Boxing Is The Plague Of EQ

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Efr3, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. CdeezNotes Augur

    This is false on so many levels.

    More nonsense.

    If there wasn't an exp bonus when boxing I'd still box because my mains are terrible soloers lmao. Plus I get all the loot, vendor trash, TS items, can afk and tend to my toddlers at a moments notice, not waste time LFG, always be playing rather than sitting around, not having to wait on people. The benefits of both soloing and boxing are limitless. The benefits of a mid PUG group? Not many. Based on the responses by some here, I have no desire to be around you. You sound like a bunch of people would want to use EQ as their personal chat box rather than playing. I'll stick to my clique and boxing. T
    I know exactly what I'm getting myself into and will never be disappointed. The same can't be said about random groups with random people. I'm not playing Russian Roulette with my playtime. I want a sure thing.

    Also, brush up on your exp bonuses. You'll find 2 boxing is probably worse than soloing depending the classes you run. Each char gets 21% less exp than they would solo. Not exactly burning up the exp meters there, bud.

    Boxing a tank + cleric would be quite slower than a solo mage, necro, enc, etc. Tank + druid or sham would be a bit faster, but not much so. The only time two boxing would be largely beneficial in early eras is boxing two already elite soloing classes or an elite solo class coupled with a massive support class. Not everyone does this.
  2. mark Augur

    Hi all its the mark i will be boxing but not initialy lvl my main with some friends from previous tlps then il lvl my boxes afteer epic and keys are done.
    jeskola likes this.
  3. mark Augur

    theres room for both type of players infasct the entire group will lvl boxes after like we have done the last 3 tlps.
  4. Kahna Augur

    I probably wouldn't want to group with you because you're be too busy boxing to engage in any sort of human interaction. That's fine. Nothing says we have to group together. There are lots of other folks for me to group with on Truebox servers and you can stick to yourself. Lovely how truebox meets everyone's needs.
    KobalWR and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  5. CdeezNotes Augur

    Yes, I'll be with my group of friends I've played with since ROF was end game. Luckily I won't have to suffer with PUGs again.

    May even do a solo class this time around as I know I can kill more than 1 mob faster than most PUGs can kill 11-13 (you know, the amount required to make soloing 5x alower).
  6. Sheila Elder

    Nope, doesn't fit everyone's needs. Truebox is a compromise and I am in the Never Truebox camp. And it's funny to hear about the different experiences with people that can and can't find groups on the same exact servers and eras. Almost like attitude might play a part in people able to get groups. heh.
  7. Kahna Augur

    95% of people. There are just as many Never Truebox because I want to box as there are Never Truebox because I don't want any boxing folks. Neither extreme is ever going to be happy, pretty sure they have stopped trying to reach either of those two groups on this front. It has been years since they bothered with anything but Truebox. It makes the biggest group of folks happy, or at least content, the compromise is the best yer gonna get.

    For what it is worth the only server I haven't been able to form a strong and extensive friend group on is Rizlona, and that was mostly because I found boxing my own group so boring I couldn't stick with it.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  8. Moardots Elder

    I think you and I have a different definition of "big time". If you truly believe there is any comparison whatsoever to be made between the number of people boxing in 99-04 to the number of people boxing in 2024 you may want to get your head checked.

    I could probably count on 1 hand the number of people I knew or encountered boxing more than 2 chars in the early 2000's. I'll bet I run into more boxers within 5 minutes of Teek launch than I saw from 99-04.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  9. Sheila Elder

    I don't agree with your assessment. The fact that people just simply get around the ruleset is enough to show that it isn't the case and most just will get around it. I don't plan to do that because I think rulesets mean or should mean something so I'm advocating for a ruleset that I want to play. But you keep thinking that. More power to you.

    If they don't do a ruleset without non-Truebox, it's whatever. I can play on FV if I want to play EQ. It doesn't mean that I don't want to roll on a server that has the ruleset I want to play on.

    One ruleset has people that are so out of touch with the player base of current EQ and the other they had to INTENTIONALLY disable. Comparing the two is just a joke.

    Also, you sound like a really miserable person to play with on a server with boxing. There's been plenty of people that have posted that they were able to get groups just fine on Rizlona. And why roll on Rizlona if you don't want to play with boxers? You could have and should have played on Aradune. And you hate boxing so much that you also boxed. Your opnion has so little credibility that I'm sad that you have so much feelings on it.

