Refund me the ZOE certs NOW!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OmegaSupreme, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Gary

    Wait... you spent certs on something that was clearly broken and guaranteed to be changed and tone down... now you complain about it... good job.

    it was considered... it was considered to be to good and needed balancing to make it more of a fair playing field.
  2. Nargot

    So, TO didnt see this one coming.

    No more questions.
  3. Kevorkian

    You're joking right? When ZOE was released, you could turn on a dime with without momentum, and move faster than you can now. How was that fair to the opposition? And here you are crying about a cert refund, when ZOE is still hands down the best max ability out of the three. It still gives your max the mobility and speed to clown stomp the average player.
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  4. RomulusX

  5. llPendragon

    You certed into an awesome item, yet didn't stop to think that maybe it was so awesome because it may be a little bit OP? Maybe just a little?!?! :rolleyes:
  6. OmegaSupreme

    thats why they have the test server to TEST if they publish the changes to the production server then its final and not like this.
  7. OmegaSupreme

    who said its broken? TR and NC it had bugs they fixed it but downgrading it like this is really not acceptable
  8. Fish225

    While the OP came across as overly-whiny, he does have a point.

    It is standard practice in other games, that when an item or cert (or their equivalents) change drastically, you get a refund. For example, with the changes that occurred to NV/thermal, I cannot use NV for the reasons I paid for it (enemy highlighting). While I agree with the change and think it is for the better, I also feel that I should get my certs back and be given the choice to buy NV again or put it towards a purchase of thermal optics. Same with the MBT secondary nerfs that occurred. You should get a refund and be given the choice to repurchase the same item or a different item, due to the changes that occurred. If you like the changes, you buy the same item again. If you dislike the changes, you try something else.

    I have nothing against changes happening. But when it's something that drastically changes the functionality of an item or cert, we need to be given the option to allocate our currency elsewhere.

    And saying that people should "see the changes coming" is ridiculous. Why should a consumer make the assumption that a product is released in a flawed state? Yes it happens, but why should we make that assumption with every item that is released?
  9. llPendragon

    ^This guy knows what he's talking about.
  10. Phazaar

    5% armour debuff = ruined. Hilarious troll is hilarious.
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  11. Badname2490


    Keep crying, kid. Your tears are delicious.
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  12. SnatchMaster

    ****, NC max got it worse.
  13. CNR4806

    "Yes, refund all my ZOE certs. Nevermind that I probably earned 3000 certs with the OP version over the month."

  14. EaterOfBabies

    Just goes to show, every faction has its share over-the-top, the world is ending, every nerf is a stab to my crotch drama queens. The Internets have won again!
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  15. Larolyn

    Still waiting on a refund for my ML85 Enforcer certs. Invested a hell of a lot into getting the reload speed down when it was a 1 shot weapon and now it's a 10 shot, fully auto weapon going through multiple changes. NV has changed too but meh. I have all optics fully certed anyway. You are not getting a refund. You have invested some certs and the investment paid off momentarily until, as mentioned in the EULA, changees were made.

    You still have the same weapons and abilities. Just in a different form. Nothing has changed apart from the functionality. You may have buyers remorse but fortunately, certs are infinite. So get some more, invest somewhere else. Move on. Live with it. Deal with it. It's the way of the world. It's the nature of an evolving MMO.
  16. TheAppl3

    This is the joke of the day, right? ZOE is extremely good, before and after the patch.
  17. MasterTater

    Yes me too - another unneccessary fraudulent nerf, completely destroying balance - ZOE had to be turned off in combat before patch due to the massive incoming dmg increase and comparably low dmg bonus - now its even suicide to use it as travel option to cross land with the max as you are almost a oneshot from any explsoive source.
  18. Pandastratton

  19. The King

    You're obviously playing with tons of Bads.... It's almost impossible to not hit a ZOE Max...
  20. Tasogie

    Wont happen mate, SOE are on a cash grab, they neither care about you an I, or have any intention of doing anything that doesnt keep the cod gamers happy.
    Diversity, an complexity are things SOE do not do... you jsut have to accept that your certs are gone, an either play a weak, watered down game, or do as many of us are doing, an quietly leave.