Group NPT

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Senvie, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. Senvie Apprentice

    While I am loving that it is not a group cast spell, can we please lower the CD of the recast to keep more in line with the single target/time it took to buff people prior to the change? With max aa to the hasten line it was 15s, roughly a little under 2m with gcd and such yo buff 6 players, and the current group one is almost 3 mins after aa is applied to reduce. That or letting us have both a single target cast and a group version instead of just changing the spells straight to group versions only. Another fix would be for it to be able to to MGB'd, and I remember there was a discussion at one point about that and remember it being shot down for a reason unknown.
  2. Alkyvret Nature's Boiling Wrath Enthusiast

    Agreed, this would be very nice!
    Lowered cast time or MGB would both be handy fixes. Right now in some situations it's even worse than it was (although generally, I love the fix and this was moving in the right direction!!)
  3. Molybedium I'm Lost

  4. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    Yes please, lower recast or MGB allowed.
  5. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    I have a love and hate relationship with the NET line of spells. But this was truly a nerf without them alluding to it being a nerf... until you ended up trying the spell on test and now on Live. And it wasn't even nerfed the right way, to be honest.

    I could cast more single NPTs prior to this change - at 15 seconds a piece (assuming max hastened AAs), while also not buffing people that didn't want the buff on them.

    The only way I want to "accept" a change to NET/NPT, while also keeping the buff reasonably in line to avoid abuse, is to: make it tb/mgb-able together with a high (if not higher) re-cast time.

    To simply make it a group targetable spell with a 2:40ish min recast time (factoring AAs) doesn't do enchanters (nor this spell line) any favors. I am fully cognizant of the fact that the spell has deprecated somewhat in power/usefulness over time, but it's still something many people want. And with that, it's re-introducing a burden again. I had no issues with how single nets were dispensed prior to this change, to be quite frank.

    In fact, if the devs wanted to alleviate the buff-burden enchanters faced and really nerf the spell, the group spell should've then been within-group only cast on this change.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Molybedium likes this.
  6. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    Isn't the point of this to not make it easy for one enchanter to keep it on an entire raid? What kind of abuse would be allowed with MGB and a short recast that wouldn't be possible with MGB and a long recast?
    Rogue-loving Chanter likes this.
  7. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    And what possible good would it do anyone to make it within group only?

    Why are you giving people these ideas? Lol
    Rogue-loving Chanter likes this.
  8. Verily Tjark Augur

    I am in favor of a single target version and a group version. I think if it were made a MGB spell they would view it as OP and probably never upgrade it again. Leave the recast as it is on the group version and bring back the single target. If adding new spells causes problems, just get rid of the Tears line since npc’s don’t have mana.
    Cassiera likes this.
  9. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    Because nerfing a spell while also increasing demand for it on a 54-man raid (with this present change) makes me feel like I am playing EQ circa 2000. And quite frankly, I don't feel like playing like I'm on a TLP. If I wanted to relive that that experience, then I'll go play on one.
    fransisco and Molybedium like this.
  10. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    How did they increase demand for it? Is the damage better now? (spoiler, it isnt)

    Rogue-loving Chanter likes this.
  11. Molybedium I'm Lost

    This... The game has evolved, and this is something that has just been left "well... because"
    fransisco and Rexa like this.
  12. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    Someone's gonna have to explain to me how this increases demand for the spell (aside from this conversation reminding people it exists)
    Szilent likes this.
  13. Molybedium I'm Lost

    LS mobs are even bigger bags of HP's, this isnt OP, but helpful.. so the raids 2 enchanters sit there, and get it cast, with EQLP timers running.. Doing fight, people die, or whatever, its just a drain on our time, for a little boost that, i quite frankly quit casting unless spefically asked.
  14. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    So the easiest raids in EQ history = increased demand for a small melee proc... Interesting.
  15. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

    Every year the bags of HP get larger. They aren't especially large this year. I imagine the same people will want this proc as wanted it before the patch since the proc did not change. If this is a less convenient way to deliver it, that's reasonable. But the idea that demand is changed by this patch is ridiculous.
  16. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    It is NOT better. We could cast single NPTs on more players than casting the group spell.
    fransisco and Molybedium like this.
  17. Cassiera MOAR DoTs

  18. Szilent Augur

    I recorded 0 casts of Night's Perpetual Terror for Rexa at this weekend's raids.
  19. Szilent Augur

    Okay that bit was a joke, Rexa was literally taking care of her sick momma this Sunday when she missed raids. She's a good person. But still, I've scoured my logs and I've yet to find any enchanter actually buffing more than a group with the old style spell in any 3 minute period, and certainly not buffing a wholeass second group in 3minutes +5sec, which the new spell allows. It would be real nice if it were faster, but this change is very much an upgrade. The feature I most appreciate is that whifflebats who never bestirred themselves to actually ask for the buff will now benefit just by virtue of being grouped with more attentive players.
    Molybedium likes this.
  20. Galvanize Elder

    So whats the harm in making this MGB-able? Honestly? Enchanters outside of hitting IoG and Chroma haze are just ADPS buffbots with a couple of meh dots and some weak nukes. Devs havent added any serious CC checks in years. It'd be nice to include NPT line as MGB/Tranquil raid buffs, and if they wanted to balance around that lower the duration to encourage more enchanters per raid team.

    Hell add Mana Rebirth as a widespread buff as well instead of single target/aura. Lean into a buff class actually being able to accessibly buff their raid group???