What are these factions fighting for? and who are the good guys?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Derp., Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    Close, but not quite there yet. :(
  2. -Synapse-

    It goes like this:
    TR - good guys with bad elements
    NC - bad guys with good elements
    VS - crazy guys with elements of insanity
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  3. Strottinglemon

    Fixed that for ya. We just want to better our race. You just want to hold it back. You Terrans are afraid that progress will threaten your insignificant little dictatorship.
  4. Strife_iH

    Why the heck are people saying that Vanu is about religion... the vanu "enlightenment" is not "divine enlightenment", its about guiding the human race to survival thought science and knowledge, vanu are more like nerds and not priests...

    this is a famous quote; "war doesn't determine who's right - only who is left". history is always wrote by winners, thats why the winners are always seen as the "good guys", but there are no good guys in wars, only the strongest survives, not the good or bad ones. since this war is never ending, there are no "good guys" or "heroes" here.
  5. h00n

    Certs are irrelevant. I do it for the good of Man and the destruction of all things xenos.
  6. Kastrenzo

    No one is good

    All three are flawed.

    So abandon your ideas of being a "better" faction because "X" reason, Move along now.
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  7. Fumblewatt

    Argue all you wish, TR politics leads to genocide, we would not be playing this game if it did not.
  8. Zapon


    @ TR- No religion involved in the VS's current methodology

    @ the NC- Are you sure you guys aren't jealous of NS?

    @ TR - looking the other way when it comes to NS?

    We aren't worried about them- the alien tech we continue to reverse-engineer will eventually allow us to not have to rely on them ripping us off , and we will be able to create tech that far surpasses Nanite Systems' cheap equipment/everything they sell to make massive profits, as they currently do.
  9. Zaik

    themselves and they're all the bad guys
  10. daicon

    TR - Bronies, furries, Total Biscuit
    NC - Meme kiddies, 4th faction tryhards
    VS - Pseudo-intellectuals, wubwubs video makers, perverts

    This is atleast my perspective so far
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  11. hansgrosse

    I think that people are forgetting 200 years has passed since Auraxis was settled. Whatever the original factions' motives and agendas were is now mostly irrelevant, as their situations and ideologies have changed over time. Below is an overview of the factions as I see them to currently stand, conveniently color coded for ease-of-reading. TL;DR, just read the colored bits for a general idea!

    Orange = Faction
    Blue = Positive Qualities
    Red = Negative Qualities

    The TR were originally the military arm/protective force of the fleet and the Earth-side TR's stake in the expedition through the wormhole. They assumed absolute control by popular vote in order to protect the fleet's population from further insurgent action, instituting martial law with the promise that they would relinquish this extra power when the fleet managed to colonize a planet that could support them.The fleet found and colonized Auraxis, but the TR never gave up the extra control they were granted as was agreed. There are those who believe that such restrictive oversight is still necessary, but many do not, and it is the dissatisfied among the population which flock to the NC banner. Their methods and punishments are harsh in the extreme, but this is so because they wish to maintain the peace and safety of the population.

    The NC were originally the mercenaries and laborers sent along on the expedition to ensure the accomplishment of the Earth-side NC's agenda. Originally, they submitted to the TR's assumption of absolute power among the fleet's citizens. The NC was ultimately responsible for the actions which led to the TR's increasingly authoritarian methods via their actions before Auraxis was found and settled. Present-day, the NC is composed of the descendants of the original expedition, and seems to remain NC in name only. The game's lore seems to infer that they are no longer subservient to the corporations their predecessors owed loyalty to, and their references to "The Suits" and the actions thereof seem to be more a metaphor and a relic of the past than a literal thing. Several new corporations were founded on Auraxis in the 200 years since settlement, but for all we know their market system may be much more even-keeled than that which was found on Earth. At this point in the plot their primary goal is to force the TR to honor their promise and end their overly-restrictive governing style, even at the cost of overall safety and security.

    The VS were originally the intellectuals of the fleet; the scientists and researchers brought along to examine and research alien technology found or anomalies encountered. Over the centuries since the fleet was stranded on the other side of the wormhole, the VS have gotten progressively more insular and isolated from the rest of Auraxis' population, lending to a mutual distrust between the VS and Auraxis at large. They are idealistic, and seem to genuinely care about the survival of humanity and the happiness of their people. They want humankind to evolve and become better than it currently is. They believe that only through evolution and transcendence can mankind realize its true potential and take its rightful place in the universe. Unfortunately, they use methods deemed unethical to many Auraxians, directly meddling with their peoples' genetic code among other things. Furthermore, their unrestrained experimentation with unknown, misunderstood, and possibly dangerous technology has the potential to put every life on Auraxis at risk. On the upshot, the technology derived thus far from Vanu artifacts seems to be safe enough, and has proven extremely useful.
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  12. BeachHead2

    Gentlemen, I believe we have a winner :)

  13. Kunotron

    If Planetside were the movie Stargate...



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  14. SgtBreastroker

    You've got it wrong. NC are the US. TR are military fascists and VS are just a bunch of nerds circle jerking over alien tech and spandex.
  15. HadesR

    Spend all day every day killing each other .. Not sure anyone is the good guy
  16. WalrusJones

    Adjusted to my experiences.
  17. Luzario

    lets take it in WW2 terms:

    VS - Geramny... Very Hi-Tech, Very Organized, Small numbers, just cant quite win even tho they put up a fight
    TR - Soviet Union... Totalitarian, Guns look like PPSh (with bandoleers), Just throw numbers at it.
    NC - US... Space 'Merica, duuh.....
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  18. Jaloro

    I love how 'Mericans think of themselves as NC but much of the rest of the world would consider them TR.
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  19. siiix

    no you got it wrong read the game story line

    the TR is the establishment/government/corporations, the TR is the one with military and and political oppression
    the NC want change, true democracy, REAL freedom (at least they say so or in theory)

    the TR is just hiding cowardly behind propaganda , paroling big words to justify they tirrany

    that is an exact copy of what the US is all about, and THEY ARE military fascists (the entire planet outside the US thinks so, just watch some RT ;) )... huge military presence, oppressing the world and they own people

    maybe the NC can be most accurate described as those militant freedom fighters who the US government calls now days "domestic terrorist", like the group that was attacked by US forces in waco texas 10 years ago (back then they where just the US resistance, not terrorist) , there are many other groups like that in the US, and they do organize them self and prepare for a coming civil war with the US government, witch is exactly how the NC started according to the story line

    and the VS best example http://www.thevenusproject.com/ its actually communism is a futuristic version, now if thats not an EXACT copy of VS i do not know what is :) as we are lacking aliens unless you counting in Scientology :)

    the VS propaganda video :) VenuSproject
  20. Pivke

    yes indeed. amazing.