Very grateful for the Tormax server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tamagotchi, May 2, 2024.

  1. Tamagotchi Apprentice

    Looking forward to the Tormax server with its traditional loot rules.
    I was hoping for a classic start but this will do just fine.
    Cidran, darkaero36, IheartEQ and 4 others like this.
  2. Sheila Elder

  3. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    You and all 5 other tormax players, there's no reason for this server to exist.
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Jure New Member

    Please feel free to play on Teek then by all means.
    Magneress likes this.
  5. Intercept Augur

    25 year old game runs a traditional server.

    what kind of madness is this and who do they think they are?
  6. YelinakIsFun Journeyman

    Tormax will be a waste of resources.

    Hopefully they will take half of Tormax's resources & put it towards Teek where it will definitely be used.
  7. Shalom Quillmane Bane

    Man the Tormax hate is strong. If Tormax was actually a standard rule set with a classic start I would pick that ANY day over a Kunark start and go to Tormax. But why they're starting it in Kunark but not mirroring any of the other Teek rules is BEYOND me.
  8. fransisco Augur

    Love how many are wishing for this server to fail. Understandable that a loot candyland server will attract more (teek), but the level of hate for tormax is wierd.
  9. Magneress Augur

    Tormax should have started in velious. Butt yeah. This server will be great. It's a dark horse.

    I'm super excited. People know how to TLP now. Get in a guild. Or make one with some friends and AoC and pickzone ur way to nostalgiac Nirvana with some pals. The people who will have a bad time on Tormax are going to be the habital antisocial player who just wants to sit in a PUG and automatically win loot.
    Jure likes this.
  10. Phased Sullon Zek Lorekeeper

    One way I could see it working is if they made it similar to the Project Quarm server and had a zero boxing policy. I've been 6+ boxing for years now, but it's a heck of a lot of fun to play only one account when everyone else is only playing one account too.
    Tamagotchi and Magneress like this.
  11. Magneress Augur

    We are upto like 40 ppl now registered in our guild.

    The problem isn't Tormax it's the community and a modern aversion to risk.

    If all you want is to spend some krono and shower alts in cheep surplus pixels for very little effort. By all means...

    Meanwhile I will be backing up a solid guild with probably very little raid gear to start. Adversity and nostalgia is why I play "classic".

    Harder gains == more enjoyment even if I fail to get BiS or max level even. Can always make twinks if I want to waid through a sea of mobs filling my 40 slot weightless bags with bronze.
    Tamagotchi, Jure and fransisco like this.
  12. Magneress Augur

    Believe it or not I have caught a lot of cheaters on Quarm. It's just impossible to get them all. That doesn't mean we should stomp everyone. Two boxing isn't that bad. And people who would otherwise box would just play a necro or mage instead because those are the path of least resistance. It doesn't really increase social behavior that much. Still plenty of soloers disrupting groups on Quarm...look at the drama over the hooded black cloak camp on their discord... lol.
    Jure and fransisco like this.
  13. TheDohn Augur

    40 whole people. In a prelaunch guild. Wow.

    A bit over half a raid. Totally showed us how healthy Tormax will be.
  14. TheDohn Augur

  15. YelinakIsFun Journeyman

    That's even assuming they have enough of the right classes.
  16. Tachyon Augur

    my secondary server
  17. Sheila Elder

    I was definitely not on the wanting Tormax to fail but you know I have re-evaluated and if you still plan to play on that server despite the warning signs, that’s a you problem. I hope that it is miserable and we see posts for months asking to be merged with Teek. And that it is a solid reminder that they should try listening to feedback.
  18. Doezit Lorekeeper

    So, you just want everyone who disagrees with you to be miserable.
    Jure and Tamagotchi like this.
  19. Doezit Lorekeeper

  20. Zansobar Augur

    I'd rather play on Quarm than Boremax.