    You have a server to play on. Truebox is the standard ruleset and I too am glad that I am unlikely to encounter you ever.
  10. Sheila Elder

    I don't think anyone is under the false assumption that there's more people capable of multiboxing now. What we are trying to say is that multiboxing has been a thing for a long time. Truebox does fine with limiting this ability. Do we really need something more than that? And if we do, will DBG put the resources to make sure it's working?

    I think the answer is No to both of those questions.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This isn't the reason people box, they box because finding key classes to do something at various times are rare. Most boxes are tanks and healers.

    Most care about killing named more than EXP, leveling is only a minor part of EQ and can be done in a few days. Most EQ playing has nothing to do with EXP.

    EQ has 3 different types of players
    1. Those who play a single account
    2. Those who box 2 or 3 accounts
    3. Those who box/bot a full group

    Group 3 will rarely be part of the grouping pool of players, group 2 will be adding other players from G1 & G2. Group 3 become social on raids playing a single char or more depending on the raids needs.

    Many complain that if group 3 weren't boxing there would be more players to group with, the other side of that coin is if group 3 is boxing they are not taking a spot in a group you could have had.

    There is also a group 4 who bot a raid, but there are far fewer of those.
    Appren and code-zero like this.
  12. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Botting is the plague of EQ. I have played on Phinegel, Mischief, Oakwynd and never had issues with boxers.

    Or try out something like DAoC Eden - it has a high population. DAoC by its nature is NOT box friendly (since release in 2001). The best people did were having a buffbot (a cleric parked in the same zone, as buffs in DAoC used concentration and you need to be in same zone for buffs).

    Tilting against the box-windmill is futile, meaningless really, and assured to frustrate you into quitting EQ..Just find players who fit your play-style, group up and have some fun. It is much more fulfilling and enjoyable than being hawk-eyed and expecting everyone in every zone to play exactly by some imaginary playbook.
  13. Kahna Augur

    Because I wanted to give it a try, rather than dismissing the ruleset out of hand. I wanted to see for myself so I could make an informed choice. Would my opinion have more credibility if I was just a rabid boxer hater and never even tried to see the other side of things? I did play on Aradune as well. You can play on more than one server at a time. I tried boxing and didn't enjoy it, why are you jumping to the assumption that makes me some horrible shrew who can't make friends. Also, you are really over estimating my emotional involvement in the topic. I am just having a conversation, I'll shut up about it when you do, that's how conversations work.

    I don't hate boxers, hate is far too strong a word. It is just not my preferred playstyle, and I am not over the moon about what it does to a server community. I am not some rabid anti-boxer, I understand that boxing has a place in the game. You would probably like me if you met me in game, what, exactly, makes you think I would be miserable? I have literally never said anything to anyone in game about boxing. I understand the advantage boxing gives people and I would never judge someone for taking that advantage. Who wouldn't take it? Just because I support the game not encouraging boxing in the early expansions doesn't mean I have anything against people who box.

    My issue with making friends on Rizlona was because I never had to interact with anyone for any reason after I rolled up my boxes, so I didn't. Sorry it wasn't that I was some raging .

    See, I am not complaining about group 3. It is actually group 2 that the game benefits from having boxing discouraged for, which is what I feel truebox does. Group 3 will always find a way to box, they are a lost cause. Group 2 finds truebox just annoying enough that they will box if they can't find anyone else but they'll join a real group in a heart beat. Making boxing easier means that group just never bothers to try to find an exp group because their little box trio does just fine and is easier than dealing with real people.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  14. Shism .

    Maybe just maybe there is a portion of the population that just prefers to be self sufficient. Especially in era's that are pretty simplistic.
    Meow, Sheila and jeskola like this.
  15. jeskola pheerie

  16. Sheila Elder

    I'm sorry if I am reading into your posts too much and that the "miserable" post was out of left field. I'm sure you come across quite differently in game and you might be a lovely person. I, too, believe I'm a lovely person in game. You've already stated that you don't play with boxers, so I'm sure we'd never interact with each other even if we did play on the same server.

