My hobby lately ? Shooting the AV turret beyond render range.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. UberBonisseur


    But waaaaaait just a minute before casting the first stone.
    I'll expose the situation real quick:

    So, we had a big fight going on around Tawrich Depot.
    Using the powers that have been transmitted through my ancestral Nostradamus bloodline, I pretty much predicted the base was FUBAR and decided to leave. Now, in a Hannibalesque mood, I started reading the behavior of my enemies by gazing at their soul:
    " Your job is to craft my certs, so I am not sure how well I should wish you. But I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. Ta-ta, "U" "

    So there I was, on the top of the world, with quite a bootylicious vista at my disposal.

    Unfair isn't it ?

    This is the tale of my journey in the far lands of the south

    And this is how the blue demons were summoned from the depths of hell:

    So here you are, lecturing me about my guilty pleasure...

    "Pleasure!? You steal men's Tanks, and make them your certs!"
    The same could be said about all vehicles.

    So here we are, about to cross the threshold.
    Enter the belly of the whale, meet the goddess of truth and bring back the elixir to the rest of the world.

    The ugly truth ?
    Most players in a Tank are in fact not Tankers.

    I pity those [2/2] who endure my wrath. But for the greater good, my punishment must be blind and absolute.
    Can you simply deny the sheer ammount of 1/2 MBTs around you ? All those people who jumped in a tank, for the sake of driving to the next base in their armored taxi ?

    If all those... overpowered G2G infantry weapons, and they truly are, were to be nerfed, what would happen ? Should we have to face this infamous blob of tanks by ourselves, using our armor-piercing Beamer ?

    I can predict those who claim tanks should only counter tanks.

    So, why isn't this happening already ?

    It's simple:
    Sometimes, a zerg just left a base with a MBT spawning, and rolls towards a base WITHOUT MBT spawn.
    We're talking zergs here, no thought implied. We have a base full of infantry that has to deal with over a dozen of tanks. They won't bring their own tanks to the battle, they are too stupid for that.

    What's the solution for all this ?!

    It's simple Timmy.
    Make sure spawning vehicles is deliberate

    Make sure that anyone currently using a tank has been through some kind of high pass filter, leaving only the determined, glorious MBT master race using them. That filter can come under the form of spawning restrictions, in time or locations.
    What kind of zerg would bother spend... 30 seconds driving a tank to the frontline from a base in the back ? Not a lot. What kind of zerg would wait 1 minute until he's able to spawn a tank in the base he just captured ? Not a lot. What kind of zerg is going to let someone else gun his tank ? Not a lot.

    You get the idea; now begin the stoning.
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  2. gigastar


    Though to be fair, it does contain pretty pictures forged in MS Paint, and some Holier Than Thou roleplaying.

    Otherwise, nothing here that hasnt been brought up before.
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  3. whitupiggu


    MANA turrets render at the same distance tanks do though.
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  4. UberBonisseur

    Lots of certs and no regrets.

    I don't hate you. You are forgiven.

    Props to you if you can spot my half-pixel
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  5. Lolroflcake

    My hobby is sitting around reading stories of other people playing games I want to play on my netbook since my desktops video card caught on fire, it literally did catch on fire too, its not just a figure of speech, how common is that? I mean I turn my computer on one afternoon and it just goes *pop* and there is fire.
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  6. UberBonisseur

    Have you tried turning it on and off again ?
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  7. Lolroflcake

    I don't really have any need for an open flame to cook food and besides the smoke and smell really isn't worth it so no I haven't I'm just waiting to hear back from the manufacture on an RMA request.
  8. UberBonisseur

    Had you listened to Al Gore, none of this overheating trouble would have happened.

    Save your flush for your n°2 next time.
  9. FigM

    I believe AV turret is the most broken weapon in the game. It's ridiculously overpowered.

    But it seems that SOE doesn't care if stuff is broken against vehicles, they only seem to care if something is overpowered against infantry. That mindset is preventing this game from getting big
  10. Jon Lee Pettimore

    I take sadistic pleasure in sniping infiltrators with my AV turret.
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  11. UberBonisseur

    Don't say things like that.

    Trial it once in a while, and bathe yourself in certs, you'll like it.
  12. Zenanii

    I love it when playing infantry but hate it when tanking. What's a man to do?
  13. haldolium

    Well some food does taste better cooked on open flames. I don't know if that includes fire from microchips though...

    However, let us know! Way better story as the OP ones.
  14. KAHR-Alpha

    At first they did yeah, but at some point it seems that they've messed with LOD, meaning that now only the tripod of AV mana turrets actually renders when they're too far.
  15. Ganelon

    Condemns Striker usage, claims AV turret usage is fine because you had to get in a good position and vehicles take no skill.


    When can we expect your daily "nerf Striker" thread by the way? I'd like to be prepared.
  16. Hicksimus

    I just wish I could see their rockets coming so I could find them. Usually once I've lost my tank I go sniping and find some really awesome spots to abuse render distance issues. AV turrets are fine as they are......Sony's game engine choice is the issue.
  17. UberBonisseur

    I promote equality in absurdity.

    Now hand over your abomination of a launcher will ya ?
  18. Cinnamon

    You should get a more interesting hobby like making models of napoleonic war era warships with matchsticks.