Test Update Notes: Thursday June 28, 2018

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Jamiss, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. Jamiss Developer

    • All Shard of Arcana rewards will now have a chance to grant ascension pages and rare harvests.
    Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred [Raid]
    • The High Priest M'kari and Lord or Ire encounters have had some slight adjustments to make the fights a bit less difficult to execute.
    • The Master of Spite should now allow more time between casting sets of vortices.
    Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge [Raid]
    • Agnarr should no longer block the ball lightning adds from notifying their script.
    • Dominus Rile itemization has been flagged and upgraded to a Tier 1 raid.
    • Shard of the Ulteran Beast: Potency increased by 1.7, Crit Bonus increased by 1.2, Primary Attributes increased by 18, Stamina increased by 18, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Ability Mod increased by 110, Added 16 Defensive Skills
    • Defensive Veil of Odus: Potency increased by 2.2, Crit Bonus increased by 1.5, Primary Attributes increased by 23, Stamina increased by 23, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Ability Mod increased by 134, Removed Defensive Skills
    • Effigy of the Ulteran Beast: Potency increased by 1.7, Crit Bonus increased by 1.2, Primary Attributes increased by 18, Stamina increased by 18, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Added 3.6 Casting Time, Removed Haste, Casting Skills increased by 4
    • Ulteran Veil of Energy: Potency increased by 2.2, Crit Bonus increased by 1.5, Primary Attributes increased by 23, Stamina increased by 23, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Removed DPS, Added 18.6 Haste, Casting Skills increased by 4
    • Emblem of the Ulteran Beast: Potency increased by 1.7, Crit Bonus increased by 1.2, Primary Attributes increased by 18, Stamina increased by 18, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Ability Mod increased by 110, Added 16 Offensive Skills, Added 16 Casting Skills
    • Shattered Veil of Fangs: Potency increased by 2.2, Crit Bonus increased by 1.5, Primary Attributes increased by 23, Stamina increased by 23, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Removed Casting Time, Added 22.1 DPS, Casting Skills increased by 4
    • Charm of the Ulteran Beast: Potency increased by 1.7, Crit Bonus increased by 1.2, Primary Attributes increased by 18, Stamina increased by 18, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Removed Ability Mod, Added 0.9 Max HP Percent, Offensive Skills increased by 4, Removed Casting Skills
    • Stalking Veil of Intuition: Potency increased by 2.2, Crit Bonus increased by 1.5, Primary Attributes increased by 23, Stamina increased by 23, Crit Chance increased by 2.1, Added 265 Ability Mod, Removed Max HP Percent, Removed Offensive Skills
  2. Jamiss Developer

    Thread is left open to replies for any discussions related to these changes.

    Update should be happening sometime tonight. Will not have exact timing, but there should be a broadcast going through before it happens.
  3. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    Just as an FYI, we won't be able to test the Shard of Arcana rewards, or the raid stuff, on Test. We don't have the simultaneous body count at the upper levels for raids or the PoP Public Quests.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.