Miller unplayable during alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tuxtard, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Scudmungus

    Was a damned good Alert!

    Well done VS!

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  2. tuxtard

    The problem is not in the TR as a faction per se, but rather in human nature and people (well kids probably) who tend to switch factions just for a bite of free xp candy. Now, human societies have developed various ways to discourage unwanted and corrupted behavior, so something similar ought to be done in this case too.
  3. PastalavistaBB

    I never said "L2P" to anybody/any Faction, I just said "Get more organized" which includes "Recruit more players" too. And Losers The Losing Side saying "Leave, we can't win while you are here" to the Winners is just hilariously ridiculous.

    As a sidenote: Did you even play on Woodman Server? VS Players there get restless after an hour the alarm started and VS "still didn't get a Dominating Victory". That should say something about Woodman Server. Miller is no way "balancewise" the worst server atm.
  4. tuxtard

    It seems that some people fail to understand what's the exact problem here, so I will try to explain on my own example. When the alert starts, my squad and I are trying to participate in it. In these fights we usually have K/D ratio of 2-3, sometimes even more (my current global K/D ratio is 1.34, and that's because I was so damn terrible at the beginning). And this K/D ratio was not achieved by playing like some flimsy ***** *** infiltrator, cloaked in a bush on a mountain 400 meters away while you can't even see him and return fire. Oh no. It was achieved by fighting in the middle of the storm while under fire from several infantry units at the time, getting fire from daltons, lolpods, prowlers, harrasers, maxes and whatnot. Even if each of our players fighting at one base manage to kill 3-5 enemy units per run, several tanks, mosquitos, liberators etc, we are not able to hold the base long enough to win, simply because no matter how many enemy units we kill, there are many more to come.

    I play this game since February this year, and I was silent about this problem since. The problem was apparent from the beginning, but overpopulation was somewhat tolerable. Back then, VS and NC, even though TR had a slight population advantage, were able to actually win a few alerts. There were times when you can see alerts finished as draw between all 3 factions. And even if TR was winning the alert, VS and NC was fighting for a second place. Now, there is only a dominant TR victory for all the alerts, and whole cake goes to them. Direct reward in a form of free XP to one faction is a indirect punishment for other factions. Because of that free XP dominant faction players will start a new alert with slightly better weapons, bigger magazines, stronger shields and such, making them even harder to fight and win.

    I understand that there are some players that will firmly stand on their faction's side, no matter what argument you have against them. What I don't understand is how TR can "live" like this? Being overpopulated is equally as bad as being underpopulated. How can overpopulated faction enjoy this game by sitting at the points in great numbers without any real resistance and doing nothing? That's downright boring and it ruins a gameplay experience a lot. I am talking here about TR, because it is apparent to every Miller player that they are very overpopulated during alerts. If any other faction is in overpopulated state on other servers, same goes to them.
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  5. Redzy

    Not unusual to see 33-33-33% world pop during alerts, more wins by TR than VS in the last few days at least, alerts outcome always uncertain until the very last minutes.

    I do play on Woodman and that is what I see. Overall, the server is quite "zergy" when compared to Miller, but nonetheless, it's easier to have a fun time in it and you cannot compare them when it comes to balance.

    Balance-wise, Miller is an absolute atrocity and as far as I can tell it is quite a contender for "least balanced PS2 server". I've seen global alerts being dominated by a 40+% world pop TR during prime time.

    Woodman used to have an ever-dominating VS up to last month, but TR has definitely caught up and always seems to have a honest chance with them, while NC is making some progress.

    However, in our case it's not a l2p or organizational issue. It's simply the numbers that are quite much higher for TR on average. From the perspective of a VS, you can try everything, but if they have more to field, they win. Delaying them would work, but a 2 hour alert time makes it pointless.
  6. Necron

    You forgot kill wh ores... they probably like it too. ;)
  7. Bluedragon

    So it does gets boring some times, but what do you suggest? I am playing only as TR as almost all of members from my outift. So we should pack our things and move away so you could have this pop balance during alerts, that was ruined by mindless faction hoppers?
    Don't forget that before alerts the pops are almost balanced, sometimes NC have higher pop then TR, VS by default are lower in pop, don't know why, bad looks? And still when alert stars some part jumps to the TR and some just log off for the alert, thinking that they will loose anyway so why bother. Every alert, that i took part off, for at least past month, was like this: before alert - balanced pops, after alert begins - tr overpop, after it ends - balanced pops. This Sunday prime time NC had 39% before alert, it went 40 to TR during alert, nice...
    Timer on faction changing on same server would be really good.
  8. Nenarch

    Well I hope we get soon server transfers or MLG.. or somekind of event.

    Let's just say we old players need challenge. Our server basically has just 1 really good TR outfit... Eventually they'll be better than us old VS players because like 5/6 first br100 vs's are on a break/semi-active mode in PS2.. says it all, No challenge.. we can win alerts these days by just parking a sundy in right spot as it's the new player zergs fighting.. and you can control that easily the battle flow.. or doing radar scythes while eating.. That's how easy it is.. and when your playing with the assumption your doing bad if you don't have over 10 k/d.. says how boring it is these days.

