There is NO reason that NC and TR tanks should be able to shoot aircraft out of the skies.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HowCanSheSlap, May 5, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Probably cus real pilots are not as terrible as the pilots in this game.
  2. Liquid23

    I'd rather a story about bad pilots flying straight into tanks... it would at least be amusing
  3. Vanus Aran

    I wondered actually that so many Tankshells missed my Liberator just about a hairs width.
    " Oh - today there are a lot of people trying something nearly impossible with a good eye. "
    So it was NOT their skill but a buff I didnt noticed?!

    Cause to this I had an epic fight tough. I felt badass to dodge around 10 Tankshells ( that I noticed, who knows how many missed me that I HAVE NOT noticed ), while my buddy was Dalton'ing everything to hell, supported by my Tankkiller-maingun.
    I was flying in ways that are bad to predict but there had been a lot of Tankshells missing me just about a few centimeters.
    So another unfair advantage, huh? Stupid.

    The Saron was supposed to be a fast gun. Its a particle-gun!!
    So now a particle-gun is slower as normal Tankshells - how dumb. >_<
  4. Alarox

    I do it on a Lightning. The tank with the lowest bullet velocity. I also do it on a vanguard. I'm pretty sure you can do it with a magrider.
  5. Mythicrose12

    The biggest difference isn't the velocity difference between the tanks. Instead, the major difference is that the magrider doesn't have the same firing arc of the other two tanks because of its placement. It also takes AP rounds for the magrider to shoot down an ESF (HEAT or AP works on vanguard and honestly...kudos to the prowler that can land two shots on on ESF).
  6. PyroPaul

    CAS30 with upped magazine TTK on a Prowler is ~1.6 seconds, against the frontal arc.
    TTK on a Vanguard's frontal Arc is ~2 s
    TTK on a Vanguard Shielded, 10 seconds frontal, 6.2 side. 1.4 rear.

    and of course the obvious thing... i can always fly higher then his gun pivots.

    but what ever, you backwards ESF pilots will spout any nonsense to try and win an argument.
  7. freeze

    I never said I can't do it...
    I said it's easier for NC and that most ppl don't even realize HOW easy
  8. Meeka

    Damage is damage, if a ground vehicle is lucky enough to hit a ESF... it's a fair shot. If you're making yourself such an easy target that a TANK can aim and shoot you down... you deserve to get shot down.
    • Up x 1
  9. cc2001

    Your first numbers are wrong because it takes more than a single magazine of the CAS30 even with the max magazine for the front of both tanks.

    I have no idea about the time on a shielded Vanguard, but trying to take out a shielded Vanguard with the CAS30 from the front would be misguided at best.
  10. tbot

    CAS30 with maxed magazine
    TTK on a prowler front 5s
    TTK on a Vanguard front 5.2s
    TTK on a shielded Vanguard front 10s

    I did not put the rear time, if a LIB can come unexpected that close to your rear, you really deserve it.
  11. Cinnamon

    1. There are no airplane vehicles in planetside 2. There are only slow moving hover capable vehicles that operate at low altitude. If you are thinking that it's unlikely that a tank fires at a jet flying at high altitude then it doesn't apply.

    2. Tanks can hit targets like helicopters. Apparently some have such sophisticated targeting systems that they are able to do so with a reasonable chance of hitting. Maybe better than the chance you have against ESF with an AP prowler in max lockdown aiming manually with the ESF evading.

    3. PS2 is not real life.
  12. Liquid23

    or is it just fantasy?
  13. MorteDeAmgelis

    Wow QQ Moar.
    Innociv was a awesome NC Tanker who managed to kill ESF's with the AP Vanguard Pre Velocity Buff. You can't get the skillz to hit ESFs then you need to practise more.

    You want to hit ESF's? Then guess what. You do want I did. Go to a remote location find a small target like a barrel or something and just drive randomly stop and see how long it takes to get that shot perfect. Then practise on infantry, small targets and less forgiving then Aircraft with a HEAT. With the mag you will need to AP to one shot but you can use the HEAT to practise then go to AP when you get good at nailing them. That way you become better at it.

    I was actually inspired by his vids to get out and make my own ESF hunting vids. I started off with the HEAT because I want to use the same Velocity of shell he did but I started mine at GU2. where HEAT was approx the same as AP before Buff.

    (Just saying most of the single shot ones are flukes, as in "How the hell did I hit that?" shot)

    So yh it is possible. It is simple L2P. DON'T HOVER WHEN A TANK IS FACING YOU SIMPLE AS THAT.
    So yh, the velocity buff made it easier? sure it did but it wasn't impossible beforehand. Also, remove the short TTK of RPs to Tanks to punish bad tankers when you remove the OHK to ESFs when I can punish bad pilots. So yh MORE then 4 secs you know I have to reload and all.
  14. Aegie

    Caught in a landslide...
  15. 5ou1

    Haha said the same thing about the phoenix. If your ESF gets shot down by a tank, you deserve to die. Some of you crybabies should have been swallowed by your mothers.
  16. MorteDeAmgelis

    with no escape from reality?
  17. PyroPaul

    This is what happens when you blindly use a calculator with out actually checking your math.

    CAS30 Default Magazine - 30 rounds.
    Magazine Upgrade - 3 rounds per level, 4 levels.

    CAS30 w/ Max Magazine - 42 rounds.

    Number of rounds required to Kill:
    Front Armor Prowler- 32
    Front Armor Magrider- 32
    Front Armor Vanguard- 36

    CAS30 shoots 2 shots per .1 second.

    TTK of above tanks:
    Prowler - 1.6 s
    Magrider - 1.6 s
    Vanguard - 1.8 s

    I am assuming you're using that damage calculator...
    Yeah, the CAS30 is bugged on that thing.
  18. Armchair

    Tanks and aircraft killed by the same gun? It's more likely than you'd think.


    And that's decades ago. Modern armor is more than capable of engaging low flying aircraft.

    The only thing stopping them are the rules of engagement for first world armies.

    Btw, there are recorded incidents of aircraft using bombs to destroy helicopters that were in flight. Just because a weapon was not originally designed to engage a certain target does not mean that it can't be used against unorthodox targets to lethal effect.
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  19. vonkleist

    ******* gonna *****. Approach them at a sharper angle of attack than their main cannon can raise, don't sit still while firing your rocket pods (as you watch the barrel of the tank zero in on your esf), jesus, you're just a whiny idiot.

    You're right, everyone else, and physics must step aside to allow your terrible *** to not get shot out of the sky, again, because you can't be bothered to think about what you are doing wrong.
  20. vonkleist

    thank you