Crossbows taking down tanks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yuki10, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. AltF4Fun

    Mr tank driver here should have brought a flashlight.Bet in that situation he could have used one after his tank blew up.
  2. Meeka

    I'm a crack shot with the AP round, but trust me, but when you're dealing with several infantry trying to hit your tank, the kobalt is a jewel. You can take them down as fast as they pop their heads up, and if you miss, it's firing a lot of rounds. ;)

    Plus, it's an incredibly infantry support platform. I often sit my tank behind friendly infantry lines with just the kobalt sitting over a hill ridge, mowing down the enemy. :D
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  3. WorldOfForms

    Honestly you shouldn't be embarrassed for getting killed. I could see being half-AFK and slow on the response here.

    What's embarrassing is complaining about it. Seriously? If it had happened to me I would have laughed my butt off and sent a tell to the guy who got the kill and would have congratulated him on sneaky play.

    What disturbs me, though, is in any game when players come together to do something truly unique and creative, and when it actually works, the first response is "nerf it."

    Good thing the devs would never listen to people like the OP, or this game would be ruined so fast.
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  4. Codex561

    Must. Try. This!
  5. Trudriban

    now that's my kind of gun!
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  6. Maljas23

    "makin shots so accurate da takin down tanks"
  7. ScrapyardBob

    You must be new around here... the developers have repeatedly made decisions over the past year to oil the squeaky wheels.
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  8. Godsmangamer

    the crossbow counts as a secondary weapon=pistol
    and crossbow means = explosive darts
    Explosive darts + squad= bye bye tank
  9. AzureKnight

    I must admit, I'd love to see about 20-30 infs on a ridge line all with explosive bolts point at a tank and all firing at the same time. That would be rather epic.
  10. MarkAntony

    Make sure to have Shadowplay running so you can upload it to youtube for everyone to see! ;)
  11. gloowa

    Dude, try driving Magrider. It's even slower. You CAN outrun the frigging thing if it goes up slope steeper than 1%.
  12. Vixxing

    Rather Epic= Rapeic? :D
  13. NCstandsforNukaCola

    We need to talk to SOE to nerf Xbow
  14. iMartyr

    +1 to the infiltrators working together to generate this hilarious thread.
    And to think this would've been prevented if he used his over shield.
  15. Luighseach

    So 4 highly coordinated Infiltrators using a weapon designed to barely hurt armor is OP?

    This is purely constructive criticism:
    I think you were just doing it wrong.

    A. Where was your gunner? Vanguards do not deal with infantry that well without one.
    B. When you saw your health going down why did you not find cover? If you are being hit this hard then instead of taking the damage find cover and live to fight another day. This is not cowardly, it is smart.
    C. It takes a long time for even 4 infiltrators to kill a Vanguard with crossbows. During that time you should have been doing B.
    D. Always have infantry support when you are in a Vanguard. Infantry is your worst enemy, even if they are infiltrators you should always be worried.

    Just because something kills you does not make it OP. What if it had been 4 Heavies with Decimators. Your tank would have died much faster. What if it was 4 LAs flying at you with C4. Team work will always win against a solo tanker(if that is what you were doing).
  16. CaptainTenneal

    Finally a use for line formations in PS2. "Aim! Decloak! FIRE! ... FIRE! " (boom)
  17. Rohxer

    I find enjoyment in trolling tanks with my cloak + explosive darts. But only rarely do I actually get kills, and when I do it's only because something else did 95% of the damage. I still die occasionally when a competent tanker decides to get mad enough at me to stop farming the infantry two ridges away and chase me down. And in that case I count it as a win since I've distracted them from their evil ways for a period of time. And if I'm lucky enough, the jump out to repair and I remove the driver from the equation...(at these times I wish I could vehicle hack...)

    But this post - this is absolutely brilliant. I would love to find a group doing this. Great job, guys!
  18. Zenanii

    I'll just put this here...
    (Not my video)
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  19. KnightCole

    Ok, so now we have crossbows blowing up tanks? Holy crap...what next? Can my knife be thrown at a Liberator and have it pierce the cockpit and kill the pilot to?!
  20. ncDieseL

    I bought the crossbow and instantly regretted it. It's a novelty weapon, not really very good at anything. You CAN use it to blow up a tank, but other weapons are more effective. I use it to spam darts at a armour that someone else is also taking to get assist points, or very rarely a kill! It works okay against MAXes but if I'm honest, you are probably still better off shooting them with a rifle since you've got less chance of missing.

    Seriously though, you could probably do this sort of thing with any weapon in the game. Anything in excessive numbers could be considered OP, there's nothing you can do about it.

    Congrats to the squad that organised it though, sounds like it must have been a good laugh!