Kind of don't get the concept

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadi, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Shadi

    So I've been searching and searching for a good overall shooting game to play that's F2P. And I must say Planetside 2 is fun, but I feel like it's just on going..
    Like it never stops, I kinda don't get the point in it?
  2. The Funk

    If it stopped what would I play?
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

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  4. lolB0b

    The point is to farm the highest amount of infantry in the shortest amount of time, but the people actually playing infantry don't get that and are always crying for more vehicle nerfs on the forum.
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  5. andy_m

    The point is, have some fun.

    The game is massive, with so many aspects to it. Do you prefer infantry? Tanks? Air? Don't know yet?

    Which class do you think you would be best at? A well rounded player? Enjoy covert ops?

    Yes, the maps are persistent. You go to bed after capturing twenty bases and next day someone else has them. If you do not like that then yeah, I guess there is no point.

    Join an Outfit, or just a random squad. Enjoy your session helping however you can.

    There is more, but my needs are simple. There are others here that will give you loads more reasons why to play, and indeed, not to play.
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  6. Maljas23

    There will be more of a "point" waaay down the line. The ground work for the "point" of Planetside has just recently be laid for Planetside 2.
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  7. NC supporter

    If this game was to have an end then I would expect planetside 3 happening soon but planetside 2 doesn't look like it will have any sequels and what not like COD/BF has.
  8. Valadain

    The point is to hop in with other people and use strategy to hold or take a base. The cert farmers don't get that though.
  9. z1967

    The point is mainly to have gun and level up your character. Everything gun is a side grade so there is no need to worry about high levels having big hardware advantages. Regardless, have fun and look out for cloakers. They are in every ****ing crevasse on this planet...
  10. Peebuddy

    Bases and Alerts come and go.

    Cert points are eternal
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  11. Kunavi

    Recently decided I should farm in the cheapest, lamest and most grief inducing(In other words the fastest, easiest and most efficient) ways.


    Pointless to go back to playing normally or pretend there is any depth. What's more important, due to how these methods work, terrible Hit Detection, Lag, all those things and more just don't affect my Barrage, my C4 nor my Farm-Mobile(Hornets on ESF). And I don't know if Daddy got 40 KD like this but I sure know that if I really want to, I can escape from any situation where I'd crash and burn normally, only to return later.

    So, the point of PS2? Calm down and keep Farming.
  12. Talthos

    The point of Planetside 2? There is none. Unless you count the only consistent objective.

    "Destroy EVERYTHING. Kill EVERYONE. All of the enemies must DIE. Nothing short of total EXTINCTION will suffice."

    In essence, it's the "trench wars" of World War I, minus the "perma-death"; we make regular suicide charges through "No man's land".
  13. Alarox

    There's way more meaning behind doing something in a sandbox MMOFPS than there is in doing something in an arena FPS.
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  14. JesusVoxel

    After playing PS2 for two years soon, I don't get the concept of games like COD or BF anymore. I mean... you play with random players without any teamwork at all, in few small maps in these "matches" and if you want to play more than few maps you have to buy map packs etc. After you "win" or "lose" the fight nothing at all happens. Next map is loaded that has no connection to the previous map in any way or you play the same map over again like nothing ever happened.
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  15. Captain Kid

    There is no point.

    It's like playing on a trade server on Team Fortress 2. No goal, no win condition no even matched teams.
    Just mindless shooting. Which can be fun but gets boring after a while.
  16. Vikingo

    I feel the same, if there is any game that is "pointless" it has to be a round based shooter. Round ends, you see the score board, new round starts and the previous match might as well never have existed since it has no relevance anymore, game reset. In PS2 you at least get to defend your previous base (victory) if you get pushed back.
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  17. FieldMarshall

    The slogan from PS1 fits quite well i think. "For land. For power. Forever"
    With an emphasis on the forever part.
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  18. MadMelon

    I would recommend to try out all the different play styles ps2 has to offer:
    -infantry (all the different classes)
    -play in an outfit ( a good one )

    As long as there is something to learn there is a point in playing the game.
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  19. DQCraze

    Just pretend you got dropped off in the middle east.
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  20. Talthos

    In the end, it comes down to the individual perspective. One person's "fun" is another person's "yawn inducing boring", and vice versa.

    I actually got plenty of kicks doing seemingly pointless "mob grinding" in WoW, by endlessly tearing through the Undead in the Plaguelands (Western and Eastern, before they nerfed the zones after Cataclysm). I didn't do it because of "quests" or "random drops" (but drops that did happen were certainly a nice side benefit). I just killed because I personally thought of it as a nice way to kill time without being bored.

    Whether or not you guys think that way is irrelevant; that's the way "fun", "pointless", and "boring" have always worked.