Teek/Tormax Kunark Unlock Speculation Premature?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Demetri, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Demetri Augur

    a) Not so easy going the other way, need an invis, since the iksar guard their gates well and you can't switch personas in the newbie zones since they're outside the city.

    b) They've already stated the year of darkpaw items (i.e. the port item) are going to be "delayed from launch" - they've not made any statements about how far along, but obviously past the initial rush for sure.
  2. Tyranthraxus Grognard

  3. Ilshade Augur

    you cant do this on a new TLP it is not an option
  4. Basak Augur

    What is not an option? Everything Yinla indicated would be available on a new TLP with Kunark start.
    Yinla likes this.
  5. Kahna Augur

    Yes, you can. Personas are available on every server.

    TLPs are only going to get more and more non-classic. Tradeskill Depot, Dragon's horde, Persona's. DPG has learned that having a nice all servers QOL item in their expansions that will tempt the TLPers into buying it will significantly boost their expansion sales. This is a ball they are going to run with for every expansion going forward.
    Yinla and Indigo_Quarmite like this.
  6. Laberintica77 Lorekeeper

    What is the point of speeding things up ?
    What is the point of shorter expansions?
    The majority of the TLP population (not myself), wish to rush get to PoP to just quit and restart? so why make the journey even faster and end the TLP? what is the point of starting in Kunark, just to have a different pathway to level to 50?
  7. natedogg Journeyman

    It isn't so much that people stop at PoP. PoP just happens to be rolling around when the next set of TLPs is starting up.

    But yeah - a Kunark leveling path would be a nice change of pace (starting as an Iksar too), but I haven't really planned it out. Obviously, FOB/Kurns. After that, would you still want to go to Unrest? But it opens up places like COM and KC, which are effectivly dead zones between 50-60. Chardok would still likely be the gold standard for 50-60, if not even earlier. Likely starting at 45. Also - pushing from 1-60 in a go would make for fun times with your launch group, cause...1-50 just isn't enough :)
    Fizon and Laberintica77 like this.
  8. jeskola pheerie

    I'm not on board with this theory. hey I am really enjoying myself and the people I've met but I'm going to leave it all behind for something I just did a year ago. In my experience people quit for a multitude of reasons but abandoning a years worth of playtime to do it again isn't usually the reason.
  9. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    The reason is Ldon Follows PoP, when it should be combined. LDON isn't an expansion, its an in era add on.