[Suggestion] How would you nerf AV turret?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    we all know it is coming thing is just to broken to be allowed, so what would you do?.

    1) make it glow when firing just for a <1s allowing people with awareness to spot it, would also give snipers a useful role.

    2) dmg reduction.

    gha was meant to post in engi section fail, oh well.

    Just reduce its damage some. As for its visibility I don't feel it needs any changes. The platform already renders like a vehicle making the engy on them very vulnerable.
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  3. Tanelorn

    As a big fan of the AV turret:

    Rigt now its pretty weak against front armor. Its good to reward players for flanking. No damage reduction needed.

    At issue is that a weapon that hits vehicles hard (vehicles are worth materials and have a cooldown timer) is infinitely redeployable and costs nothing. That is the big imbalance. Plus it blocks small arms fire from the front very effectively. I recommend the following:

    1. Just like mines, it costs infantry points to deploy the turret. You press B (deploy) when in it to decon it back into your universal tool and reclaim your points. If the enemy pops it youve lost the points and must resupply at a terminal just like mines.

    2. Improve the deployability for steeper slopes because its rediculous

    3. Make it a smaller model and smaller hitbox as its rediculously big and blocks too much small arms fire

    4. Reduce the amount of small arms fire it can absorb because right now its like an armored wall.

    5. Have the fuel cut out at medium-long range. Let it be steerable but start dropping at that point. Alot of issues and exploits come from attacking targets at render distance

    Adding economy and range limits to the AV turret should be enough. Its unfair for this thing to be free.
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  4. Zorro

    I would reduce the damage, range, and projectile velocity. It should function like a poor man's AV turret, while (possibly multiple) engineers could build a real anti-tank gun that fires faster and has better damage, projectile speed, and range. This is what I would like: (without the wheels and with an energy shield rather than metal armor)
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  5. AssaultPig

    I don't really see why it needs to be nerfed; it's not as thought anybody's going on a rampage with it. Their rendering distance makes them a magnet for tank shells and snipers, and the slow firing rate means you can't really ambush people with them.
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  6. AssaultPig

    Reducing the projectile speed might wind up being a functional buff if it makes the thing easier to turn/steer; the hard part about aiming it is correcting for little movements by the target near the point of impact, and slowing the projectile would actually make that easier (imo.)
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  7. FateJH

    1000 certs to buy, 1000 certs to level.
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  8. Pat Cleburne

    I would reduce the range. Add an ammo capacity. Make it so when it is destroyed you have to resupply somewhere before you can deploy another one.

    I think those things would be helpful. And yes, I have an AV turret, fully certed.
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  9. Being@RT

    Nerf it by giving it the same shield as the anti-infantry mana turret. It already has the protection anyway, so might as well give the visuals.

    While they render at great distances, a glowy shield is far easier to notice than a black box.
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  10. Fiatsu

    I would buff it.
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  11. drNovikov

    I would nerf and ban people who whine and cry for nerfs of what's killing them and their spawncamping cowardtanks.
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  12. FigM

    Like the Anni missiles, AV turret seems to do well when you have 3+ people using them and attacking same target. At long distances, the victims will not see the engineers, and even the missiles themselves will not render. You just see your armor going down and have no idea where its coming from and what the hell is happening
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  13. CrashB111

    If you make it cost resources it has to be more durable.

    If you did that with the hp it has now, it wouldn't be worth it since the thing goes down really fast.
  14. HellasVagabond

  15. SinerAthin

    Why would you nerf the AV turrets?
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  16. Jezs

    Make the explosion radius the same as AP rounds, you know, anti-vehicle
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  17. Acer

    why does it need a nerf? i seldom see these things in action. Maybe at crown where tanks are shooting a mile away across on the other ridge. but lets be honest there hardly ever a big part of any outfit i have seen or run with.
  18. NucNuc

    I would nerf the fun playing with a unbroken gameelement.

    On a serious note DrNovikov said it right:

    I would nerf and ban people who whine and cry for nerfs (.....of what's killing them and their spawncamping cowardtanks.)

    You open the forum, and always there is a need for nerf. As if its an sport to be the first to cry "nerf"... getting really annoying...
  19. KingSnuggler

    And thats what we call a ambush
  20. KingSnuggler

    Cause someone died ...
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