I beg you to remove KD so we can see what the game is like when everyone plays it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Robes

    1: I'm really not sure what to say to that, You don't want it to but it does matter to you makes me think you're just undecided if you want it to matter or not, you think you know the right answer but can't convince yourself it is, so you want one of the options completely removed so you won't have to decide. Which is fine, but you're wanting the decision to be made for every single person instead of just yourself so they'll play the way you want to (see 3) instead of just giving each person an option to disable tracking for themselves.

    2: I should have specified more what i meant, I like comparing my stats last week to my stats this week, eg i have 100 kills 50 deaths 15% accuracy last week, this week i had 150 kills 90 deaths 15.7% accuracy, meaning i got 50 kills, had 40 deaths and had better accuracy this week. If it were to be wiped per session i couldn't do that, which leads me to 3.

    3: "Encouragement for people to play in a certain way" is a nice way of saying i want people to play the way i choose, we both know that.
  2. MangoPunch

    This is one of the few (and I mean few) things APB Reloaded did right, limiting K/D display to a per mission basis and only keeping track of kills for your character's lifetime stats. Because of that it was much easier to just try stupid things and have fun, because whatever you do it wouldn't reflect badly on your stats. Same with Hearthstone. If that game tracked my losses I just wouldn't even bother playing, because every time I'd see it all it'd do is remind me how bad a player I am.

    You can say "just ignore it" all you want, but for those with less than a 1:1 ratio it's kind of hard to. It's like a big "you suck" label.

    Sadly though, K/D won't be removed, so we should add some other measures of skill. What about average repair/heal score/revives per death? At the moment there really aren't many stats to show how effective somebody is as support, and for a team based game that's pretty bad.
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  3. Epic High Five

    I like to keep my accuracy a bit below average and my kills per hour a good deal above average. If you're accurate, it's because you're not taking enough zero-risk potshots. Ask me about how many sidearm ESF kills I have :D

    KDR is dumb but if I'm running 7+ for the night I still good about it, especially considering I'm the medic which means very few revives for me :(
  4. sauna

    Planetside has never been about NOT dying. It has been the pinnacle of teamplay and Empire driven goals. Of course you don't want to die, but you weren't afraid of it. You didn't stand around inside a spawn room all day like a little bithc.
    Well, until Planetside 2 that is. The WHOLE fun for a lot of kids these days is to talk about their KDR like it's something that makes them good. It's like people who said "if you want to join us, post a screenshot of your scores on public games" back in Quake or CS.
    KDR in PS2 is an e-piin (censorship FTL) for those that think others care about it. So it's an e-piin between e-piiners ;).

    It really has absolutely no value to the game as a whole in regards to being Empire/Team driven. It only detracts FROM that and makes it more e-piin/solo driven.
    Those that defend it are usually these kinds of players. They will also say "it's just something that I look at to know if I'm doing well or not". It's a moot point entirely. Heh, the scoreboard isn't good enough? Why do you equal dying as doing bad? What if you died while leading a charge into genroom on Allatum that ultimately won the fight? Bad?

    SOE thinks that it attracts more new and young players if they have the death statistic in the game, probably. Since these players are used to this, going "OMG you should've seen my KDR before, I killed 30 guys and died 0!!". Nice, did your team win the game? "Ehm, nope, we lost but it's just because my teammates are so bad". Did they lose BECAUSE you were so good at being alone on the other side of the map sniping people making them be one man short at the objective? "Uhh, I dunno..."

    Wish devs had more balls saying no to things like this that are detrimental to a game, but it will always be more important to attract as many people as possible, be they KDR whoers or not...because money. Too few devs have a encompassing vision for their game and it's future, they don't put their foot down and say "THIS is our game, we don't want it to be anything else".
    Well, Hirez Studios and Unknown Worlds are a few studios I respect in this regard. They say: "like it or not, if you don't, there's always a ton of main stream crap out there you can play" with their developing/patching/updates.

    Rant off. Sleep time!
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  5. vsae

    Thats a really poor excuse. Planetside is an FPS game. The game where you have to kill people, not capture some meaningless objectives. And the only further purpose that exist in FPS games is excel at killing which largely includes not dying.
    People who often cry that nobody is playing the objective are mostly really bad players that rush headlong at the objective room only to be slaughtered multiple times with no result whatsoever.
  6. lyravega

    Thanks to people like you, PS2 will stay as dumb as any other generic FPS, and the "grand strategy" will not go any further than mindless zergs moving around.

    I hope they'll make the K/D reset pill 4k SC or something, since you really want that thing.
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  7. MangoPunch

    No, no, and no. Planetside is a team based game about capturing bases and objectives for your team. Killing players is merely a means to that end. If all you want is to kill people, COD is right back the other way.
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  8. aoyagiaichou

    They would still get the KDR somewhere else (it's not exactly top-level math), because every lesser mind there is competitive alpha ape, which considers dying (that's how you spell it) as the worst kind of failure, not losing a base or something.
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  9. vsae

    Lol umadbro :D
    What grand strategy? Are you delusional? There cant be any strategy with lattice and good infantry combat based players cant ruin a first person shooter, though they can ruin your average gameplay experience.

    Also, I dont see why anyone needs a kdr reset, it is pointless.

    Planetside is first person shooter. There is no saying that this is First Person Territory Capture Simulator. Alas, if it is not obvious for you enough, all those meaningless objectives are here only just to provide enough of atmosphere and sense of involvement.
    I have played MW2, and that thing is worse than planetside 2, due to low TTK. PS2 has alot of diversity, if only in cosmetics, but still, switching to another faction gives you fresh feel. The game has great aspect of ESF combat that is unique, though its kinda ruined with all those lockon crutches lately.

