Suggesting on how to handle transferring off of FV server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Venuhm, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Raids having no trade items is also old school as starting in Kunark VP raids used that feature. Also from what I have seen most games have the raid content as non-tradable as well so this isn't just an Everquest mechanic.

    You don't need to be able to give your alts max raid gear in order to twink them.
    Rijacki likes this.
  2. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Past level 60 you can't twink anymore outside some of the persona stuff that has no level restrictions. You do understand what twinking is right? It is the ability to give low level toon equipment that they could not normally get and use at their currently level. Giving a T1 LS drop to a level 1 isn't twinking because they can't use it due to level rec / req.

    Twinking was removed from the game when rec / req levels were added. Most people who play MMOs today don't even know what classic EQ twinking even was. I have not played all the other MMO games out there but I don't know if any modern MMO has the ability to twink. Twinking is basically PLing a low level toon without directly working with a higher level toon. Sure buffs I guess is kinda twinking but also breaks what it really was originally meant to be. PL != Twinking and buffing low level is more like PLing not twinking.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And that has been a part of the game since levels have gotten to that point. It isn't a major issue that you can't twink your alts with the best gear in the game and that is how most MMO's work.

    You keep making claims about how it used to work but that was only for the original game and first couple of expansions. Past those few expansions everything you are complaining about has been standard for most of the games life.
    Rijacki likes this.
  4. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Yea but that is my point. Does twinking hurt any raid end game players? Twinking was just a way for people who didn't want to group to be able to get gear and do stuff on their own. Removing twinking from the just limits the ability for a player to play how they want.

    Can you tell me any case where twinking hurt anyone? I can't think of any negative for twinking unless you think it makes people not want to group with others limiting the player base since alot of them may just solo but the player base is already really limited so being able to solo keeps people playing and not just logging off / afk if they can't find a group. I suppose one other negative may be the fact players are more likely to roll on the gear so they can use it on an alt and take away the ability for a main to win it.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What impact twinking has or doesn't have on the game isn't relevant to the fact that items in general having required levels along with raid/top group items being no trade has been part of the game for almost the entire time it has been around. Most other games follow the same rules when it comes to gear as well.
  6. CrazyLarth Augur

    /testcopy allows a character to be copied from a live server to the Test Server. GL on your new server
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Test even has an XP bonus better than FV's and gets most content before any other server! So it should be perfect for those who want to be able to do stuff and get stuff before anyone else. You can even copy the same character multiple times so you can get multiples of the items from Live servers.
  8. Quicksand New Member

    Why is there debate, arguments and discussions for something that is not happening and never will?;)
  9. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Isn't "It has been that way almost the entire time" the worst excuse for saying something should not change? It should never be used in an argument because it basically means you lost and can't find a good reason for something being a certain way.

    Much better to find how it hurts someone if you don't want it to change, how it helps people if you want it to change, and last case is normally fall back to we don't have the money or time to do it.
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It is the truth and a lot better then an argument that it how things worked for the release and parts of the first expansion is more important. They have been making items no trade since the very first expansion of the game and they added required/recommended levels shortly after that. There is no reason to try and change it after 30 expansions.
    Rijacki likes this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Now tell them that over the reduction of the number of NPCs effected by AOE spells.
    fransisco likes this.
  12. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Then why did they change it from the first 3 expansions? You are saying things should never change yet they have changed but don't want to even consider changing them back. EQ is the reason we have no drop items in most games today, Used to be droppable raid item per expansion, and normally some of the best items in the game (now we just get left over T1 from pervious expansion, maybe they should make chase loot T1 current raid level with a few T2 level raid drops) how about someone try something different!
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There is a difference between the devs making a chance for various reasons and the players requesting with a false claim of that is how it the game was designed. Trying to claim that everything being droppable and not having required/recommended levels is the spirit of the game when it hasn't been the case since the first expansion isn't being honest.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They added no trade items in the first expansion and I am not sure when they added required/recommended levels. It doesn't matter why they added in no trade and required/recommended levels though it likely had to do with preventing people from doing the massive twinking that you want to do. They have done other things such as put level limits on buffs to limit the power of lower level characters and there is nothing wrong with that.

    These systems have been in place for the vast majority of the game and and saying that isn't how the game launched isn't good justification to change things now.
  15. menown Augur

    I would love the opportunity to transfer off my necro and berzerker off of FV without items or platinum. As is, I won't ever be touching them again.