we were allowed to have since SOE declared that magriders being the only tanks able to go over water would be OP and all our weapons end up being quirky experimental stuff, I'm quite happy with the Lasher as it is and if I wanted to bombard a base from afar I'd just organize a squad of them to sit on top of a hill and flood the base full of sparkly death balls.

    I think it's credit to Vanu's experimental nature that our weapons get changed so much for perceived "brokenness" and that our meta adapts without wiping us off the face of Auraxis entirely.

    I'm pretty certain that if the sound of PPA would be nerfed before everything else 50% of all the complaints would be gone instantly. Apparently not worth a try tho. Better increase its ROF to make it even more obnoxious^^
  14. Prudentia

    it's ok little BR62. pls read my post again.
    i have 3 or 4 selfmade excel sheets about damage, damage dropoff, usefullness of HVA (lol). i even have a sheet with the Damageprofil of the Lasher against the 3 cases non, Nanoweave and flak.

    and no i'm not the only one who said that the change was a nerf. if you go into VR aand go 70m away from one of the dummies you'll see how far that really is. so yes, at ranges you'd only use the Ursa or Corvus for ir was a buff. for pretty much any other weapon it was a nerf. a super slight one, but a nerf.
    and you have to remember that VS also have a higher FSM (as said before, pls don't ignore the part this time) so the effectiveness at range is already reduced.

    and trough this discussion i realized again how OP Nanoweave is and how the ammo types do absolutly nothing at any range against it. seriously. 156damage against NW5 is the same BTK as a 125 against normal targets, thats almost 2 damage ranges higher.
  15. Flag

    It will kill a harasser... if you can hit it repeatedly.
    I think I'll stick to my Saron HRB for the unforeseeable future.
  16. Goretzu

    You can't say that Blueshifts aren't great because ZOE or something else is bad though, they are great weapons. They are a bit better than any TR counterpart and the NC just has nothing comparable.
  17. Goretzu

    And shows exactly the same thing, that the Blueshift is nothing like the worst or even a bad MAX AI weapon. :confused:
  18. omni2

    its really fun to see that the enemy is not able to adapt.
    If your spawns are camped the base is lost, so why do you spawn there?
    you should grab a tank, a lib or an ESF to destroy the ppa haresser or ppa magrider.
    but hey, it looks like the game will be changing to something that some people are already calling infantryside.

    The other empires didnt have the right to complain, there are lots of other tools they can use that the vs do not have.
    And those tools might even be better oder at the same level than the "current" ppa.
    The only difference, it´s not a tank secondary, but maby a max or another a empire specific feature.
    • Up x 1
  19. DanceSC

    I love how when NC whine for balance, they can never be pleased. Heaven forbid a scat max actually die without killing 50 other things first... what does this mean in NC language? Whine about the blueshift now... whine about weapons that shoot straight... request to nerf everything mid to long range so that your Vanguards will still continue to dominate

    Rovertoo said:

    Also, I have a question for you VS guys, a little unrelated to the thread. From what I understood, VS's tradeoff for no bullet drop was an extra damage tier dropoff at range, right? I heard a rumor that that was removed some time ago, is that true? I don't want to make any assumptions without verification, but that seems pretty iffy balance wise to me, even considering the usefulness of no drop.

    Correct me if I am wrong, the tradeoff for the NC high damage was "inaccuracy", I don't want to make any assuptions but last I checked the Vanguard had the most ESF kills of the 3 faction heavy tanks, the scatmax kills you close to mid range regardless of how accurate the player is. From my understanding the faction differences go like this: TR high fire rate high clip size. NC high damage brutal close and long range. VS Accuracy and Movement. PPA change makes it more inaccurate, so what is SoE saying? Did they really just mean VS should only have movement as a faction specialization? Can't be that because the scythe is the slowest flying plane of the ESFs.

    I am personally sick of NC killing my vehicles while they are parked behind cover (pounder or guided rockets), sick of getting my planes shot out of the sky by vanguards, sick of walking into a room with a scatmax on the other side and knowing there is nothing I can possibly do to live. Granted, introducing a friend to the game for the first time, and having to explain to him that being 1 hit killed by NC shotguns is actually part of the game balance, really says something when they conclude the game is stupid and never touch it again.

    Sadly this rant is not sparked by the PPA changes, but rather NC's reactions to the changes. Honestly I don't care if they cut the fire rate in half, it's the fact that every faction has something stupidly over powered and people just pretend like only VS will ever get the ****** end of the stick. Like NC are favored by the devs or something and heaven forbid anything broken they have ever get balanced. I kind of miss Watterson, aleast when NC had 45% of the population and VS only had 20% the NC whined and *****ed less.
  20. Xasapis

    I didn't say Blueshifts are bad, you implied that I did (aka put words in my mouth).

    In any case, one weapon that is marginally better than the competition can't compensate for everything else being second best or worst in slot compared to the competition.

    Especially for the AV weapons, I put the blame entirely on the balancing happening with the old ZOE in mind. Once ZOE was essentially removed from the picture, the AV weapons obviously (and heavily) under perform.