Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. Shockwave44

    It doesn't need to do anything until you say how much damage it will actually do to MAXes and infantry.
  2. Herby20

    Surprise, my vehicle kill count is high too! Now, if I were to look at your players site, you have more kills with dual photon pods than any other weapon in your recent history. Obviously I am not there to see every kill, but obviously some of them are going to be from infantry.

    For comparison, I don't have a single kill with rocketpods in mine. I play air support all the time, I just happen to shoot everything else in the air that is attacking my squad along with the occasional tank kill with my rotary. Hence why I have more kills with my rotary than any other weapon (and it would be more if it wasn't for people bailing out of their aircraft to their deaths). I also average about 1700 more score per hour in my mossy than you do in your scythe.

    Guess I should "fly more" though, right?
  3. ObsidianSoul

    Orly? How high? What's your player name?

    And you're basically calling me a liar as well. :) Are you blind? I have 15 kills with hailstorms in my recent history, 13 with pods. And it's a little bit of both. I pod (AND hailstorm) infantry quite often, sure, but I sure as hell don't make it my life mission to run down every infantry for xp as you were implying in your earlier post. What makes you think not being an infantry farmer requires you to swear off pods or shooting at infantry with it?

    Everything you said just underlined how woefully inexperienced you are in flying. Even your bragging that you have 1700 more xp per hour (which is +28 xp/minute) only shows how much you value xp. A trait common to infantry farmers incidentally. Higher xp per hour don't really say anything about how effective you are at providing air support. Merely that you have more kills of actual people, are a member/using boosts, or playing in more populated areas most of the times.

    Rotaries are very good against tanks, yes. But how many sundys have you killed with your rotary lately? LOL. You know... those extremely dangerous mobile spawnpoints that must be taken down at all costs? And you call yourself air support?

    And correct me if I'm wrong, but you use AA missiles? AA users are glorified interceptors. Not air support. Pods are also used to kill not only ground vehicles and infantry, but also air (YES air) just so you know. I killed a few yesterday with them in combination with my hailstorms. AA mossies are actually my most common ESF kills, second only to those that run away. They're incredibly easy to down, unless you're in a lib or gal which they can snipe from a safe distance. All the good pilots I know don't use AA missiles. AA ESFs have their uses, but air support is not one of them.

    Unless of course you're a rotary purist. Then that's just... sad.

    I repeat. Fly more.

    And yes I realize this has become a pissing contest, but I ******* hate it when people blame our problems with the striker to poor piloting. I'm far from great, but I'm a good pilot, and I got there through practice and a lot of certs and I'm proud of it. Our piloting is not the problem. The fact that you have the ultimate AA weapon is the problem.
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  4. ObsidianSoul

    Also the term "infantry farmer" seems to be fantastically misused nowadays. It isn't some magic word against all people who kill infantry with vehicles. If it was, everyone would be an infantry farmer.

    "Infantry farmer" properly refers to people who specifically target infantry for xp or K/D without regards to the tactical implications of that decision to the larger efforts of their squad/platoon (if they are even in any). That's the reason why most infantry farmers are liberator teams, not ESFs. For example, an ESF which kills all infantry spawning from a sundy but leaves the sundy alone so he can kill more people spawning from it is a farmer. But an ESF which kills the sundy AND the infantry that spawned from it is not. An ESF which flies to a base with more helpless infantry to shoot at for xp and leaves his squad at the mercy of a smaller but still dangerous group of infantry is a farmer. But an ESF which kills those said infantry and saves his squad is not.
  5. Ruar

    Striker desperately needs a dumbfire mode. So tired of being unable to shoot at a target because it's only partially revealed and there's no way to get a lock. Or the times when I'm in close and having to wait for a lock completely negating any chance for me to hit fast and find cover.
  6. Herby20

    Here it is.

    No I'm not. Hence why I said "obviously I am not there to see every kill." I also don't think you understand that you can click on the kills tab under timeline to display only kills. Your kills with weapons read 38 with photon pods and 24 with hailstorm.

    You said I need to fly more, yet I get more xp per hour than you do when I fly. It was a simple comparison that you are reading far too much into. As far as kills per hour, YOU get more kills per hour in your scythe than I do; You should really stop assuming things. As for where I play, sometimes it is a huge battle, sometimes it isn't. 95% of the time I spend in game is with my outfit in a platoon, so I am not really picking where I go, just where I need to go.

    Quite a few actually. Most of the time though I spot them, let my platoon know, and give them cover as they go blow it up. I spend a vast majority of my time shooting down liberators, galaxies, and other ESFs. I establish air superiority for friendly liberators and rocketpod mossies to have free reign on the ground.

