Other name options for Teek

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vetis, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. niente Developer

    I think you all have some great ideas for server names. :p

    Unfortunately it is prohibitively difficult to change a server's name. However, I think it would be great to have some ideas for new server names come from players.

    Venril Sathir was a european server a long time ago. I am not sure but maybe it would be possible to use the name Venril again (usually we don't want to use the same name, but I am not sure if this qualifies). Venril Sathir (English), Kael Drakkal (German), Sebilis (French) were owned by UbiSoft and merged into AB in 2005.
    Vindaven, Indigo_Quarmite and Vetis like this.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Stomples is my favorite of the ones listed.
  3. Manafasto Augur

  4. clan darkpaw Journeyman

  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can you tell us why Teek was chosen as the name of a server? It seems a little on the weak side for a server name.
    Celatusp99 likes this.
  6. Weathervane New Member

    Okay, I’ll risk the forum ban for being rude: Why is this the thread that actually gets a dev response? I understand your explanation regarding server names and the additional complications regarding the IP changing hands, BUT… there was a 24 page thread of feedback that the community team kept merging into and there’s been multiple requests for clarification regarding name reservation. Why did this thread warrant a response but those didn’t?
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  7. Celatusp99 Augur

    Because it did not require clarification, it required reading.
  8. Canloe Nusback Journeyman

    Venril (Venril Sathir) was already in use. Let it be ..


    (Trakanon was already in use, but different spelling ;))
    niente likes this.
  9. Kahna Augur

    Because it was an easy no. They can't actually do it. He can say that with confidence and it's not super controversial. The other thread requires a measured response from the company that will have to be decided on by their higher ups/designers/powers that be, then a response drafted by comms then it would have been posted in the announcements section. They never respond to threads like that one. They aren't about to have a conversation with players on the merits of each server.
  10. fransisco Augur

    TheDohn and Bobbybick like this.
  11. Demetri Augur

    Please tell me that last part is a joke that's coming across as serious - because that seems like one of the worst development oversights in early EQ development I've heard yet.
  12. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I mean think about how many files just on the player end are tied directly to a server and how janky EQ in general is setup and it's probably not as simple as editing a name field. Then you have multiple newer systems added on top of it like the Calendar and I can see it breaking a lot of things unintentionally if they don't catch them all.
  13. Celatusp99 Augur

    Yeah and Ill add in who cares what the server is named. Is Teek the best one ever probably not but its not the worst either.
  14. Kahna Augur

    I work in QA for a game company. Someone tells me they are changing the name of something and I know I am in for a long week.
  15. Demetri Augur

    Oh I'd believe it, just would be disappointed. Quite aware of early design jank (there's a discussion with Doze in the other thread where he seems to think early dev here was almost infallible and had no unforeseen consequences to design/backend decisions lol)

    I did QA for Spectrum-Holobyte (technically with Microprose as MP owned them, but only got put on S-H titles when I was going through the pain of QA) back in the day - I still have nightmares to this day when people discuss QA over one of my last days there, they had a crash reported while dropping bombs - so literally had an entire 8 hr shift of logging dropping bombs on each type of terrain with all sorts of random extra factors to see if it repeats.
  16. Chikkin Augur

    You won the thread! lol.
  17. splitpaw New Member

  18. Outland New Member

    Personally, I would use all the old server names that were taken down. Names like Tarew Marr and such..
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    That is one of the worse things they could do, players coming back now can find their chars opn servers which were merged, if they start reusing names it will get very confusing.
    Canloe Nusback and Chikkin like this.
  20. Canloe Nusback Journeyman

    Or just Lord Bob / Bob / Bobby