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Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Apr 18, 2019.

  1. Allayna Augur

    Congrats Triton!
    Thunderkiks, Lisard, Whulfgar and 3 others like this.
  2. feeltheburn Augur

    Thank you
    Whulfgar likes this.
  3. Repthor Augur

    Theres a club??
  4. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    huzzzah :D

    Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  5. Cadira Augur

    He'll yeah, congrats guys. Was hoping I'd see a win last night!
    Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  6. Mintalie Augur

    Grats, Triton!

    Anyone else?
    Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  7. Lianeb Augur

    Congrats guys well played.
    I was rooting for a win last night.
    I was glad to see the event is still rather difficult but more obtainable, which is a rare occurrence with a nerf.
  8. feeltheburn Augur

    yeah, still not a walk in the park by any means. ty
  9. Alarya Augur

    Congrats guys!
    Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  10. Thundastruk Elder

  11. Sancus Augur

    Congrats Triton!
    Thunderkiks, feeltheburn and Axxius like this.
  12. Axxius Augur

    It's still far from trivial, and any 1 person's failure at a bad time can still cause a wipe (and there are plenty of 'bad times' to fail).

    But now the timing of adds at 25% no longer combines with the corridor emote into a 'perfect storm', and that's what prevented us from winning before.
    Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  13. Odiiusx Elder

    Grats Triton
    Axxius, Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  14. Maedhros High King

    Congrats Triton.
    Axxius, Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  15. Tour Augur

    Axxius, Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  16. Urzhad New Member

    Axxius and Thunderkiks like this.
  17. Whulfgar Augur

    Very nice congrats Triton
  18. gotwar Gotcharms

    NJ guys!

    Axxius, Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  19. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Axxius, Thunderkiks and feeltheburn like this.
  20. Zenyan Journeyman

    Congrats Triton!