Flipping HA's for named.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Whulfgar, Mar 18, 2019.

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  1. Whulfgar Augur

    Flipping an HA for named, Is this against the rules ? Does anyone know or can anyone point me to any ruling via the dev's (or perhaps a Dev themselves could answer) ??

    Thank you in advance.
  2. Nniki Augur

    Shadows and Whulfgar like this.
  3. Sancus Augur

    Unfortunately they deleted the forum archive, so you can't actually read the post that's from :rolleyes:
    Whulfgar likes this.
  4. Whulfgar Augur

    Again, thank you both for answering.
  5. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  6. Sancus Augur

    Yinla likes this.
  7. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Thanks. I didn't realize that was a current statement, because you had added it was from the forum archive. So I assumed it was an old statement which the current devs decided no longer applied.

    There are a number of similar statements by past devs that the current devs said no longer apply.

    However, since it was agreed with by Ngreth in January 2019, then it is still valid.
  8. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Really, the whole issue needs a page in the Daybreak Help with every single question answered. It is not a simple issue and getting banned because of a complex and not clearly stated policy is not fair.
    Beimeith, gotwar, Yinla and 2 others like this.
  9. Aurastrider Augur

    Once they implemented achievements with collections and named locked behind HA's I have no idea how someone would reasonably complete some of these achievements without flipping the HA to finish off those last rare collections or difficult to spawn named mobs especially in the HA's that have more than one named that can spawn in them. If they consider this an exploit I am certainly guilty of doing it. Nobody wants to spend a month completing the same HA over and over again with hopes of finishing a zone. Being able to keep dropping it until you have the achievement and move on seems like the only reasonable thing to do unless you are someone with enough playing time as there are hours in the day.
    Yinla likes this.
  10. Derd Augur

    Flipping was why they moved most of the Experience to only finishing The task.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Why is this even a question?

    HAs are intended to be played through to completion or when timed out. They are NOT intended to be a vehicle for farming named spawns.

    This is an exploit. No gray area here....NONE. Flip HAs at your peril.
  12. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    No it isn't. It's been replied to be a dev that it's perfectly fine to flip them. FFS. Read the post, it's RIGHT THERE. Ngreth even retracted his statement about it when shown the ABOVE POST.
    Endaar, Sheex, Sancus and 2 others like this.
  13. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I could give a flying flock. It's an exploit of the HA named spawn mechanic. Ngreth may have retracted his statement, but he holds his position. To wit:

    So, while it's being allowed [for the time being] - I maintain my opinion that it's an exploit. I hope the Dev team follows Ngreth's view on this.
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Lulz... well your opinion means zero.
    Yendar, Yinla and Sancus like this.
  15. Sancus Augur

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    Heroic Adventures were designed with no lockout. That was always the intent, and collections and named spawning in those instances were designed around that. For a year after the implementation of the system, they had no lockouts.

    That led to people farming a single DH HA repeatedly for XP, and the devs decided they didn't like that behavior. They added lockouts with the sole intent of preventing people from gaining XP from the same HA repeatedly. The intent was not to make named or collections any more difficult to farm, which is why they explicitly stated you could still drop the task for collections/named in their announcement of the lockouts.

    While Ngreth's opinion may differ, the design and intent of named/collections in the HA system was explicitly predicated upon the ability to chain said HAs for said named/collections.
    Pirlo, Yinla, gotwar and 4 others like this.
  16. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    That's right. Just like yours.
  17. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    How long was your tenure at SOE when you helped implement this system? :confused:

    Even the Devs are not on the same page here. To speak with any authority at all on this topic unless your name is in red would seem unwise at best.

    But my opinion doesn't matter. It's your game I guess.
  18. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Except mine comes with a post from an employee at the company to back it up. Yours is just babbling. You JUST said it's unwise to speak with any authority on the topic yet you sat there ... doing it without ANYTHING to back it up.
    Yinla, Sheex, Ssdar and 1 other person like this.
  19. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Hi Smokezz. I understand you want to tear me down for voicing an unpopular opinion. Maybe this stance on flipping HA for named will stand. Maybe it won't. I'm not babbling. I'm stating my opinion. Sancus got all high and mighty stating 'definitively this' and 'specifically that'. Sort of tough to stand on that ground when DBG can't even form a cohesive opinion on the matter.

    Have a great day!
  20. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I'm replying because you stated unequivocally that it was an exploit when it was posted by previous devs, and even Ngreth agreed (though he did state that he didn't like it) that it's fine. You did the same thing you're accusing Sancus of. You've softened that into an opinion...

    They have the ability to change it going forward if they want to (loot lockouts). If they do, /shrug. But right now, it is 100% within the rules of the game.
    Gregwarrian, Yendar, Yinla and 2 others like this.
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