Varsoon Guide Events

Discussion in 'EverQuest II Guide Events' started by Miriele, Jun 21, 2022.

  1. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon, young and old, short and tall! Today, I bring news to you of some last summer fun before the leaves begin to fall!

    Rumors are flying around that there will be a researcher in Antonica over the weekend. They claim they have discovered some relics from the time of Antonius Bayle and may have even belonged him!

    Grab your cup of coffee and hurry on over to Antonica THIS SATURDAY (08/26/2023) at 9am Pacific time, before the scorching heat of the day hits us.
  2. Forestyne SWAT EQ2

    Greetings, adventurers of Varsoon. I just received a note that at 7pm this evening Wednesday, August 30 an artisan will be in The Ferroott looking for assistance with a new project.
    Yareth likes this.
  3. Lissandraz New Member

    I know it's only been a week, but any chance of having the bag quest again this weekend? many guilds are trying to level up and this quest is the best!

    thank you!
  4. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon, young and old, short and tall! Today, I bring news to you of some last summer fun before the leaves begin to fall!

    Rumors are flying around that there will be a researcher in Antonica over the weekend. They claim they have discovered some relics from the time of Antonius Bayle that may have even belonged him!

    Grab your cup of coffee and hurry on over to Antonica THIS SATURDAY (09/16/2023) at NOON Pacific time, before the scorching heat of the day hits us.
  5. Forestyne SWAT EQ2

    There are rumors of lost relics believed to have belonged to Antonius Bayle spreading around. Stop by Antonica on Saturday, 10/07/23 around 12pm PDT to learn more.
  6. Yareth SWAT EQ

    G'day to you, adventurers of Varsoon, far from our shores!

    Rumors are flying around that there will be a researcher in Antonica over the weekend. They claim they have discovered some relics from the time of Antonius Bayle and may have even belonged him!

    Grab yourself a cuppa and hurry on over to Antonica THIS FRIDAY (11/03/2023) at 6pm Pacific time!
  7. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, Varsoon!

    The cries of distressed orcs were heard screeching through the Feerrott earlier... Find out how you can help around 3pm Pacific Time on Wednesday 11/29!
  8. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, Varsoon!

    A spirit was spotted roaming around Greater Faydark this evening... Perhaps you can assist this poor spirit so he can rest. Look for him around 5:30pm Pacific time, Friday night (tonight) 12/01!
  9. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Norrath is getting colder as Frostfell approaches us. Remember to bundle up and stay warm.

    I bring news to you!

    Rumors are flying around that there will be a researcher in Antonica over the weekend. They claim they have discovered some relics from the time of Antonius Bayle that may have even belonged him!

    Grab your favorite scarf and hot chocolate! Then head over to Antonica THIS SUNDAY (12/03/2023) at NOON Pacific time.
  10. Jesslyn New Member

    Thanks for all you do! Would it be possible to get a Bag Quest again?
  11. Jesslyn New Member

    Thanks for all you do! Would it be possible to get a Bag Quest again?
    Yareth likes this.
  12. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Greetings to you, Varsoon!

    We've heard some rumors about a halfling who is missing something terribly important. Can you meet her on the Commonlands docks at 7 AM PST on 01/15/2023 and assist her in her search?

  13. Rivenly New Member

    We've had a lot of new players join recently- would really love another bag quest soon!
    Yareth and Jesslyn like this.
  14. Yareth SWAT EQ

    I will pass this along to the team and see what can be arranged. :D
    Sphiek and Jesslyn like this.
  15. Kuragarishi Guide EQ2 Varsoon

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Norrath is feeling the love being spread by Erollisi and we are hearing tales great and small.

    I bring news to you!

    Rumors are flying around that there will be a troll in Gorowyn this evening. She is feeling heartbroken and hopes you can assist her.

    Head over to Timorous Deep and see if you can assist her around 9 PM Pacific Time tonight!

    Yareth likes this.
  16. Kuragarishi Guide EQ2 Varsoon

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Norrath is feeling the love being spread by Erollisi and we are hearing tales great and small

    I bring news to you!

    A froglok family hit troubled times and needs the help of adventurers like you!

    Visit the Commonlands on Thursday, 2/22/2024 around 12pm PST to learn more.
  17. Kuragarishi Guide EQ2 Varsoon

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Norrath is saddened with Erollisi Day being over but fear not, we still look for and bring you news of events happening in the area.

    I bring the tale of a strange creature being sighted. Rumor has it that was seen in Lavastorm and will be there tomorrow, 2/23/2024 around 12pm PST.

    I implore you to brave this hostile zone and see what this poor creature is doing!
    Sphiek and Yareth like this.
  18. Kuragarishi Guide EQ2 Varsoon

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Rain from Karana shall soon wash away the last vestiges of this winter weather and then new growth can begin. Just like the seasons bring change, I bring you more tidings!

    A world renowned baker is having some problems with the locals and requires some assistance. Please visit him in the Commonlands tomorrow, 3/1/2024 around 6pm PST.
  19. Kuragarishi Guide EQ2 Varsoon

    Greetings to you, adventurers of Varsoon! Now that everyone is sobering up from the mighty Brew Festivals around the world, we are seeing an uptick in news coming out that doesn't involve someone streaking the docks in Butcherblock. A tale has been told and I must share it with you.

    A halfling has wandered away from Rivervale and is in the Thundering Steppes. He is requesting assistance as he knows the adventurers just love to help someone in need. He will be on the docks in the Thundering Steppes tomorrow, 3/22/2024 around 9 AM Pacific.
  20. Tune New Member

    Would you please run the Assemblage of Magics and the fae lantern one from dark light woods please?
    Yareth likes this.