Iron Bank Of Bravos on Test

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Hobs, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. Hobs Elder

    We're looking for more 115+ for COV raiding and beyond as we grow and work our way through content. You can copy to Test to raid with us. It won't affect your Live character. We've got Zlandicar down along with Griklor and Sleeper's servant and plan to conquer all of TOV & COV. Reach out through in game mail or send a tell to an Iron Bank Of Bravos officer on Test. We raid on Saturdays at 6:15 PM CST and are looking for pretty much every class.



  2. Hobs Elder

    We've managed to get Shei Venitras down several times and basically on farm status.

    Still looking for more hearty adventurers 115+ to copy to Test and join our raid force
    to help us work through the rest of ToV, CoV and ToL.

  3. Bilderov Augur

    Sorry, noticed you'd put your raid times down.

    I can't make Saturday nights unfortunately :(
  4. Hobs Elder

    We are still looking for more adventurers to join us and help us progress further through the rest of ToV, CoV and ToL raids and into NoS raids in the future.

    Our Discord link is

  5. jeskola pheerie

  6. jeskola pheerie

    That means let's fing go, not looking for group.
  7. jeskola pheerie