Tormax - Let the players decide

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by PDXPCFL, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Intercept Augur

    It isn't even out yet, not everyone plays the forum/social media game I would argue that a player base for a 25 year old game play that game less than newer gamers
  2. Celatusp99 Augur

    He may mean discord based guilds but IDK how anyone could possibly know that.
  3. Vetis Augur

    This is not accurate. Aradune was popular for two reasons, it was a tribute to Brad and it was advertised as a server where GMs would actually conduct enforcement against rulebreakers, hackers, and cheaters.

    Spoiler alert, GMs were basically non-existent.
    jeskola likes this.
  4. jeskola pheerie

    Spend some time on forums and jumping into discords, it's pretty clear Tormax will be DOA. The idea that not all players use forums has merit but discord is pretty much mandatory these days. Randos pugging are not a great barometer of server health.
  5. Soriano Augur

    It is accurate just incomplete...

    Aradune would not have had the massive queues if not for COVID And the sheer number of people not working at its release.
  6. ForumBoss Augur

    I'd also like to propose no truebox as an addendum to fte. Many of us on mischief have packed away the laptops and dread going back to cramped and hot desks. I get this is decisive and would be more likely to pull folks from teek.

    Regardless if what they do for tormax, announcing any change earlier rather than last minute will help give guilds time to build interest. Thornblade was an after thought and everyone had already settled on mischief, so it was fairly emtpy.
  7. Lejaun Augur

    I can’t imagine Tormax having even close to the population Teek will likely have, no matter what the rules set is. That Mischief ruleset is so popular with many. I do hope the Tormax people get enough to have a solid population, though. Good luck, ladies and gents.
    Cfuson likes this.
  8. Sheila Elder

    AMEN!! Say no to cramped desks, laggy mouse and keyboard software so you don't need a half dozen mice and keyboards and extra sizzly summers.
  9. itiswhatitis Elder

    Covid was the main factor on why the server was so popular.

  10. Elabone Augur

    This is a terrible idea, isnt this how we ended up with a 51/50 server.

    Its been proven you cannot trust the players with the vote.
    Yinla likes this.
  11. YelinakIsFun Journeyman

    I missed Mischief last time not missing it this time.