Hardcounter to Tanks - especially Prowler

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Strikejk, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. MasterTater

    I guess he is not whining - he just asks for a proper balancing of the game - while most TR/NC in the forums grief in malicious and acid joy on the destruction of gameplay essential and the only competitive features which the Vs had- Maneuverability - which got more destroyed by bugs and ninja nerfs then the stuff quoted in the GU2.
  2. Total_Overkill

    Broken you say?
    Least HP, Least Damage is most certainly broken. At least we had stabilized guns, dodge at extreme ranges and the ability to go where we pleased.
    Now we have least hp, least damage, slowest velocity rounds, no long range advantage, unable to dodge incoming rounds and an inability to drive over most mounds.... but hey, we still have our OP stabilization. Right?

    Life of a Prowler must have been hard pre patch, killing 30+ infantry per life before being shot to death by a Mag while you were looking through your cert tree ;-p
  3. MasterTater

    LOL 90% of the really aggravating changes are NOT in the Patch notes as:

    • They are not complete
    • Bugs where not mentioned (of course not)
    • and the GU2 included tons of ninja nerfs on physics-hover mechanics-and vehicle handling (Scythe/Mag)

    Just one example - Did SOE Dev team mention the massive loss of traction on the hover mechanics, the decreased acceleration on side hoverslide, the decreased and sluggish blurry turn rate of the Magrider coming from the lower hover power? Check patch notes - you wont see those changes in the post.
  4. MasterTater

    Yea - with HE guns only and stalling up the azz in the open field to any drive by Magrider, which equipped the only viable weapon - the AP Saron if he could afford, in exchange the maingun on Mag is completely useless by large due to the massive drop , slow moving ground fired gun.

    Wrong use and Abuse of the Prowler / Vanguard as pure Cert farming machine on infantry spawnrooms has led to the deceptive statistics.
  5. Strikejk

    Well i have to admit that Magrider has some deficit against Rocketpods aswell. As i said, every tank has problems with them. Tank is a 2seat ground vehicle. Nothing can 1shot kill it - except an 1seat air superiority fighter with rocket pods. Even the liberator a 3 seat anti ground aircraft can't 1shot a heavy tank. But a air superiority fighter can? Thats so wrong. It's wrong since i played in the beta.
    The whole time in the beta people where complaining about that, thats why they nerfed the rocket pods.. Well but not enough or in a wrong way. The damage against "infantry" seems to be okay in me eyes due to the now small AOE radius. But against armored it is clearly too strong.
    Nothing should be able to kill a heavy tank with 1 shot,
    especially not a 1seat, air superiority fighter.
  6. MasterTater

    Hovering hight got decreased, you get stuck on ground bumps and lil obstacles more often while sliding to aim your gun than having fluent gameplay.
  7. TheBlueMagician

    Given your replies to everyone else, and this one to me, I'm gonna go ahead and say your diatribe is a good example of Hanlon's Razor and let you go about doing that.
  8. Strikejk

    Well that's not a Magrider only problem. I can't drive over little tree-roots anymore. They nerfed every tank climbing abillity.. :/
  9. CaligoIllioneus


  10. Phazaar

    ESFs are clearly not anti-air fighters, that's why they're not called ASFs (air superiority fighters). It's also why they have AV and AA missiles, anti-ground primary weapons etc. You guys are ******* ridiculous.
  11. Xind

    I support the increase of Lolpods direct damage and the further reduction of their splash damage and range. Why? Because it makes them AV instead of AI.
  12. CaligoIllioneus

    No one uses the anti ground primary weapons because the lolpods do the same 10 times better. Also, the lolpods are one of the only things that one shot tanks and it is just plain wrong. Like it was said, a 3 manned lib can destroy a tank, and it's okay for it to do so, but it actually needs more time to kill the tank than an ESF with lolpods while being a bigger target for AA.

    The lolpods are just an all purpose OP weapon capable of killing everything ground based and sometimes libs and galaxies. Even worse, lolpods are for ESF, easily replaceable 1 manned vehicles that require 0 teamwork, unlike libs and 2/2 MBTs.

    The ridiculous power of the lolpods make the devs try to balance air by adding OP AA that has the side effect of screwing up libs and galaxies. Air should be less effective against ground and ground should be less effective against air.

