When are we going to get a counter for libs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlatoonLeaderG, May 3, 2014.

  1. PlatoonLeaderG

    We managed to hit it hard with 2 AA turret and it can still fly away.Nothing can kill libs and lib can kill all things.

    I want a lib counter,that will kill libs.Like lighting skyguard put another variant that will do only the best dmg to libs while on esf and gal do as much as infantry guns.Make it 2000+ certs i dont care i just want something to actual kill those flying death machines.
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  2. JackD

    We got this, its called ESF. You need to invest around 2000-3000 certs into it to make it good against Libs.
    It was a pleasure to help.
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  3. Maljas23

    I solo Libs with my ESF all the time, on Matterson.

    Sometimes Needler + Tomcats

    Sometimes Rotary + Rocket Pods

    Sometimes Locust Cannon + Hornets.

    I've learned that Lib pilots hate that "PLINK" sound the noseguns cause. I've also learned that Lib pilots REALLY hate Tomcats. Its great to get rage tells about the Tomcats, but it is HILARIOUS when I get rage tells about the Locust.
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  4. bPostal

    Just make sure to stay out of Dalton range.
  5. Konfuzfanten

    a) get hover 3 frame
    b) upgrade afterburners or get A-to-A lock-ons
    c) keep the stock nosegun
    d) pull ESF
    e) Stay at +400 meters and plink away
    f) lib either dies or fly into their warpgate

    Lib countered.

    Easy, ofc the problem is that you cant really lolpod, if you want to be safe while fighting a good lib.
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    I see your problem.
  7. iMartyr

    Forumside should require 2000+ certs to post.
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  8. Iridar51

    As someone who recently was CHASED BY A GALAXY I dismiss your advice :p
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  9. PlatoonLeaderG

    no its not.I fight a lot of time with my esf i m not bad neither good.It takes a lot of time to kill a lib if you play it very safe but the lib can almost drain your health very fast.

    I also play with solo libs a lot,the easiest kills are ESF and i dont even have dalton.

    You must be very good pilot or most times you just pick to fight unskilled lib pilots/gunners.Go fight against LARXXX or Killah and you will understand my point.Against good pilots there isnt much to do.

    Dalton isnt the problem,lib survivability is.

    A lot of certs too spare.
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  10. uhlan

    There is a problem with Libs, but they aren't the ONLY problem with this game.

    Where Libs are far too OP is when the pop is low, or when the troops trying to capture a point are new to the game or relatively so.

    While I personally don't have too much of a problem with Libs as it stands (even though I'm primarily a foot-soldier more often than not), for someone new to the game it can be down right frustrating.

    Before we dismiss those new players by yelling out "Learn2Play", I hope everyone realizes that this game counts on new players joining and playing "en masse".

    The real difficulty has always been balance for the Lib.

    When the pop is low (or on the zerg side), Libs can be absolutely untouchable and ridiculously dominant, but when the pop is high, Libs are high value targets chased by nearly everyone.
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  11. axiom537

    Counters to Liberators

    1. (2-3) Lock-on Launchers
    2. (2-3) Burster maxs = Liberator vaporization
    3. (1) AA ESF
    4. (1-2) non-AA ESF
    5. (1) Shredder/Walker Liberator
    6. (1) Galaxy w/ 2 Walkers

    These are the methods that those of us, that are not incompetent use. If they do not work for you then it is a personal problem and if we dumbed the game down to your level, then it would mean that those methods above would become OP for those of us that are not zerglings...
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  12. Mxiter

    The best lib counters are shredder and tank burster, wich don't solve lib spam problem.
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  13. PlatoonLeaderG

    1.Only effective in massive pop and you will still die most of the times.
    2.I was in burster max once and helping the others with their AA,i m sure there were around 4-5 dual burster maxes with me.2 libs got us all without even killing any of them.I got down in 2 sec with shredder no kidding.
    3-4.again only true against inexperienced pilots or if you attack them with many esf.
    5.another lib is sad but still yes is the best counter of all.
    6.good but still the lib crew will win.

    Thats my problem.A lot of people here suggest ESF like its easy to pull of against good lib pilots,i cant take that answer seriously because i m playing with lib solo and i can easily kill an esf with just my tank buster+walker.If esf should have been lib counter i shouldnt have such easy time killing those pilots.
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  14. Malcmodnar

    A little coordination goes a long way.

    A Liberator, effectively, is worth two players plus a few resources (the tail gun is rarely a concern, so I don't count it). As such, you should generally need two to four players to counter one, depending on relative skill.

    I find there are a few good counters to a Liberator, the easiest being a Skyguard. Stay mobile, keep the pressure on, and watch that Liberator melt. Barring that, two burster MAXes (either with an engineer behind them or hiding in a spawn room) can easily deter several Liberators. If you're on the offensive, a Sunderer with two AA guns (the three-barreled ones whose name escapes me) can do wonders for protecting your team from air fire, so long as you keep an eye on it. And, of course, a small team of good ESF pilots can shred a Liberator in no time.

    Just remember, you don't have to kill the Liberator. They'll usually be quick to run out of AA range, so it's often impractical. Just keep shooting them every time they try to make a bombing run and they'll just go elsewhere. AA is about persistence.
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  15. Goden

    Higby stated a while back that AA is designed to "deter" air and nothing more.

    So AA is, by design, crippled intentionally. Don't expect this to change as the head of the PS2 department doesn't want it to.
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  16. Maljas23

    I have fought with LARXXX and Killah before. Typically, they make winning solo quite difficult, as it should be. I am one man vs a 2-3 man vehicle. I've found that Tomcat and 400m+ Needler/Locust spam is the best way to deal with Libs of their caliber. Fun fact: most Libs aren't up to their level.
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  17. ColonelChingles

    If the counter to enemy air is to pull your own air, then the counter to enemy armor should be to pull your own armor.

    Not air.
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  18. axiom537

    Well I do not know what to tell you, maybe you just aren't very good at this game. Those are the counters that I use and they work for me and everyone in my outfit. You aren't guaranteed to win every time, but they work...

    1. No it is effective vs 1 Liberator, I can't help you if you die most times, not every one is smart in the way they play....
    2. 4-5 Dual Bursters, will vaporize a liberator in less then 2 sec, So your experience does not jive with my reality....
    3. Excuse, It works.
    4. Excuse, it works as well.
    5. Not sad, It is the true 1 vs 1 counter, same resources, same man power...
    6. So, nothing is guaranteed and it works...

    I call BS on the last part, sure you can nose gun an unsuspecting ESF, but as soon as you get an ESF on you with your solo Lib you are toast...I want to see your video of you being such a bad *** solo in a liberator. You are so pathetic by your own admission in killing liberators with lock-on, bursters or even ESF's that I highly doubt your are good at solo libbing....

    Nothing is guaranteed to work every time and there are always going to be people better then you...WELCOME TO LIFE!!!
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  19. dstock

    So, we're supposed to believe you are skilled enough to solo Shredder ESFs, but you don't think Libs have any counters?

    Is this a Slavek troll account or something?

    Ain't nobody got time for this.

    The only thing we really need a counter to are the 'QQ Libs' threads that pop up multiple times every day.
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  20. PlatoonLeaderG

    I dont like to use shredder,i m using tank buster + walker as i told before because you dont need to make your lib upside down so you can hit them.Chase them with tank buster they go behind switch to walker and finish the job,i had some time to play with the lib but i used to do it a lot.

    Nobody is forcing you here,bye.

    What we need also are counter to weak arguments,that call some1 troll while they cant prove or try at all.Go home.