a look at the new lynx and the new TR HC1 Cougar

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by ghost001985, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. z1967

    I would love to have a SABR variant for my TR LA. Special Attack Burst Carbine (SABC) would be it's name. It would have blown the silly HC1 Cougar out of the water with Accuracy and damage over range. If only the 2x burst on the HC-1 could have slightly fulfilled this role...
  2. WyrdHarper

    The thing is, this weapon does have a 2x burst, so it does seem like that's what they were going for, but the attachments and stats don't really support the burstmode. Also it has no buttstock, which is also one of the most important features of the SABR13, of course.
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  3. Iridar51

    That's your opinion, and I happen to disagree with it. My grudge with new Lynx is that high RoF without high damage is meaningless. If they're gonna bump up the RoF and bump down bullet damage then they might as well not to do anything.

    The problem people have is that NC and VS have access to carbines that have more firepower than any TR carbine, hence they complained about TR not having a gun with highest RoF. SOE, in their infinite wisdom, decided to give us exactly what we asked for - a gun with highest RoF. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem.

    Unless all factions are exactly mirrored there will never be balance, at least not a perceivable one.

    Depends on the definition. I consider 167*600 / 143*698 medium DPS.
    It makes perfect sense, and I don't understand why I need to explain it.
    There are no high-DPS high-RoF NC LMGs, so why there should be high DPS high-RoF NC Carbines? How hard is that to understand?

    Again, I have no problem with Seprent / GD-7F having high DPS, I have problem with TR not having a gun with same DPS and higher RoF.
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  4. ghost001985

    hold on! those comments come from idiots, if you read this whole post, its about equal numbers saying its fine, and fix it.
  5. Bankrotas

    Do you really want a nerfed TRV variant? Neither NC, nor VS have high enough dps in their medics. If we make balance, this must be adhered to.
  6. Epic High Five

    The TR get to enjoy an NC-burst rifle variant alt fire mode now :D 2x167 is really pretty damn useless when combined with a big FSRM, because it means you've got two shots landing really far from each other. Sometime like the 3x167 the Compact S gets or any of the 3x143 bursts are much better because you get one shot lower than two which are right on top of each other. I auraxiumed the Gauss Rifle Burst and let me tell you, that is a gun that is in need some some love.

    The SABR works because it actually has a negative FSRM, meaning that the first shot kick is actually less than the sustained kick. This allows it to get rounds clustered really tightly at quite long ranges. The Gauss Rifle Burst's FSRM is 2.5x, for example, and the SABR's is 0.75x. Gauss Compact Burst is in essentially the same spot as the Gauss Rifle Burst/2x burst on the Cougar as well but even fewer people use that gun lol.
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  7. Paperlamp

    I'm not saying the cougar is a terrible gun, I'm saying it doesn't fill a gap which is what the new guns are supposed to do. The gap wasn't simply "we have no 167 carbine". Yes, we were asking for a 167 carbine, but that was when every 167 carbine was an accurate mid-range weapon. They took the 167 model and turned it into something very similar to our existing weapons, defeating the purpose entirely. We wanted 167 for low horizontal recoil with little to no recoil angle, the small starting CoF, etc. What they did was toss out everything we expected from a 167 gun and gave us a variation on the Jaguar.

    NC will also still have the lowest TTK. The new Lynx might be a better gun overall but it still doesn't give us anything on par with the Serpent or GD-7F.

    Basically in both cases they focused on giving us a specific stat, ignoring why we wanted that stat. We wanted high RoF to have a low CQC TTK like the GD-7F and Serpent. We wanted a 167 tier gun to have a better/more versatile mid-range carbine like the Mercenary.

    We got neither. We got more guns with around the same TTK and accuracy of our current weapons. Maybe slightly better due to having less damage per mag, but overall they failed to fill any real void in the TR carbine selection.

    TRV is worse than the TAR overall. I'd be fine with NC/VS having a version of it, but they have to also get the handicap of 10 extra rounds and horrible recoil. Problem with so many NC/VS guns with equal RoF to TR is they are more accurate and get that low TTK at a greater range just because they don't have as much damage per magazine. I'd love to see GD-7F and Serpent get more horizontal recoil for 10 extra rounds too, so TR can get a gun on par with them.
  8. Epic High Five

    Also, the 7F is pretty lame and the TR can have it for all I care. The thing is, no TR would use it because they'd be giving up 10 rounds for a longer reload and less-than-ideal hipfire COF (protip: 7F is best with a grip and ADS)

    Now, if the TR would demand 10 rounds be added to the mags of the 7F if they got it before it would be useful, well that's just funny because that gun does exist and it belongs to the TR :p

    It's called the Theraputic Rifle Variant for a reason y'all. The T1 Cycler may remind me of a pre-nerf Carnage with free exmags, but the TRV reminds me of an orbital strike death laser than fires middle fingers instead of bullets. Not even a contest.
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  9. Nakar

    Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute...

    100 @ 910 RPM ~= 1517 DPS
    112 @ 652 RPM ~= 1217 DPS

    The Lynx does better damage at minimum damage range than the AMC? Well that's gotta be a fluke, let's check the Razor, that'll spank it...

    125 @ 550 RPM ~= 1146 DPS

    Why, that's even worse! Maybe if we use the AC-X11 as a reference...

    143 @ 500 RPM ~= 1192 DPS

    Well huh. They don't expect us to do mid-long-range shooting with the Lynx, of all things, and are giving us the Cougar as a compensatory close-quarters weapon, do they?

    ...Do they?
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  10. Ronin Oni

    because 167 damage :p

    it should have adv foregrip and compensator though... Also HVA
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  11. Iridar51

    Why not, all carbines seem to be a nerfed version of this or that gun.
  12. Paperlamp

    Recoil/CoF/damage per shot all will matter more at min. damage range than raw DPS. The real benefit will be the slower drop-off between min and max damage ranges.

    GD-7F also has more DPS at minimum damage than a Razor or T5 BTW.
  13. WyrdHarper

    They might? Even out to 30m, you can still pretty accurately hipfire with the ALS on the new Lynx. Which on the one hand is really awesome...but on the other hand is also kind of weird.
  14. foesjoe

    You've always been able to do that with ALS.
  15. minhalexus

    I just tested the Lynx in PTS, and it seems to have lesser/better recoil than the GD-7F.
    Much more controllable.
  16. Kinan Eldari

    The only thing I've got to say about the Lynx 2.0 is that the audio doesn't match up to the amount of lead it spits out per second. That is all.
  17. WyrdHarper

    The point is that it's still possible. The Lynx has always been the highest-performing carbine for a reason.
  18. Goretzu

    The damage is fairly high though, the 0m isn't super high (but it is still high), but more importantly the TTK and useability at 0m will be low and high respectively.

    The TR traits are NOT:

    1. To have more DPS than everyone else.
    2. To have more "firepower" than everyone else.
    3. To just be better than everyone else.

    The new Lynx is looking like it is going to be balanced and fulfil the TR traits, really it's hard to see how the Devs could have done more

    No, that's not true, MMO's can get to near balance (i.e. so close it doesn't matter) without mirroring.
    It is much harder, more painful and takes much longer, certainly, but it is nothing like impossible.

    Certainly mirroring is by far the fastest and easiest (and least painful) way though.

    So what is your exact "DPS threshold" between medium and high? :confused:

  19. Goretzu

    What NC Carbine fills the "Jaguar gap"? :confused:
  20. Odin

    Is this a joke? New tr carbines are awesome, please give nc or vs and take your beloved serpent or gd7f.
    Have any of you even tried the new lynx is god mode lol