    By the way....lolpods push tanks to become part of the zerg. The zerg always brings AA. A tank in a small group probably doesn't have enough AA to deter the ESF fast enough, so it will kill the MBT regardless, run for repairs, and come back to kill the rest.
  13. Munq

    Bugs are besides the point as they were not intended. Even if these ninjanerfs were intended and/or required, they are minimal changes in comparison what they changed for Vanguard and Prowler, both of them gaining significant (Prowler getting too significant) buffs to their attributes. What I'm saying is that even if they changed nothing for Magrider, the result in performance increase for Prowler and Vanguard would be same. Prowler and Vanguard used to have poor weaponry especially in long ranged combat because of slow projectile speed. Biggest gripe was the AV secondary weapons, Saron HRB being the best anti tank gun in the game thanks to its near instant projectile velocity and lack of projectile drop. Now Prowler and Vanguard have gained massive projectile speed upgrade for their MAIN GUN to combat this. Thanks to these changes, Magrider went from long range combat heavy tank to mid range combat medium tank. It can't be considered long range because it gets outclassed both by Vanguard and Prowler, Prowler more so, due their increased projectile velocity to main guns and it can't be considered heavy tank since it can't effectively do combat in medium range due to lack of firepower and survivability. It is so fragile as it is thanks to masses of lock on anti vehicle weaponry that exists in the game combined with the medium range it has to be in to effectively hit with both weapons and, you know, be use of in combat. Prowler can effectively lock down and snipe from cover thanks to projectile velocity and Vanguard can seriously soak up damage thanks to increased armor and shield, it now can actually hit targets too thanks to projectile speed increase and the bug that caused Vanguard secondary gun be useless has been fixed.

    The only real annoyance I have with Magrider specifically is indeed the hill slide. If you exit magrider that is on a tiny slope, it starts sliding down which makes repairing impossible and even dangerous as you can get run over by runaway magrider. This is not an issue with Prowler or Vanguard.

    Other problems to Magrider specifically stem from other parts of the game, which is the masses of lock-on weaponry in the game. No amount of buffs to Magrider could change this, without making it completely overpowering.

    Which is why I think lock on weapons are completely overpowered. The only counter to them is 5 second tracking loss to missiles which is on 45 second cool down. As soon as that 5 seconds is over, and if you're not behind a building by then, you can consider your tank a flaming wreckage. Planetside 1 had lock on weapons (TR Striker AV launcher) but the damage on them was very low. This was alleviated by them having more than 1 missile in their clips. Yes, Striker had 5 or so missiles in its clip which could be fired in relatively rapid succession. Even when massed, it was not so overpowering as say the old VS shoulder mounted laser cannon.
  14. Munq

    So you want them to change the pods against prowlers. This is what your posts suggest. Ironically this is also one of the few counters to sniping prowler currently in the game. You better put more thought on your topic and posts and how you present your subject of discussion in them if you don't want discussion to turn into something that your thread has turned into.

    The data charts posted somewhere in these forums currently show Prowler on top of the food chain. Making it more powerful by making the hitbox on Prowler smaller and/or reducing the rocket pod effective is just going to exponentially increase the Prowlers power.

    If there's any increased vulnerability to Prowler being destroyed by rocket pods it's because of the inherent nature of current Prowler: It can snipe very easily and it can snipe from very long distances meaning it can deploy itself somewhere where there is very little AA in the area meaning it can be destroyed by aircrafts easily since sniping Prowler is isolated from rest of the empire forces. Does this make rocket pods overpowered? No. Does this make rocket pods more powerful against Prowler specifically? No. Does Prowlers slightly larger rear hitbox make it underwhelming against other tanks? No, because Prowler can very well completely negate this disadvantage by sniping from larger distance. Does Prowlers slightly larger rear hitbox make it underwhelming against aircrafts when compared to other tanks? No, all empire MBTs are underwhelming when fighting against rocket pods.

    So stop bringing Prowler into your discussion unless you want to discuss the balance of power between empire specific MBTs.

    Either provide a unbiased discussion about the power of rocket pods or provide a biased discussion about the balance between Prowler and rocket pods. Prowler is no more vulnerable to rocket pods than magrider or vanguard. They all get destroyed very easily by rocket pods and I'm completely fine with that, given the amount of AA in the game.

    Furthermore, given the amount of AA currently in the game, I'm surprised people still continue to whine about the rocket pods.
  15. Naturaliensammler

    1. Tried turning in your Magrider lately? I even use a different DPI for the x-Axis in tanks now because you cannot turn around at all.
    Tried evading lately? The strafing acceleration is so rubbish you cannot evade at all.
    So NOT BEING ABLE TO AIM properly because it goes so freakin' slow to the sides is "minimal"?
    2. Saron had 300 m/s. My Rifle fires at 630 m/s. So I am unsure about your definition of "near instant projectile velocity".
    84mms now travel at 275m/s... are they also "near instant"?
    3. Not only their main guns were buffed. 84mm rockets (the most used on them) plus their empire specifics have been MASSIVELY buffed. Ever went within <100m of a vulcan?
    I know I know... TR usually doesn't bother having 2/2 because 1/2 is perfectly fine for them so you will rarely encounter this.
    4. On medium ranges you cannot evade projectiles at all due to the higher velocity combined with the slower strafing accelerations.
    That's what I call a double nerf! :)
    • Up x 1
  16. Munq

