<Teek> --- Back Stabbath --- PST Rogue Guild Recruiting

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Astley, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Astley Augur

    **<Back Stabbath>** is a PST based guild currently recruiting on the Teek server.

    We're here for the memes. Note - this is a Rogue only guild that will be forming up for the meme raids and group content to show that there is really only one class needed in this game. You want to have alts in other guilds, that's your prerogative. But any other classes trying to get into the guild or raids WILL be booted.

    Experience 72-man raids of Crushbone, Runnyeye, and other content as we get started. End goals being to see what content can be cleared with Rogues Only.

    This is just for fun on the new servers. There will be DKP for content/events planned to swarm our elite cabal of Rogues into different zones. Days TBD - probably MON/TUES/SAT around 7:30 PST / 9:30 CST

    Leader - Astley
    Officers/Raid leaders - TBD

    **Our current class needs:**

    *Bard* - CLOSED - Busk somewhere else
    *Beastlord* - CLOSED - Cry about it to your emotional support animal
    *Berserker* - CLOSED - Rage Quit over it
    *Cleric* - CLOSED - We've got bandages
    *Druid* - CLOSED - Hug a try why dontcha
    *Enchanter* - CLOSED - Your class is a crutch
    *Mage* - CLOSED - You're probably a bot anyway
    *Monk* - CLOSED - Kick rocks
    *Necromancer* - CLOSED - The goth era is past its prime
    *Paladin* - CLOSED - Keep your hands to yourself
    *Ranger* - CLOSED - Watch LOTR again Aragorn
    **ROGUE** - OPEN -
    *ShadowKnight* - CLOSED - Edgelord wannabes
    *Shaman* - CLOSED - Too slow for us
    *Warrior* - CLOSED - Don't come out to play
    *Wizard* - CLOSED - Go take your Plane of Sky DTs with someone else.

    Join the Discord - you know what to do. Stuff is still being organized since we've got weeks before launch still. Deal with it.

  2. Basak Augur

  3. TLP Addict Augur

    Should just name it <LFG>
  4. mark Augur

    lol your even crazier then me a rogue only guild.
  5. Basak Augur

    This could be a strange mercenary type thing. You need more DPS for you raid, you know who to call. For a small fee we can send you one or more of our rogues to tip the situation. =P
  6. Astley Augur

    Things that go BUMP in the night... Not our Rogues, too stealthy.
  7. ayoforYayoh Augur

    why bring 1 rogue just to do 1 point of damage when you can bring 54 rogues for 54 damage.

    the math adds up.
  8. Astley Augur

    The Memery continues... Join the Discord for updates on where to place your Rogue Alts for shenanigans
  9. darkaero36 New Member

    except no one needs a non epic'd rogue "dps"
  10. Basak Augur