    I can count the number of times I have died to missile pods as a Mossy on one hand. A few people in my outfit use them for air targets as well, but I think they are too inaccurate except at close ranges where a rotary does better anyway. And yes, I do use AA missiles. I use them primarily to hit long distance targets or to make aircraft leave the area. If they hit and actually do damage, that is a nice bonus. If not, it hardly hurts my ability to fight.

    I apologize if I came off as rude, but I was merely saying originally that most pilots I see use flares and leave so they don't take lock-ons. If you don't and die to strikers because of it, that really isn't my problem. Maybe pilots are different on your server than mine, I don't know.
  7. Keiichi25

    No... You are acting like an idiot by not listening to the argument in the proper terms... I am NOT whining about it like a TR, I am pointing out, OBJECTIVELY how you have to treat the Striker.

    But like the petulant, ignorant child you are acting, you aren't listening to why I liken it to a weaker Annihilator and focus on your foolish notion I am wanting the striker to be stronger.

    I NEVER STATED IT NEEDED TO BE IMPROVED OR NEEDED TO BE BETTER. That is YOUR foolhardy and stupid assumption and as unconstructive as this post is, it seems to be the only way to get some sort of basic logic into you is to beat you with a stick and the dead horse you seem to be throttling in your necrophiliac sadism you call 'reason'.

    At the same time, had you taken the time to read any of my posts in the past, one of the things I have argued for is missile tracking. I have argued this for vehicle users because of the fact that missile rendering is broken, it is difficult to react to a missile lock short of a flare or a dive down. At the same time, the drive down maneuver you discount, you assume all lockon users are also going to be smart enough to wait for the situation to try and get you while they are close. Again, this is not necessarily the case because EVEN IN THE IN CLOSE ENGAGEMENT, the unloading of a magazine highly depends on the lockon user to 'twist' to hit a target in close, which means they need to keep on the target until all rounds are expended.

    Like the poor marksman, you keep missing the target on your arguments, because you keep thinking in your little world and your little assumptions in only seeing 'It happens all the time this way...' Yet it doesn't. Even 0 certed ESF does not fall down to a single striker unloading all their round. Not every TR will be running around with a Striker because it works JUST LIKE THE ANNIHILATOR, which ***** them in the short range fight due to the lack of a Dumbfire. In every faction, Air, even the TR air have to deal with the Annihilator and the ES specific G2A missile systems, which are countered by ground forces and infantry. Just as the NC's Phoenix is not the greatest in dealing with fast moving Air and is not the best AI suppression weapon, even when it was a OHK on infantry, nor is the Lancer the best weapon against air at times, both the phoenix and the lancer also aren't the best weapons at close range. Of course, since you seem to foolishly stick on the belief I am a TR whiner, I will just go on the fact that as VS icon and the way you carry on about air denial over a striker, you have rarely tried to even use the NC Phoenix or the VS Lancer in various situations or even use the TR Striker.

    Any weapon in this game, used in mass, will F-over some group. Mass AV Turrets at range will F-over ground vehicles. Mass RLs will F-over most vehicles (One TR platoon proved this by having Everyone use the BASE RL that Everyone gets and firing at once at any given target, which also includes liberators and reavers). Mass Air overwhelms any ground AA attempts, including lockons. Mass Vehicle attacks overwhelms most attempts to stop them, purely on the fact that no matter HOW ORGANIZED an attempt to deal with something, it devolves down to how many people can focus on targets and how quickly they can burn it down, which falls apart due to the simple fact that as more targets are available, the ability to burn through all the targets diminishes due to reload and the fact those targets are not all going to be lined up like ducks in a row.

    Any concentrated, organized group will also be, strangely enough IN A GROUP that makes them easier to hit several units, and often times, even a group broken up to deal with certain threats, like ground and air, will only be able to hold off small attacks, but in the end, any mass push (IE: ZERG) will take down a group, time and time again because of the purely craptastic defensibility of any position in the game.
  8. ObsidianSoul

    Thank you for the apology anyway. It's your business how you fly, though I still highly recommend you stop using AA because it does affect your ability to fight. The fact that you have to call someone else over to kill sundies is a testament to that, and I won't even ask what you do when your rotaries are reloading. Again, you're an air superiority fighter without pods, not quite air support. And yes I already use flares, and yes I already know enough not to stick around in TR territory after a lockon. But the fact that I can and do avoid strikers actively doesn't really help. It only makes the point that TR currently have a weapon that guarantees a no-fly zone all the more stronger.

