Looking for folks to do old raids with on FV

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Arborer, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Arborer Lorekeeper

    I've been getting interested in going back and acquiring achievements for completing raid progression for older expansions... like way back. I want to work on them sequentially. While the raids themselves aren't necessarily difficult, there can be a bit of work completing tasks and quest arcs to be able to request a raid. Plus I'm boxing six so if a raid requires completing some tasks simply to attend the raid, then I have to do some of these group and solo quests for six toons.

    Plus some old raids are basically impossible to box because of some of the "interesting" mechanics. I'd like to work my way through House of Thule right now and I'm thinking of the very first raid, Ritual of Terror, which requires moving four toons up four different ramps simultaneously. Later raids in the progression are actually much easier.

    Anyone on FV of suitable level interested in grouping up when time permits to tackle such raids? "Suitable level" is probably 100-115 since I'd like to get these done with a group. I'm not really interested in the "agony" of trying to organize a level-appropriate raid force to tackle these. Any alts/boxes could acquire the raid flag, and the achievement, by adding them to the raid as "observers." I'm US EST but I can play days as needed, as well as nights, so I'm flexible. I have no interest in the loot unless something really unique drops. We can thrash that out!

    If interested, post here with your toon's name or send me an in-game message or tell to Sippin, or any member of Mirus that happens to be online.

    I'd actually like to go all the way back to GoD and work my way up. But no rush, as this is a side "quest" more than an obsession. I just hate seeing all these blank achievements in my history.

    Zynt likes this.
  2. Zynt Augur

    Hey, I've been slowly doing old progression quests, missions, hunter, collections, etc.. on my main lately. It keeps me occupied. It's just me, I've got a box but I do not box. The people I played with finally called quits after 20 years so I'd be happy to help you out, tag along, and maybe get some help with a few things here and there I haven't managed to do solo. In game name is Zynt, 115/44k Necro.

    I'm CST but my play times vary wildly. I'm working from home and some days I am up to my eyeballs and others I spend more time playing than working. Send me a /tell and if I'm /afk I'll get back to you. I'm also completely finished with HoT other than the raids so that works for me as a starting point.
  3. Arborer Lorekeeper

    Excellent! Will watch for you in game. I have another 115 druid on board. Just have to coordinate playtimes. We both work from home, as well, these days. But sometimes we spend more time playing than working too. LOL. It's going to be darn hard to go back to offices and such whenever that becomes permitted again.
  4. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I could help on my ranger i have done very little in raids though but something knew can be fun as im just doing slayer achievement (table flipper is so boring lol) i do like achievements they keep me playing eq actually.

  5. Arborer Lorekeeper

    Anarriel, that's great. I will contact you in game and we'll discuss further.

    Wow, I have never even heard of table flipper. 5000 "objects"? Does sound rather tedious!
  6. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea its under slayer conquest (all are 5k or 10k counts) just finished it up got my a force of nature achievement now i gotta head to veksar to get 100 kills there it looks like then i will have my progressive and megadeath (nice one of my favorite metal bands) wil prob be in veksar awhile as i need to do hunters there. Heading to bed now but will check for your message in game have good night or morning lol i had to stay up extra late to get this table flipper out of the way! haha

  7. Funky Augur

    table flipper is super easy with a bard... in crescent reach.. still time consuming but way easier
    arrested likes this.
  8. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    better spot in undershore but my bard is on same account no worries though its done. was killing 5 every 40 seconds.
