Cannot zone into Dreadspire Keep

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Weber Soze, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. Weber Soze New Member

    I was trying to help a guildmate with his Paladin Epic 2.5 Quest (The Sisters) but after a long run to and through The Hive zone, I found the entry to Dreadspire Keep wouldn't work for me. My character is level 120 with all expansions purchased. Customer Service asked me to delete some files from the directory and try again by that didn't work either. Is anyone else having trouble accessing Dreadspire Keep through the circular wooden door at the top of the spiderweb ramp? Thanks!
    Cazmac likes this.
  2. Aanuvane Augur

    At least on Povar, that entrance is working fine - I've been dragging lots of alts through it since the anniversary events started this year. Just to confirm, you are trying to use the door at 285, 1108, 456 which is inside a hive - not at the end of a bridge - right?
  3. Trebla7th Augur

    Your description is unclear... it's not the door at the end of the walkway, it's the door at the top floor inside the northernmost hive spiral. Is that the door you're clicking on or the one at the end of the walkway outside? Sounds like you may be clicking the door into Queen Sendaii's lair.
  4. Cazmac Augur

    Those instructions are given out for everything! :D
  5. Cazmac Augur

    I went in that way the first time I did the Anniversary quest, Chasing What isn't Real. The wooden door has a map label, "Instance Entrance" so I didn't go there at first until another player told me it was the right way in and so it was. Now I am confused because I am trying to take a different character in via the underwater/underground route and thought it must go to the same door?
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Here is a short cut. Only available during Anniversary.

    Go to the gingerbread man in pok outside the big bank. Say "lend a matchmaking hand"which will give you a quest called Magically Delicious. We don't care about the quest. Its the first step you want:

    Speak to Grand Librarian Maelin

    Go up the library and hail him. He will offer you ports to Dreadspire Keep, the House of Thule Library, and Erudin Burning

    You want to take.....Dreadspire lol. It will port you to right in front of the door.

    You can drop the quest anytime you want after you get there or just hang on to it for some other quests that require you go there too
    Eviara and CrazyLarth like this.
  7. Trebla7th Augur

    You're definitely at the wrong door. Most likely you're at the door for the Sendaii the Hive Queen raid instance.

    The zone in to Dreadspire is not an instance at all. Have you tried using Ctrl + F to find a route to the zone in?

    Also, why are you trying to go through the underwater route in the Hive? That's a much harder route to take.