SMG Rundown!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Crewell

    Oh man I never have luck like that on Matherson. There are instances here and there where I get behind an enemy and get a few chained kills but never more than 5 on average.
  2. Benevon

    The extended magazines are bugged for all weapons that have it as an option. Like mentioned before, just resupply after respawning or switching classes at a terminal.

    Good job on the video Koolaid, your videos are always informative. And an extra kudos for posting something informative (which we don't get enough of on this class's forum).

    I had a chance to run around with an SMG with just the soft point (all I could afford atm). I certainly didn't have long kill streaks like you did (getting zerged when I tested it), but I'd definitely have to agree that the laser dot really isn't needed for an infiltrator. The tight accuracy, even when moving, at close quarters is more than enough for the class and what you should be doing with this gun IMO.
  3. Ruvan

    Used to make the same argument as you about SPA Koolaid. Seemed great to me until I popped it in to a spreadsheet to actually see the hard numbers. According to my spreadsheet at maximum SPA only provides you with less than 2% additional damage at ideal range, however, it was reducing damage by up to 14% after 25m. Less than 2% additional damage seemed like it would hardly ever be useful.
  4. Crewell

    I'm not sure what you are trying to argue. If you are trying to get a weapon that does more substantial damage after 25 meters, perhaps you should stick with an auto-scout (or semi auto sniper).

    For SMG the SPA option keeps its damage potential at its highest at its effective range. That being said I think if I were certing things in a particular order I would make SPA one of the last items to cert on the gun. Still torn about extended mag or laser sight. There have been a few times I wished I had about 5 more shots and not a lot where I had issues aiming.
  5. Benevon

    I wish I had grabbed the suppressor over the SPA first to be honest, but even just an extra 2% for the close quarters most indoor fights will take place in for an inf is worth it. And I definitely think extended mags over laser dot is the way to go for this class.
  6. Ruvan

    The point is that 2% is such a small benefit that it will hardly ever be the difference between winning and losing. This means that:
    • SPA is a waste of 100 certs.
    • SPA severely impacts your potential beyond 25m. Beyond 25m might not be optimal for weapons like SMGs but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be situations where it would be worth it. If someone had their back turned to at 40m I would be inclined to hit them with the SMG.
  7. giltwist

    Very good video, but I kept thinking to myself, "He's still alive?" I feel like I always die after about 2 hits (which is about the minimum I can take before my cloak becomes fully active to run away) in CQC, is there something special you are doing to get away?
  8. sosolidshoe

    Don't bother, if they have even a shred of awareness you'll be mince. Using the SMG on any other class, I'd agree with you frankly, tiny damage boost up close, or slight chance of killing people further away, neither is particularly useful, but one costs certs that are better spent elsewhere. However, on the Infiltrator, there is no excuse at all for engaging on anything other than your terms.

    I finally got into a verve tonight, after a couple of evenings where I couldn't shake CQC behaviours picked up as an Engineer, and oh my, the Eridani is a monster. 1xReflex, Suppressor, Soft Point, and Adv.Laser(22 certs to go until I can test Ex.Mag), and you can have so much fun. The new towers are custom made for the SMG Infiltrator, loads of tight corners, loads of different approaches. The common wisdom is to use the cloak as little as possible because of the noise/Low settings issues - not with the SMG in a tower, turn that thing on and off like mad, it confuses the hell out of the enemy, and you want them all a little paranoid and checking different angles, makes it easier for you to pop into the room just long enough to frag one before vanishing again.

    I've not had this much fun since beta before they took away my precious Nova.
    • Up x 1
  9. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Are you sure you're looking at soft point right? I mean I could be wrong as to what it does exactly but I don't think I am lol. I've never actually tested it myself but I have seen video on it. Here is a video explaining it well. Even though the damage drop off looks steep, it doesn't really matter until it drops below the next damage tier. Because in the case of the gun in the video, anything between 142 damage and 126 damage still kills in the same amount of shots. So in the case of the weapon in the video it is changing the 7 hit kill range from 10 to 15 meters. The 6 hit kill range stays the same with both ammo types out to 45 meters, then that is when soft point starts becoming negative. Now the SMG damage drop off numbers are not out yet but I know they will hit their minimum damage much sooner. If I can stil increase my 6 hit kill range from 10 to 15 meters and not lose anything until 25+ meters, I'm perfectly fine with that.

    This is a great video btw, props to fkkfreeze for making it.

    • Up x 1
  10. Ruvan

    Edit: I read your post a couple more times and I see what you mean now. Yes, you are right that is quite a benefit.
  11. Ruvan

    As long as the opponent is on exactly 1000 HP that is.
  12. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Lol yes it was probably hard to read, sorry about that. But ya especially as in Infiltrator I barely even fire my weapon outside that 25 meter range. I think on SMGs I'd almost always use it, on other guns it starts becoming more of a question.
  13. Raital

    Because I ended up posting data in the light assault forum, and the data is relevant here as well, I'm going to quote my own post from there so the numbers I crunched are more visible for those that might be looking for hard numbers.

  14. K4is0r

    Hmm maybe its a n00b question, but how did you equip your med kit (or restoration kit) AND the proximity mines both at the same time? As I see it I have only one utility slot and therefore can only use one of them o.0?
  15. zijin_cheng

    Yes, you can only use one at a time.
  16. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Ya you can only equip one at a time. Since getting mines I've never had a resto kit equipped.
  17. Crewell

    If you need to heal, hack a terminal, switch to medic, use their special, and switch back.

    The mines will get you more kills than resto/med kits will. You can have fun like overload a generator and drop a mine in front of it. The poor guy who comes by to save the day bites the bullet instead.
  18. ladiesop

    What is the min damage on the SMGs?
  19. Ruvan

    We don't know yet. The spreadsheet at that most of us use to get our information hasn't got minimum damage figures yet.
  20. K4is0r

    Ah ok, thought the tool you switched to on 0:16s (slot 5) was a restoration kit and not a squad beacon. Now I`m relieved :)
    Thank you for answering my question.