    If it's so much like an anni, then please make it do same damage as an anni. Deal?
  9. Noppa

    Striker needs a nerf like all the rest lock on rockets have got.. im sick of getting killed by group of Striker user.. or just then buff other faction rockets to same level.. oh yeah forgot, u cant buff the NC one anymore without the loading screen :p

    Just nerf the Striker... or buff our and VS lock on rockets to the same level.

    EDIT: OH WAIT, it gets better... make the Striker to work like Engineer turret, then it aint a lock on rocket and it is as useles than the rest faction rocket launchers ^^
  10. Ghazef

    Can we please just ditch ALL the ESL's? Please? This game was finally approaching a semblance of balance at last, and these 3 launchers (especially the Striker) have COMPLETELY ballsed it up again. I've stopped playing because of this weapon, because I don't want to end up only fighting NC (in TR territory, it's purely evasion practice, trying to do anything else and actually contribute to a fight means death).
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  11. SgtBreastroker

    First ESRL whine post where the Phoenix isn't the main reason.

  12. Thardus

    Well, after browsing this topic, I see it's full of people complaining how useless the Striker is, and full of people complaining how amazing or OP the striker is.

  13. Jube

    Really?!? And I suppose you do see this "Big picture". Are you one of the developers hidden amongst us? IF not then the only "Big picture" your seeing is that you don't want to see this launcher get fixed.
    The facts are that this launcher needs a laser or fly-by-wire guidance to bring it more in-line with the other factions launchers. That being that it would require the user to have some skill in it's use to be successful.
  14. ObsidianSoul

    This is the problem, simplified:

    • Phoenixes are designed to kill Ground vehicles
    • Lancers are designed to kill Ground vehicles
    • Strikers are designed to kill Ground AND Air vehicles.
    Why didn't I include infantry you ask? Because anyone who uses launchers for killing infantry, aside from maxes is doing it wrong. That's what guns are for. While I've killed a few with my launchers, I usually do it by accident (I had the launcher out when they started shooting) or against maxes (and I use my Nemesis or S1 for that, you'd be dead long before you can get a damaging shot out of a Lancer when facing a max). I never intentionally go around lugging my launchers (be it S1, Nemesis, or Lancer), looking for infantry to shoot at. That would be like running around corridors using a sniper as a close-quarters combat weapon.

    The problem with the striker is not that it is overpowered (though it still does the highest damage compared with all the lockon missiles). The problem is that its role is unbalanced.

    You guys have been saying over and over that we shouldn't be complaining about the Striker because it's so useless since pilots can dodge it so easily with flares or maneuvering. Have you ever even considered that Lancers and Phoenixes themselves are already useless against pilots BY DEFAULT?

    That's like saying we shouldn't glare at you so much for having a cheese and bacon sandwich because the bacon doesn't taste that great anyway, all the while ignoring the fact that the rest of the people around you are eating plain cheese sandwiches.

    I've tried shooting at galaxies and liberators with the Lancer for example, given that it's the only air they can actually hit. While Strikers can make short work of them, Lancers barely even damage them, even at full charge. Just a tiny tiny nick in their HP that disappears while I'm reloading if they happen to have nanorepair. Ridiculous right?

    The entire point of the complaints against the Striker is that it's the only ESRL that was designed to kill ALL vehicles. The fact that it does more damage than an annihilator or any of the faction specific anti-air launchers only makes it even more infuriating.
  15. Eisler

    All or nothing 1 mouseclick 5 rockets.
  16. Tullerion

    Fix the crappy tracking on the striker..... that is all.
  17. Theadria

    im afraid you have to click all the 5 times but what thay could do to make it as useless against air and effective against tanks and such is simply remove lock-on. and to prevent it being used for infantry spam gun aswell you remove splash dmg and make it direct hit only dmg that would be a great solver even tho i doupt SOE will do such a thing ^^
  18. SebDollar

    I don't care about KDR, score/min or anything like that. You can call the Striker OP or UP, i don't care. Only thing i care about is having fun. And the Striker is really annoying, and takes the fun out of flying against the TR. Therefore i hope that something is done to minimize the insane lock on spam, that flying against TR are these days.
  19. Tullerion

    So you're saying, you cant own all the tr you come across so you aren't having fun so there for it needs to be "fixed" okay..
  20. SebDollar

    Yes, that is excatly what i'm saying

    Funny, that by your own words, you are implying that Striker IS a more powerful AA weapon - hence i wan't it to be fixed so i can "own all the tr" again. I'm "owning tr" just fine against the Striker, thats not the problem. The problem is, the Striker is god damn annoying.
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