    I've been told exactly same thing while played BF3. Herp derp, you scrub, you dont play the objective in rush mode! Lol, who cares? Though I always did arm the objective when tickets got low. The funniest thing is, when the same person played clan war against me at the same rush mode, his clan failed miserably to do anything but rushing blindly into iron sights.
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  10. NinjaTurtle

  11. AzureKnight

    I don't see all these people caring about K/D that everyone say exists. Well, i guess I care about my own, but I only want my K/D to be at or very close to 2 or more. I suck badly enough to where that doesn't happen.

    If you removed K/D from the game, not much would happen. People still would spawn camp and avoid death just because, like it's been said, people hate dying. If you spawn, then run in to battle and die, then keep doing that, say you die 20 times in the course of a 10 minute cap. there's a respawn timer of what, 15 seconds including the death screen? So that means of of 10 minutes you spent 5 minutes of it respawning/ waiting to respawn. I think people care more about the time wasted on the death screen than they do their K/D ratio...
  12. Posh_Diggory

    Nothing more needs to be said about your mentality

    Yeah, great, you're good at killing people, but you're still not playing the game the way it is meant to, and are quite possibly hindering your team.
  13. vsae

    Killing an enemy is not hinderance to my team, quite the opposite.
    Also, what about my mentality? Come on, people speak nonsense about some GRAND STRATEGY which doesnt exist in this game, I just wanted to make fun of them rather than countering their illusions.
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  14. Posh_Diggory

    Same for me, it's really disheartening to see.

    He put it in a nutshell.
  15. Stew360

    peoples take medic revive all the time , even if they know they might get shoot at , because since a update months ago revive dont count as dead anymore ;)

    Also everyones are free to ignore KDR if they want to but the truth is thats If you play the game the way its suposed to be thats mean working for objective , taking bases , taking risk , KDR is a great way to see how efficient you can be there is plently of factor thats will affect your kdr , peoples who pass their entire playtime farming infantry in a tanks will have a fake kdr

    But iam pretty ok with my KDR i did achive it legit playing the game the way it meant to be played , using infantry classes , vehicules , aircraft and maxs when i need to achive X and Y goal

    I dont see anything ad by remooving kdr i only see atrocious players who can pretend to be anygood ,

    If anything i would like to see more advance stats , like capture point cap , capture point defends etc..etc.. also seeign how much kills made in a base defense and offense , how much revive and so on etc..etc..etc..
  16. CokeDemon

    Holy **** a fellow DF1 player! **** DFUW

    Anyways, am I missing something here? I've never looked at my stats for the simple fact that they don't mean ****. Now it kinda makes sense why I'm the only guy charging the TR/NC and then they're like shell shocked and stare at me for a split sec and I've already shot like 10 of em in the face and then I get ***** by 6 MAXes. Have you ever been ***** by a MAX? Trust me its not pleasant. I'm still plucking rust from my *******!

    Oh and kids, don't forget to put your KD on your resume, I'm sure the hiring manager at your next interview will instantly give you the McDonalds Cashier job. Make mommy proud and all that other good stuff.

  17. Purg

    Brink went this way. For the first time in a long time I saw most players actively putting the objective first and foremost before their virtual lives. Getting the dude up and walking a few feet in a choke point and being mowed down felt like an accomplishment.

    Today on Connery playing VS on Esamir, dozens of tanks outside the walls of Palos trying to take it back from the NC just spamming constantly. Half of that trying to go in by foot and half of those again committing to going inside and not standing by the entrance.. getting slaughtered. We outnumbered them but couldn't penetrate. Had to make some phone calls, came back an hour later - same fight, same result.

    It would be interesting to see whether there would be a difference if the psychological aspect of trying to maintain a respectable K/D was removed.
  18. Stew360

    Yep the game is a objective game , but killing is the only thing thats prevent the others team from getting it or getting it back keep thats in mind if you want to remain true in whats you said , Farming kills just for the sake of it , is easy in some ways , Working on highly defended or atacked point is another story and KILLING is whats make thing happen , planetside 2 is a shooter game not a card board strategies game , twitch skills and coordination and tactics is whats make thing happen , you cannot capture a biolab by always dying to your ennemy , no matter how hard you push a point if you only feed the ennemy team and always die you are no use but a distraction thats worth 0.5 sec , in all team you have to have killers and healers and engi and maxs ... its the way the game is meant to be played
  19. Stew360

    Brink was a really bad game first of all , second planetside is much more overwhelming than anygame and dying is much easyer for most peoples , peoples dont like to die most of the time not because they care about their kdr who in the wold could care about having a 0.2 to 0.8 kdr anyway ? wich is the vast majority of ps2 playerbases lol

    They dont like dying because they dont like sitting in a redeploy and having to come back at the same location to die agains , dying is not fun lol

    Also a dead guys cant do anything , a dead guys is worthless , it worth been a body on the ground , pushing like no brainers out of a shield room isnt the way to go , when you want to exit a spawn or shield room camped you have to do it the right way , i cant stop laughing when i heard some low skills players saying some worthless rush call as soon as they get out they die ,

    There is a momment to rush and you have to do it properly , some choke point as to be clean out before everybody go out and rush inside , LA and MAxs and infiltrator are mostly the best classes to do just thttas cleaning some choke point and when its done the flood gate are open and peoples can get in ,

    but the problems is that those peoples sometime dont get out when its the right time , it happen to us plently in biolab fight , me and my clan mates clean out an entire entry we ask peoples to come and get out of the shield room but they dont , nothing to do with KDR most of those peoples have 0.2 kdr anyway , it simply have everything to do with knowlege of the game and tactics and synchronisation and so on ... they know nothing but chear numbers and steam rolling , its the only thing they understand and this is why they fails so miserably most of the time atacking objective
  20. GunsmithJoe


    Let's replace KDR with SPM on the leaderboards!
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