When are we going to get a counter for libs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlatoonLeaderG, May 3, 2014.

  1. Dead soldier

    Gonna post this same argument again:

    Heavy assualt with lock-on rocket launcher=250 certs, no resources, 1 person
    Liberator= 0-6000+ certs, 350 resources, 2-3 people.

    I also don't think it only takes 4-5 to kill a prowler. I haven't tested it but that doesn't seem right. From the rear though, it only takes 3 shots I think.
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  2. Dead soldier

    I was just thinking of the game hawken and skimmed it fast. My mind made Hawk=Hawken
  3. Whatupwidat

    Ah, so basically you're saying "pay to win"

    Gotcha. Daft argument when 1 person with 2 bricks of C4 can kill my 3000+ certed Vanguard instantly just because I paused to view the map - or that an anti-tank mine plopped after the vehicle spawn ramp can insta-gib in the same way.

    But hey, who needs tanks when we have "flying tanks" that are better at being tanks than the tanks?
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  4. Dead soldier

    Do you think, one person should kill 2-3 people easily?
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  5. Whatupwidat

    As someone who's been instagibbed in a Vanguard by AT mines + C4 on numerous occasions - YES I ******* DO.
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  6. iller

    I just remembered something really constructive that Lib-Haters can do get a real counter.... Go to the "Valk" ROADMAP:

    And DEMAND that it be made into something that's more effective against Libs than ESF's. In it's current state, it's basically as fast as ESF's which is BAD for ESF's because we could just stick Bursters or Lockon heavies in the rumble seats (and probably Hyenas on the Gunner slot) and just further penalize new ESF pilots. It needs a different specialty than just being able to chase down everything with Flak/Lockons that won't miss... it needs to be a slower tactical vehicle that sneaks into striking range of the Liberators instead (stealth/cloaking or something??) and then hits them hard with Fractures, Hornets, Decimators .... stuff that's NOT going to be nearly as easy to hit moving ESF's with. -- People should also demand that the Rumble passengers have a limited downward firing angle so they can't just use Valks to ruin everyone's MBT/Lightning fights like the Halberd-Harrasser 1.0's were doing when those first came out.
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  7. z1967

    That is kinda how C4 works. C4 is an accessible yet high skill approach to taking out armor. The closest thing to it would be when AP/HEAT cannons were effective against libs and ESFs. Especially AA prowler but now I believe it is around 7-9 hits to take down a lib. With velocity slower than Skyguard rounds I would expect far more from the weapon. Especially from weapons like the Python AP or FPC, which have 225 m/s velocity if I am not mistaken.

    So yeah, debuff libs against Tank shells so we can finally have the skilled AA that we always wanted.
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  8. Thardus

    Aircraft generally have very poor cover. Retreating is their cover. AA is just as effective against aircraft stupid enough to stick around, as AI or AV are against infantry or tanks in open ground.
    Saying that AA should be able to kill any aircraft that comes within reach is like saying that AI and AV should be able to effortlessly kill any infantry or vehicles that ever leave cover.
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  9. Dead soldier

    yeah, It kinda sucks when you get an awesome FPC shot on it and it doesn't even start smoking.
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  10. MajiinBuu

    Seriously? Another one of these threads? :mad:

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  11. Goden

    That's because Liberators counter everything, really.

    The only thing that stops it from being the best vehicle in the game is the fact it can't transport a large crew.
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  12. MajiinBuu

    The flash is the worst vehicle in the game. Some vehicle has to be the best. Why not the liberator?
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  13. Goden

    The flash excels at exploding violently without reason or warning.
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  14. PlatoonLeaderG

    You dont make any point,the game isnt only for farm or capture bases its also for support and many other things.etc medic,engie,lasher,MCG.

    Its really stupid that the lib can take so much damage when it has afterburner.

    Then MBT that cost 450 2/2 vehicles should have been even stronger or equal to lib,which are not.

    Thanks for mentioning Valk m8 but its a long wait until it goes live.But you have a point.
  15. PlatoonLeaderG

    Air have a poor cover but also have great attack distance and field.What they can attack them you can also attack them if i make any sense o_O

    Thats what i m talking mostly,it discourage to help take down a lib because even if you manage a shot it has 10% of helping the lib get destroyed.Most of the times they will repair and comem back.

    Just because it can counter itself it doesnt mean we dont need something else.When you kill a lib with your lib what you will do next?wont you keep farming the ground until another lib comes and repeat?
  16. Yasa

    Obviously you counter their lib with your own lib. And if you die, then l2p to go somewhere else.
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  17. PlatoonLeaderG

    So each time a lib shows we need to abandon our battle and go elsewhere?
    .....thats the problem and why we need something that can actual kill libs.I said it again and i m saying it one more time,when you get another lib it doesnt solve anything because either way the ground will have a hard time when either VS lib or NC lib stays alive(just an example)
  18. Dead soldier

    An ESF is their counter, except against the best liberator crews, that can be difficult.
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  19. Phazaar

    Or you should realise that for combined arms to be necessary, a hierarchy must be in place. Air, as the only unit without real ability to press an objective, is necessarily at the top of that hierarchy.

    If the counter to air ISN'T air, why exactly would I waste any of my platoon in the air? Air combat dies the moment that it's more effective to use a ground-based unit to destroy aircraft than it is to use an aircraft. Simultaneously though, air combat is pointless the moment that air can't affect ground units, since once again, why waste any of my platoon getting in the air to fight against enemy aircraft when those same enemy aircraft have no effect on the actual battle for the objective below? Because Scout Radar? Lol...
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  20. Phazaar

    Why doesn't that squad get in the air then?

    Then once they've dealt with the enemy air, they can provide some real strong-arm assistance against the enemy ground forces too...