Argent Clockwork Puma Saddle

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Defenestrated Vase, May 2, 2024.

  1. Defenestrated Vase wanting era locked servers

    That anniversary Marketplace mount for May is listed as a "Fast" mount and has a summoning speed of 2.0 seconds. However its velocity is 75 which is a "Very Fast" Mount.

    75 velocity is appropriate for a mount with that price tag and the description should be changed to "Very Fast" to make it match the velocity.

    On top the summoning speed should be changed to 1.0 seconds just like other "Very Fast" mounts have. (E.g. Bridle of Queen Velazul's Sokokar, Polar Bear Saddle, Sonic Wolf Saddle)

    As a side effect, people might actually buy that mount. Fewer people will spend money on a mount that is listed as "Fast" with a summoning speed of 2.0 seconds than on a mount that is listed as "Very Fast" with a summoning speed of 1.0 seconds.
  2. Moege Augur

  3. Defenestrated Vase wanting era locked servers

    I am aware of this.

    But this is not what I am talking about.

    I made a fresh level 1 character and had her sit on the Puma and she was riding at 75 velocity. So all of the above I wrote applies.

    Edit: Didn't mean to sound harsh. Just saying it looks like a bug to me and I can assure you that level 1 I made for testing never sat on a different mount than the Puma and it was riding at 75 velocity.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    There was also a change in the descriptor of the speeds to clarify the old ones which were confusing ie: Slow1, Slow2, Run1, Run2, Fast, Fast2, VeryFast, etc ( the original spell name data of older mounts still use the terms)

    This script of the upgrade sequence was changed in the same 2014 link mentioned above but not clarified in it.

    This made an overlap of the speed of "Fast" and "Very Fast" which can mean the same thing or not depending if the game is looking at the old script or newer one. See Allah where it is listed as:

    • Fast / Run2 / 64 Velocity / Faster than FoE
    • Very Fast / Fast / 75 Velocity / Almost max Bard speed
    I believe it even said at one point "fast/very fast" description in the buff is no longer a valid way to compare mount speed due to the overlap.
  5. Defenestrated Vase wanting era locked servers

    That could indeed explain why the mount is labeled "Fast" and not "Very Fast". Thank you.

    Bad thing is that when it's using the "Fast" script (to stick with your explantion) it also will come with the 2.0s summoning speed while the "Very Fast" variant has the much better 1.0s summoning speed.

    WTB consistency.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  6. Conq Augur

    Do you even EQ?
    CatsPaws and Exmortis_MT like this.
  7. SteamFox Augur

    I noticed the same thing with the Argent Roboboar from the Tower currency. Says fast, runs at 75.
  8. Defenestrated Vase wanting era locked servers

    Yep, that's why.