Boxing Is The Plague Of EQ

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Efr3, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    When have you ever grouped with me to speak on literally any of that?

    I'm starting to notice the problem with your PUG experiences, and I don't think it was the other players in your groups.
  2. Soriano Augur

    People who would leave over others boxing are not staying long either way.

    If another person playing differently than you are triggers you, then that's probably a good sign that online gaming is just not for you.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  3. CdeezNotes Augur

    When did I say anything directly about you?

    You mean the groups I minded my own business, performed my role, and had to sit around waiting for people afking, travelling, etc? Yes, it's definitely a me problem having a clue and being ready for an actual grinding session rather than AIM session. Getting a group was never an issue. The issue was I'm surrounded by objectively bad players quite often. If you're triggered by that, so be it. Maybe click more buttons?

    I guess I expect too much when the expectations are to kill monsters in a game centered around killing monsters. How dare me.
  4. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    In general, people who play online games want to play with other people, not boxes.
  5. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I always box a group, but I tested adding some PUGs for the Tower missions. Worst decision ever. It took the guy 35 minutes to figure out how to get to North Ro.

    I like the permanent shared world, but I don’t want to be tied to other people’s schedules anymore.
    Yinla and Kaenneth like this.
  6. Appren Gnomercy

    This so much. I spent 15+ minutes waiting for a player to get to a similar quest one zone away from PoK. I try to be patient, and didnt or kick them, but man...
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Soriano Augur

    So play with other people...I do and I box...

    Your ignorant mindset that it is an absolute either or is a YOU problem.
  8. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    When you literally said, and I quote:

    If you weren't talking about me when you said people like you (me)" then perhaps you have some communication issues.

    I've played enough MMO's, I know your type. Super snobby, elitist, and if people don't play the way you want them to, they are
    The funny thing is, when you say "people like you" in a conversation with me, you are talking to someone who was around EQ when it launched. You are talking to someone who has played numerous MMO's to high level, and someone who is a trial lead in other MMO's. I know all about playing to efficiency, and something that I've noticed is that, players like you, with the holier than thou and high and mighty attitude, are usually the worst players in the group. I can't even count how many loud mouth braggarts I've grouped with who talk very loudly about "not wanting to waste my playtime" who are the ones who spend the most time in the group dead. Once they leave the group, the group finally proceeds forward far more efficiently than we were with the way too arrogant anchor holding us down. Players like you don't know how to function without a guide or a meta telling them how to play, and have a fit if you aren't getting the maximum amount of rewards for the least amount of effort. If EQ wasn't 25 years old, you'd be sponging off of YouTube guides telling you how to play, and yelling down anyone who had a build slightly off what you were told is the best.

    So while you talk about people like me, it's people like you who make MMO's an absolute dread and an absolute chore to play. So again, I repeat myself, you're doing everyone a service by multiboxing and sticking to yourself. Please, remove yourself from the social setting of the MMO and quit ruining the game for everyone else. We're all better off that way.
    CdeezNotes likes this.
  9. Soriano Augur

    The person boxing is another person they are just playing more than a single character
  10. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    buddy if I could post a picture of a mirror....


    maybe if your monitor is glossy.
  11. CdeezNotes Augur

    I love reading comedy. Please continue.

    If you want to see where I rank, I'll happily post parses. You may realize it's better to just know not when to post.

    I group plenty. Just not with randoms. I have zero desire to do that. If you want to and do, good for you. I do not have the patience nor time alloted to waste on people spending double the time to do the same thing I am.

    I'll continue to box when I have to and just like on live and Aradune, I'll donate millions of plat worth of TS items, collects, gear, key/prog items, task adds for free exp/prog, and other stuff all because I decided to box. I guess that's super toxic and a plague to EQ as well, huh?
    Sheila and Celatusp99 like this.
  12. Goomba Journeyman

    Eh I 3-4 box. I will glady drop 2 boxes for friends/guildies/pugs I know. I will be on Teek I will be pugging. It doesnt take long to see who is afk, not doing their jobs (snare, mez, charm etc). But there are some pugs who are insta-invites and are happy to be in the group and highly welcomed.

    Boxing allows for more non boxers to get grps. There are boxers who suck, there are puggers who suck. Lesson is, no sucky sucky
    Demetri and Vlahkmaak like this.
  13. Vlahkmaak Augur

    People who have more time to play than I do have an unfair advantage and ruin the immersion for me.

    - See what I did there?
    Genoane, TLPbeebee and code-zero like this.
  14. gwshaman New Member

    How is this 16 pages lol. Without boxing eq doesn't exist. plain and simple. there is no conversation to even remotely be had on the topic. Either accept it, or the game shuts down.
  15. Tachyon Augur

    in a perfect world people play one toon, group and raid together, but that's pollyanna at this point
  16. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Boxing only seems financially beneficial when you ignore all the subscriptions lost as a result of it. EQ still exists despite boxing, not because of it.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  17. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    If they’re quitting over boxing, they already lost interest and are using it as an excuse.
    Genoane, Metanis and code-zero like this.
  18. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Boxing brings an unfairness and a loss of humanity that discourages people from hanging around.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  19. code-zero Augur

    People still hang out, guild chat, channels, etc. What they don't want to do is get involved with a gaggle of random people who are more interested in chatting about the ball game, Netflix movie, the latest Harry Potter book or whatever.

    I recall getting rather exasperated by people I knew years ago telling me to slow down pulls because they were relaxing. Breaking a camp and keeping it clear and killed was a lot more relaxing for me as a Bard but my guild mates at the time were very lazy and inattentive. Then I started running a parser and I had no difficulty seeing that some weren't even engaging on most pulls.

    Discord is for hanging around
    Genoane, Metanis and KushallaFV like this.
  20. CdeezNotes Augur

    No it doesn't.

    If you quit over boxing, you're lying to yourself. You were simply looking for an excuse to reroll and blaming it on boxing is the easy scapegoat.
    Genoane, Metanis and KushallaFV like this.