    Part of the offense I take to your posts is that you come up with a lot of ideals around what boxers are and what they do in groups/community. I will start with saying: Hey, you are probaly right, requiring help probably does form a more tight-knit community. But having played EQ off and on for the last 20 years, I think your view is very simplistic. And my 3-4 box army needs help progressing too. I'm not boxing an army here. I want to raid VP, and I'm not killing Trak alone. Maybe you consider the group game important driver for that. I don't because my time in EQ has shown me that people end up playing with friends/small groups anyway and I'm likely not going to play with 70% of the guild outside of raids because of that.

    My experience on Rizlona through three raiding guilds all raiding current content was exactly opposite of yours. Sure, we did less grouping. But guild chat was fire, always. The thing that I truly enjoyed about Rizlona is that we ended up doing so much out-of-era raids. I did more content and progression on Rizlona than any other server because a few of us could get together to do something. At one point, I had a guild I raided with, friends that I spent offnights "raiding" with and it was just pure fun and mostly took the niche of grouping. Your exact reasons for not liking boxing and not forming a community is exactly what I did on Rizlona.

    And my point here is to try to reinforce the idea that a standard ruleset for TLPs is silly. We all play differently and that's OK. I'm a huge fan of making a one-box server if it can be done so in a sustainable way. Do I think there will be demand if they actually do it? Eh. I'm sure people will play on it. I think boxing and EQ are so intertwined though that it wouldn't be successful long term. I'd wager a guess that the people that are anti-boxing are likely the crowd that rerolls every TLP season, so it'd probably get a year of glory at most. I am on the personal opinion that TLPs should be geared to long term players but I have no idea the revenue that a popular 1-year server would bring nor the costs assosiated with it.

    And no way would I support another Aradune themed GM enforced ruleset because we've already seen the results. Not only did Aradune not get the GM support but the amount of CSR tickets was absurd. People writing a ticket to take over a camp. Jeez.

    And yes, I am in a camp you referred to a 3. Your ascertaintion that it is being ignored by the devs is also simplistic. There is a larger demand for this that is being hidden by the ability to get around Trueboxing. I don't think it's being ignored so much as "where there is a will there is a way" method by the developers.

    If truebox couldn't be gotten around with relatively easy methods as far back as Coirnav (that I'm aware of), there would be a lot more people wanting a non-truebox server. And to the people that are fine with having four laptops to do it in a legit manner, I respect that. The idea of four laptops, a mouse program to navigate them and trying to chat on my cleric with a 13" screen hidden in the corner of my desk just feels obscene for a game that I can run 12 instances on my desktop.
    CdeezNotes likes this.
  17. CdeezNotes Augur

    Just to get insight of what I want to do in game:

    The last few days my friends (we are all in a discord server together) will send out an alert for lesson burn or grind session. We log in as we can. Lately it's before raids to get some glyph AAs. Well, we log in, churn through 5 HAs in less than 30 minutes with Lesson running and get our 100-200 AAs within a single lesson burn. This is what I want from EQ. I want to churn through content with like minded people, killing stuff, getting quests done, items received, collects picked up, etc. I don't want to sit around lollygagging talking about nostalgia quest. I want to play the game, not use EQ as a replacement for AOL instant messenger.

    If you want to PUG it up, chat, relax, go afk every 20 minutes, that's your prerogative. I have absolutely no desire to spend 2 hours doing something I can do with my friends in 20 minutes or in 45 minutes when boxing. If that makes me a horrible person, so be it. It's just how I want to play the game. Forcing me into playing the way you want (no boxing) would just get me to either 1) Pick a Solo class so I still wouldn't group with you or 2) Find a new server so I'd (I'm sure you can guess it) again, not group with you.
    code-zero likes this.
  18. CdeezNotes Augur

    Ding ding ding. This is the exact answer. It has nothing about superiority. I just want to be in a group of players who know how to play optimally, don't slack, don't mess up (at least not very often).

    If I get 15 hours to play in an entire week, including raiding, that's a lot for me. I don't need to waste 4 of those hours in subpar groups surrounded by strangers or novices of their class while knowing I'd be able to do it completely on my own with my solitary box (with my main).
    code-zero likes this.
  19. Zalphos Elder

    What's going on with your post? Anyway, to answer your question, I think having a boxing limit would result in some people leaving but more people staying. I think a lot of people are already "not playing at all".
  20. Numiko Augur

    maybe they should go play Lineage II, they now limit boxing to 30 accounts per PC :eek:
    Demetri likes this.