Why do people keep complaining about the TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goolloom, May 13, 2013.

  1. Zamos

    TR players are overall more skilled :eek:
  2. Hibiki54

    The Striker is an area denial weapon when used en masse.

    A group of HAs with Strikers can ward off an 800-1000m section of sky and limited land areas.
  3. TheBloodEagle

    The same is true for all weapons in mass though. A large group of Lancers & Phoenix will have a major impact. A large group of Lock-Ons, a large group defaults, a large group of aircraft, a large group of tanks, a large group of infantry, etc.
  4. LT_Latency

    I think the thing that makes the striker good is we can ALL lock on to the same thing. With other weapons some people are shooting at air and some people are shooting at ground.

    But TR can focus everything on one target at a time because we can all shoot at ground and air targets so we don't have to dived our fire.

    You see a stream of striker rockets flying at a tank and everyone goes. Well that is the one we are shooting at and the whole team unloads 20 strikers on it and moves on to the next target
  5. Zan_Aus

    To be fair, as a Vanu player I don't know, the TR seem fine to me.

    Their MBT is excellent but not completely outrageous, everyone's ESF is competitive. The Striker is strong but not OP and their guns are reasonable (a few of their carbines are a bit over the top but then all carbines for all 3 factions are a bit too good). Their MAXs seem balanced (albeit both the Fracture and Raven are a bit OP) and so on and so on...

    I don't get nerdrage, OP-hatred or any of the other negative ******** I feel when I am facing NC. To me the TR feel fine.
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  6. Armchair

    Fun fact: People have tried to play as the _____ and thought that they outshined _______ in almost every aspect for every faction combination.
  7. Efrizial

    Seeing 40 rockets being launched against a lib or a galaxy is indeed very funny:D (and incredibly disappointing if they still have the flare...)
  8. simmi1717

    I should create a thread asking why TR has the most population on almost all servers and see where that goes.
  9. Kupcake

    I don't really know. QQ, probably?

    To be fair, most of the TR hate is from people on TR-stacked servers. So it's not really about the TR itself. None of this has _anything_ to do with specific factions. It has everything to do with numbers.

    Due to ****** control of pop imba, most servers are stacked in some way or another. Usually, it's totally one-sided offpeak and more even but still skewed during peak. And you can generally observe a few patterns:

    The stacked faction (usually NC, sometimes TR, occasionally VS) is the worst faction, in terms of average player quality. Yeah, they typically have a handful of genuinely good outfits (the guys who have been playing that faction since it before it was stacked), but it's mostly just 4th faction zerglings who aren't really good for anything. You end up with a faction which almost never has as much territory control as they have pop. They only ever really "win" if they pour their whole faction into an alert and stack it 50+.

    The "middle" faction is usually about average. They hold their own despite being somewhat outnumbered by the stacked faction. It's usually a mix of skilled players and average players, and they're decently organized. This is what most factions should be like.

    Then you have the small faction. By necessity, they're forced to be highly organized to compete with the zerg. On top of this, only the most diehard players are willing to stick around and play 300 against the oncoming human tidal wave when they face down the overpop faction. So in terms of per-player quality, these are usually the best guys.

    NC are the zergling faction on my server (Helios). TR are the small faction. I'm VS. In my experience, fighting TR is 100x more enjoyable than fighting NC. They're organized and resilient. I've seen them hold tiny bases, even after their air and vehicle support gets crushed, for far longer than they have any business doing. Honestly, in terms of tactical output per player, they seem to do better than most VS I've seen, especially on foot, and they're definitely miles ahead of NC in that regard. Their best are not better than our best, but their average is probably the best out of all of the factions. Heck, back when VS had the north warpgate, they used to rush a cap line all the way to Crater Firing Range, just so they could fight us at our front door. And they would hold it for a loooong time. They have both balls and skill. Even when we lose, it's fun against TR. In even battle against them, victories feel hard fought, and losses feel deserved.