    I never dreamed of standard session avg 10 k/d at beginning as infantry.. hell I was happy with 2. That's what experience difference between new and old players is.
  9. Schwak

    Happens on Mattherson with the VS, they really just need to implement a population control system for alert continents because this is slowly but surely making me hate playing this game.
  10. LordCreepy

    Believe it or not - most organized TR outfit would love to fight at even pop.
    Its god damn boring to secure links to objectives if nobody is fighting against you.
    Thumbs up for NC for trying to max crash at every Amp. we capped yesterday - even tough you had been outnumbered 1:3 and your rush was doomed by the numbers against you.

    Honestly I don't know how to fix this tough.
    Most TR outfit players won't change factions for the sake of balance ( and I can't blame them - remember you are missing crucial unlocks like ams,shieldbreaker and so on to effectivly play an alert.)
    Maybe it would help if players that allready played that day are blocked from switching to overpopped factions.
    Or vs/nc need more players to begin with - tough remember pop is almost balanced outside of alerts.

    I really hope they find a way to balance. I'd rather lose an event but have a 2 hour long great fight - than win without resistance
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  11. GRiMtox

    Me, as a good and positive human, have switched from TR to NC. Mostly because TR bored the hell out of me, but it's really annoying that the red side is nearly everywhere overpop. I ask myself how SOE will change this? The only way is, to make NC and VS more enjoyable - but how? This current EXP-bonus is ridiculous.. it should be 10x bigger.
  12. Arphelior

    This definitely needs to be solved ASAP; it is getting out of hand. I know outfit mates of who just literally stop playing as soon as an alert comes on. I myself really welcome those "dominating victories" of the TR, as this means that the alert is finally over and we can have some proper fights again (aka not outnumbered by 1:3 or 1:4)

    The world domination series is probably the worst event that could've happened right now. It's a very nice idea, as it's a step towards a metagame. Unfortunately, it has not been thought trough. This event will result in a non-alert overpopulation and Miller will become a lot less enjoying (perhaps unplayable for some) for 5 whole weeks.

    Other outfit members say: "well, it's just a very target rich environment!" as if they're enjoying the overpop (they're not actually). I personally do not care how many I can shoot down and neither do I care if I'm outnumbered (as it just makes it more challenging), but continuously being pushed out of a base, because the enemy has 3-4 times your numbers, is just no fun at all.
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  13. thomask93

    This is an absolutely huge problem, to play an alert as an outfit like WASP is actually frustrating. Every base you are going to fight with 2-3 squads after about 5 min multiple platoons are fighting you. There is absolutely nothing you can do against that.

    This is one of the things that should be adressed as soon as possible. To be starting something like the world domination series is ridiculous at this time. I wonder who is gonna win that...

    The best solution I can think of is a time lock for switching empires on the same server, shouldn't be too hard to implement right?
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  14. JonboyX

    Actually... this is genius!

    TR will get fewer FPS, making their game awful to play/unplayable when they hit 40%.
    Meanwhile, underpopped NC and VS get more FPS as soon as the event starts.

    It's so simple it might just work....
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  15. Trooper315

    Really people, how hard is it to just delete your Miller character and switch servers? I've had my character there in the beta and 6 months after it ended and just deleted it because of the all the TR bulls**t going on. I've moved to Woodman where VS actually wins about half the alerts and I've been happy since. Sure, getting your character back to what it was on Miller might take a while, but at least you don't have to deal with 50% TR pop and all the rage that generates.

    Let the TR play with themselves on Miller while you go have fun on another server.
  16. Arphelior

    Some of us have been in outfits since beta. I for example have been in WASP for 11 months now; I'd never leave. I'd also never run away from the problem by switching servers. This is a serious problem and it should be solved as soon as possible.
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  17. Mastachief

    This is exactly why SOE are not putting in the server transfer system. What the idiots should ahve done is not allowed multiple chars on different empires on the same server in your account. For those "oh well they'd just create another account" people.... they wouldn't do that too readily with the lack of shared SC / boosts / unlocks. At the very least they need to now introduce a 12hour empire switch lock out timer.

    Welcome to TRside2 on miller:

    1minute into alert I switch to a TR alt to go see exactly what they do.

    Basically they massive zerged everything, nothing for them to kill whilst still maintaining a 32% pop on indar.

    15mins alert over

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  18. Scudmungus

    1: Someone, out there in a SOE design doc, suggested multiple character on a server was a 'good' idea.

    And, ya know, it is. For a given value of 'good'. I am sure (or rather, I hope) the suggestion was backed up with some credible data.

    2: Someone, out there in a SOE design doc, suggested the 'Free to Play' model, rather than subscription model*, was a 'good' idea.

    And ya, know it is. For a given value of 'good'. I am sure (or rather, I hope) the suggestion was backed up with some credible data.


    Someone, out there in a SOE design doc, didn't realise/explore how 1 & 2 suggestions would interact.

    Or, they did, and the rewards outweighed the costs.**

    'dem, corporations!

    *For one thing, requiring a credit-card reduces the accessibility of the product, with regards to children/teenagers, a nice chunk of potential - and future - business.

    **Or if we prefer, the cost of exploring how the 1 & 2 interact was considered too much.
  19. PastalavistaBB

    Isn't the red part contradicting yourself? How did TR catch up to VS on Woodman? Ask them. Why doesn't VS and NC "catch up" to TR on Miller?
  20. Arphelior

    It would indeed be very nice to know how the TR & NC caught up with the VS on woodman.. If they'd have had a tactical disadvantage (less organized outfits for example), it'd have been rather easy to solve. Numbers on the other hand are a lot harder to catch up to.