Why does NC get all factions "specific" weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by T0x1s, May 17, 2014.

  1. T0x1s

    So i just wonder 3 thing. Is it just me or does the NC gets a taste of all factions weapons?
    I mean look at the pistols. TR have the burst pistol. Great at close ranges. What does the NC gets? High damage single shot pistol AND burst fire pistol that is better then the TR one.
    Lets go on to the VS. VS have no bullet drop. Guess what the NC gets? Yea not 100% no bullet drop but so small that you don´t even notice it.
    Also with the smg. TR gets a typical TR weapon. 896 rpm but low damage. Great at close ranges. They also get a low rpm gun but with big magazine. Ok nice but does it have 167 damage? NOPE.
    Then we go to NC. They get a typical faction weapon Cyclone. 167 damage and decent rpm. Best smg in game.
    Guess what they also gets? A low damage smg with high rate of fire. Where is this specific faction weapons you talk about???? We got this too but with lower rpm adn bigger magazine. Why can´t we also get a 167 damage weapon SMG??
    NC most guns 167+ damage.
    TR 125+
    TR have 2+3 guns with high damage. Not so good but decent.
    NC gets some low damage but high rpm THAT is really good guns and outclasses allot of TR weapons gd 7f *cough cough
    Can´t talk so much for the VS because i don´t play them so much.

    AND to the second thing. Why is the TR iron sight so annoying FAT. I mean WHY?? They are so fat and ugly. Can also be pretty bad in fights because they really are to FAT.

    And the last thing, nothing big but where is this weapon :D

    Please don´t take me as a whiny *****. This is not meant to be a typical "NC is best nerf them" I think VS and TR can outclass them many times but this specific weapons is long gone :( Discuss instead of hate and give good reasons if i am wrong or so.
  2. Tommyp2006

    Your weapon in the link is the T1 cycler, that's the model it had in Alpha.
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  3. Quikloc007

    I think all TR weapons should have very small C of F. That way the could compete a little better against NC weapons. Just my 2 cents worth.
  4. Sevk

    False. We don't have a PPA (yet).
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  5. minhalexus

    I think people need to stop whining about the GD-7F. The TR have the Lynx, and the Cycler TRV.
    Its not the TR trait to have the best DPS if that is what you were thinking. TR keep whining about the GD-7F but never bring up the Cycler TRV.

    RoF and Magazine size is the trait of the TR, and they have that on the Lynx when compared to the GD-7F.

    Non the less I do not mind if they nerf the GD-7F into 143@800 and reduce the recoil or add a 0.75 ADS.
    I do not mind if they revamp it into a 167@660 model.

    TR keep saying that they do not have a 200 damage model gun, but they never bring up that only they have 896+ RoF.

    The one and only thing I agree with you is the Blitz.
    NC should not have a 125@845 SMG, they should rather have a 143@750 SMG.
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  6. T0x1s

    Never said i want a 200 dmg gun. That should only belong to NC. However if NC keeps getting high rof guns we should get some more dmg weapons too and not more rof guns. Look at the incoming medic update. Guess what TR will get....

    The Gd 7f can still beat the lynx in close combat pretty hard. It is a little bit op. That is a weapon TR should have. Not NC. The only "NC" carbine we have is the Cougar and it is not really good. You can get a free razor that is better then our 167 damage carbine for 1000certs. That sucks.
    What they did with the smg´s is the most anoying thing to me. I can get over the other things but not the smg.
    Is really all the developers NC lovers?? I mean cmon.
    They give TR a fast rof gun with a small mag. Ok good.
    They give NC a high dmg gun with small mag. Good.
    TR gets a low rpm BUT with low damage and large mag.
    NC gets a high rpb BUT with low damage and large mag.
    Where is the logic???
  7. Sevk

    With all due respect, TR have had access to a terribly overpowered Fracture MAX that was used both AV and AI for a few month's before getting nerfed. Now that role is semi taken by the pounders.