    1. Evading is impossible due to the increased projectile velocity and the fact there's bazillion lock on missiles in the field at any given time.
    2. Old Saron compared to other old vehicle projectiles had practically "near instant hit" velocity. What I am saying is in relation to other vehicle weapons. I am speaking relatively. If you want to start nitpicking what is "near instant" in this world then I can tell you that nothing is instant. Even light takes time to travel. But I think that is really besides the point.
    3. I only know that Vanguard secondary gun got fixed so the projectile can now actually travel at max speed. I don't have Vulcan on my Prowler but I've gunned for Vulcan and it's just inaccurate as shieet.
    4. This is what I agree with you. But my point is that the old Magrider still couldn't evade the projectiles at their current speed with the projectile velocity. It is practically irrelevant whether or not the evade ability or turn rate got slightly stealth nerfed. Prowler gunner doesn't really need to think about the lateral movement of the Magrider when the time for projectile impact is so low. Gunner basically only has to take into account the projectile drop. Combine this with the fact that Magrider deals the least amount of damage of the 3 vehicles, you get situations where Magrider is easily outclassed by Vanguard or Prowler whose drivers know their projectile drops. But this is just VS secondary gun versus NC/Prowler MAIN gun. I have no idea why they are balancing NC/TR main gun to VS secondary gun instead of balancing NC/TR main guns to VS mainguns and NC/TR secondary guns to VS secondary guns.

    But all of this discussion which empire is the best is redundant really. The amount of lock-on AV weaponry make all empire MBTs practically useless and not fun to drive, with the exception being Prowlers ability to deal some serious damage in the long range thanks to projectile velocity. There is no real scenario where you could pit Magrider against Prowler or Vanguard without getting hundreds of lock on warnings and getting hit by several missiles before you can a shot. You will ALWAYS get hit by lock on AV weaponry before you can start engaging.

    It's so freaking dumb that there's these lock-on weapons. It's killing the fun for me.

    All tanks are very vulnerable to aerial attacks. Though in fact the Magrider has the highest rear hitbox and the largest top profile rendering it the most vulnerable tank regarding attacks from above. A locked down Prowler in the plains is ofc an easy kill for a lolpodder too. That's why I usually put my rear on a wall or a tree when I deploy. I die to ESFs on a regular basis nevertheless, probably because I've abandoned the Vulcan for the Halberd. But with maxed out anchor mode + AP rounds I can actually still kill more ESFs than ESFs kill me. Vanguard has its shield which gives the driver at least a couple of extra seconds to dodge the rockets or run for cover.
  18. MasterTater

    Signed 100 percent - and by 90% of my outfit - well at least from what is left from it.
  19. MasterTater

    If just all TR/NC tankdrivers were as smart as you are and had put their azz on a wall before GU2, while wacking havoc on infantry spawn rooms with HE ammo only as infantry farm machines, then we would not have had the deceptive statistic and consequent nerf of Magriders, which gave them a drive by suppository in their buttz to stop their farming.
  20. MasterTater

    Funny and I bet the OP wants a Prowler exclusive resistance against Air Pod attacks only and not for all MBT.

    In summary the OP wants to achieve the follwing after catching attention with a deceptive headline:

    • The most OP deployable long range weapon platform which can snipe over very long distance from out of range of enemy tanks while being able to hide 90% of the hitbox behind a blockading obstacle ( possible due to left mounted gun - everything right from the gun can be hidden behind a rock) BEST RANGED COMBAT WEAPON
      Status: Achieved due to massive Forum crying
    • The most versatile, fasted weapon platform on short medium range with independant weapon turrent (driving in a certain direction and being able to shoot in 360° angle) with the higest dmg MBT weapons, Highest RoF, (multiply that with the dmg per shot), fastest and almost invisible projectiles and the best close/midrange secondary (Vukcan)
      Status: Since release and buffed even further due to forum QQ
    • NEW to COME:
      A Prowler exclusive protection against its "socalled" hardcounter which is the mainthreat for all MBT.
      Status: In the making with deceptive threads where all statements about how currently OP the prowler already is are descredited as idiots` trolling and weaknesses on hardcounters are sold as Prowler specific only.
    Congratz - the game is already ruined enough in terms of balance atm, but I think opportunistic beastards will never stop the Nerf other / buff us QQ train with corruptive and deceptive threads until all factions except their own are completely crippled for their own faction advantage.

    If you want this all, and SOE is still stupid enough to listen to disruptive posts and unjustified nerf bat calls without using the PROPERLY interpreted statistics - then SOE:

    Please be so kind and delete the Magrider from the game and also give Vanu the Prowler as MBT. Cause when driven correctly and not being abused as HE infrantry Farming machine, it had already been the best tank of all Pre-GU2.