Fixed Internally Equipment doesn't properly re-equip itself when changing personas if in different slots.

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Pimpmobile, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Pimpmobile Journeyman

    Category: Other [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Fri Mar 29 08:59:43 2024

    Description: When changing personas, if the same item is equipped in different slots on multiple toons the item doesn't change slots and equip properly, it just gets unequipped and put into inventory. This is mainly an issue with accessories (rings/earrings and range/secondary/primary items shared between multiple classes in different slots)
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Still happening, just burned through 60k worth of type 3 augs before figuring out why it kept not saving my augs on one earring and one ring.
    Ginormus likes this.
  3. Ginormus Journeyman

    I have a persona Shaman and a persona Shadownight.
    I would like to use the same pair of rings for both personas (both rings are ALL/ALL so why not).
    When I swap one persona to another (SHM to SK or SK to SHM, does not matter), one ring would not equip, always the same.
    I just bought one ring from the CoV raid vendor for the SK, so that now the personas only share one ring, and the other ring is specific to each persona. Swapping works fine with this workaround.
    It really seems like sharing multiple items that can go into multiple slots between multiple personas does not work. I assume it is the same for rings, earrings, bracers, etc.
    Xyroff-cazic., Folkken and Quatreh like this.
  4. Kalamos Augur

    While this is probably still a bug, the behavior you experienced is because you were likely switching the slots the rings were equipped in for each persona. If you share gear that has two slots between both personas, having same exact item in the left and right will swap them both fine.
    Ginormus and Xyroff-cazic. like this.
  5. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Ginormus likes this.
  6. Ginormus Journeyman

    I immediately thought of this yesterday, and I tried multiple combinations and I am positive that this did not work. Because I wanted to give an answer with a detailed step by step and screenshots and inventory files today, I tried again, and now it works ! So, thanks a lot !

    What I did differently today is, I unequipped both rings on both personas and I re-equipped them in the same order and using only the auto-equip feature. I don't think auto-equip makes a difference, but I wanted to force the first available slot for the item for both rings and both personas.

    For devs:
    #1 I realize yesterday I was equipping ring of vigor first and brilliance second, and today I was auto-equipping brillance first. Looking at the inventory file, brilliance has a higher item ID than vigor...

    #2 The ears, fingers, wrists are not uniquely identified in the inventory file. While this might not be the root cause, I am sure it does not help.
  7. Meeko Developer(Code)

    This issue should be resolved with this month's update. Once the fix reaches Test next week, we'd appreciate some focused testing on it to ensure things are working and nothing else broke as a result. Thanks!
    Metanis and Fanra like this.