    Fighting NC, by comparison, is kinda annoying. When they've got the stack going, it stops mattering how well you do. I'll literally be trying to hold the line against an enemy armor incursion pouring out of a base, kill 4-5 vans in a very short time, and have no real tactical effect on the outcome. Eventually, due to simple attrition fire from their mass of tanks and rockets, I'm pushed back, and while I'm repairing, the ten vanguards behind the ones I killed plus their infantry zerg collapse our line. That exact scenario happened to me a few days ago.

    I'm sure TR is the same on some servers. They might have a few good people, but they're probably a zergling faction on the whole. Being stacked with all the 4th faction really drags your quality down, and it really turns fighting against you into an annoyance. And the zergling faction rarely has any awareness of how annoying they are. It never ceases to amaze me how excited the 4th faction gets over empty victories. The few times I pop on my NC alt to fool around, I've ended up watching them zerg over a base with an enormous force, outnumbering the enemy many times over, then congratulate themselves on an awesome battle after the fact.
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  10. Badname3073

    I think it is because of the players mentality. You see, the factions are stereotypically perceived by the populace as follows: TR are bad, NC are good, and VS are advanced. Thus, it just so happens that people who choose NC or VS expect to win, because they are the "positive" faction. At the same time, the TR players tend to view themselves as a "negative" faction, and therefore do not mind occasionally losing. Hence the numbers of complaints are more skewed towards the NC and VS, since their players find themselves on a losing side and become frustrated more often than TR.
  11. NietCheese

    Striker is the main reason I suspect. The Fracture hasn't helped matters. TR now clearly have the 2 best tools in the game (not to mention a very powerful tank and ESF), leading meany to suggest "easy mode" label applies.
  12. Sifer2

    Fun Fact: All three of the new ESRL's are extremely annoying for different reasons.

    NC's is annoying because they can sit behind a hill or my favorite in the spawn room, and still blow up your tank.

    VS's is annoying because a Lancer squad instant gibs you with no warning, and basically nothing you can do to avoid it. At least the Striker has tactics you can use to counter it.

    TR's is annoying because of constant lock warning beep beep boom, and the fact you need to run stealth/flares or take lots of damage from them.
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  13. Badname0192

    When in doubt, blame lag.
  14. BigMacDeez

    It's always funny to see the NC and VS call the TR overpowered. Obviously, they've never played with these horrible weapons. I stay for the challenge.
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  15. Kogmaw

    Personally, i hear QQs that TR is UP quite often. At which i roll my head back and release a hearty guffaw.

    TR seems fine at the moment, I cant really think of any department they are either severely lacking in or completely obliterating.
  16. Ranik

    To be fair. Loadlag is responsible for at least 50% of me driving a mosquito into terrain.....

    The other half is 25% trying to fly fancy, and 25% flying in third person :D
  17. Efrizial

    Which is sad because the TR is probably the most "good" faction of them all, the NC are a bunch of anarchist/greedy-corporation/pirate/warlord, and the VS are a bunch of religious freak that basically want to eliminate humanity for it to become a "superior" alien race (yet those alien disappeared, that doesn't sound superior to me). The TR may be tyrannical, but it's not a terrible tyranny, the TR insure safety,order and subsistence, it is a gilded cage. It's the NC corporation who started the insurgency against the TR, without the NC corporation the TR wouldn't have done anything bad and merely continued to insure the safety and advancement of humanity (the reason why the NC and VS started being disgruntled was because of the TR not letting them use the VANU technologies as they wanted if i am not wrong, and that seem like the logical thing to do, suddenly introducing new super technologies without first studying them is dangerous.)
  18. Badname3073

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
  19. EliteEskimo

    Get me a picture of Benjamin Franklin holding a Gauss Saw and then we'll talk. :p
  20. Efrizial

    Quote are Quote, not truth:p .

    When you have a population of many billion and many planets, order is a necessity, liberty only work on small scale.
    The TR is basically neutral-order while the NC and VS are neutral-chaotic.