    I'm all for weapon tweaks, but you're whining about a few weapons. Overall, the TR have a great arsenal, even if quite a few weapons are comparable. I think the current balance is quite nice with some exceptions, but don't play the "NC's getting all the good stuff!" card.
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  8. Udnknome

    CQC DPS is a NC thing, always has been. It's why our MAX has shotguns on it.

    TR have a larger clip and better accuracy at range with lower recoil, that's their thing. That's why your MAX has a chaingun.

    Not sure where you're getting your logic.

    On the point of "getting faction specific weapons. Every other faction has access to shotguns and SMGs. These should be NC things, but w/e.
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  9. Revanmug

    The commie is available to everyone.
    Every faction of every class (outside of infiltrator) is getting a Jackhammer.

    I could add more but what's the point. NS has been taking and sharing our trait since the dawn of this game so it doesn,t really matter.
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  10. boobeb

    you side have a High rate of fire and high stability Weapon. You also want high damage? Vs have no recoil weapons
    In fact, Nc has no high damage weapons you can VR Teast it
  11. HadesR

    About the same place as the logic as giving Every faction shotguns .. Faction " traits " have been blurred and mixed up for ages ..
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  12. Shatters

    You realise that the railjack has the same drop as the longshot, and that all factions have a sniper that is the same as the longshot?
    This is why you try stuff out before you start crying about it, really.
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  13. Udnknome

    sorry about my previous reply....

    Just realized this is a "cry GD-7F" post.

    It only has a 30 round clip which it burns through in 2 sec. -- it take 3 seconds to reload it. It also sucks when trying to hit targets further than 30-40m.

    That said, it's basically a glass cannon (or rocket launcher, your pick). You spend more time reloading than actually shooting.

    You should use this weapon and realize that the lynx is better overall.
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  14. Codex561

    I dont care about anything except getting my hands on a 167dmg, 600+RPM weapon
  15. minhalexus

    Any faction can have the best DPS in different aspects. The VS and NC have the GD-7F and the Serpent. The TR has the Cycler TRV.

    The TR trait is RoF, guess what? TR has the highest RoF carbine.

    As I said, I do not mind if they tone down the GD-7F into a 143@800 as long as they reduce the recoil a bit or maybe add a 0.75 ADS. Or revamp it into a 167@660.

    NC in general has inferior carbines when it comes to CQC but better when it comes to range.

    Is the Cougar worse than the Razor? That's arguable and its arguable that its better.
    But the main reason why I think its not worth the certs is because, MOST combat scenarios in PS2 take place in CQC, and a ranged gun is really not a competitive option in this gun compared to a CQC gun.

    That being said, its not even a fair thing to say the TR should be better in CQC and NC should be better at range.

    I can agree with you on the SMG part.
    I already said that NC should get 143 @ 750 instead of 125 @ 845.

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  16. Elkybam

    Well the Alpha model looked MUCH better than the one we have today.

    Hopefully they can reuse it for later post-May assault rifle releases, but that may not be so likely.
  17. DashRendar

    True, TR iron sights do suck.
  18. KnightCole

    I wish SoE would revamp all NC guns to be 167 and 200dmg with 167-143-124minimums as well as no RoF over 650RpM.
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  19. Tbone

    Yoo.I am not here to participate in this GD7-F OP post just saw this sentence:

    "TR keep saying that they do not have a 200 damage model gun, but they never bring up that only they have 896+ RoF."

    My only problem is not that NC get a 200 dmg LMG.Okay its their trait.We get a 896+ RoF. Okay that's our faction trait.
    The difference is that NC has it by default and we need 1000 certs.Why? I used that gun ,its a sniper with 200 dmg,(short controlled bursts )although i like GD-22s better.So why default?Why not the GD-22s is the default?Or EM6?This is my only question.
  20. Takoita

    NC arsenal has the best variety. (Besides the tank shotgun. And maybe some people desire Prowler's HEAT cannon.)

    Now if only we could get some of that freedom of choice to be not shoehorned in ~40m engagement range...
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