Quest Nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xtor Zadamose, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Jack Elder

    I have never played a ranger so I don't know. I do know that there was a change to cheetah fang (?) that was reverted back on test. I just know that reading thru test patch notes those 4 classes had mana gathering abilities increased.
  2. Derka Power Ranger

    There was some data loaded to test that had the scarlet cheetah fang mana penalty reduced to 25% instead of 100%. It didn't stay changed.
  3. Bilderov Augur

    I'm more angry at myself for not knowing about it and had taken 2 months out to get some personal stuff done and was looking forward to hitting LS in the next week or so.

    If I fell in a barrel of boobs, I'd come out sucking my thumb...
    Sunawar, Sprooce and Flatchy like this.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Your not the only one not aware of it either, didn't know either.

    We should know by now it takes a month or 2 for unintended things to be changed and should be expected for this kind of change around this point of each expansion. There always seems to be something that slips through the cracks.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I think a lot of people probably weren't aware of it.

    The first time you do the task, as part of the partisan line, you go and click on the book and it gives you the task. But if you try and click it again after you've done it, it won't give it. So, if you weren't aware you could go talk to the NPC to get it again, you'd never know it was repeatable.
  6. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I always get a chuckle about how quests in EQ aren’t incentivized to be repeated. What’s the point of making all these quests with no re-usability.
    Bilderov, bbanz, Allayna and 2 others like this.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Because the devs prioritize raids. In their minds, why would raiders need to do a quest more than once? The group game is now and has always been an afterthought for the devs.
  8. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    werid i know of no abilities for rangers to back back mana minus getting the killing blow on a non trival mob. Be nice if they had a harvest or a clicky to get back mana like wizards get.
  9. uberkingkong Augur

    You know I have to agree with you.

    Especially they say missions are like raids.

    So basicaly raid raid, make you raid even you not raiding. Make you wanna raid.

    I wanna have fun in this game. Why so serious and sweaty all the time.

    Then when its time to be serious and sweaty you make it cakewalk.
    T1 raids 25+ guilds beat day 1
    T2 raids 20+ guilds beat day 1
    Every single raid in it, beaten day 1.

    Yet sweaty and serious casual content. whats the deal here?

    Get serious in T3.
    I wanna see
    T3 no one beat day 1
    T3 no one beat week 1
    T3 week 2 people beating it now
    T3 week 3 majority beat it now
    ... 8 months till next expansion, plenty of time. need something to look forward to. Raids being tough, you look forward seeing how you can do better.

    If its cakewalk you aint looking forward to it, just the gear is all.
    If you aint dreaming about raids, and ah moment of how to beat it even more smoother, it isn't a good raid. If you dreaming about the raid that means its a good raid. And people dream about stuff that is challenging, a lot of effort put into it.
    Cakewalk no effort raids nobody dreaming about those.

    Yet still tough, its not show up always win.
    Make the loot desirable,
    Who knows when we will beat it again, I'm going all in dkp, I want that item.
    Items are highly valued now, not no
    "my boxes have full set of highest tier raid gear" cough cough NoS.

    One other thing.
    Raiders already stomp through everything, whats the big deal in them not getting full set of raid gear?
    So they can beat the mission they already beat smoothly no struggle in 20 minutes, now its doable in 15 minutes?
    They don't really need that gear its not make or break.

    So make the gear valuable.
    Who knows when they beat the raid again, gear is valuable.

    When they do make these raids.
    Community I hope you post your failure videos because they are more fun to watch then cakewalk raid videos.
  10. Jack Elder

    Again, I have never played a ranger so I have no clue what their abilities are or do. This is from the test thread:
  11. Thren Elder

    I cant see what the big deal is, I knew about the quest, but only did it once. I have almost max AA now, from the RNG being stingy and not giving my alt a neck until the day I maxxed my neck on the Main. This is the end of febuary, if you play any amount of time at all, you have plenty of time to max them out. Try farming 2 full sets of collects with the RNG hating to drop certain ones,,, no problem getting AA.. none what so ever.
  12. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    It just highlights that they can’t decide if players are supposed to level via quests or grind. Rewarding 1.6% experience really isn’t much or even the 22 AA and should be more of a standard reward across all quests. The addition of APs are going to lead to more frustration when they can’t get the achievement experience which is worth a lot of levels from ToV and up.

    Can they just decide what type of game they want EQ to be, is it modern quest based or a classic grind mobs style?
  13. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea the reward makes me thinking they dont want people doing the quest.
  14. Bigstomp Augur

    Raids usually get a little harder as they go as well as they fix intended mechanics that just don't work.
    Not saying I agree with this, it should not be harder for teams that are slower than original teams but that's another discussion.

    As for the quest you are talking about, not familiar with it, but AA's are easy to get. Just go kill some stuff.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I was happy to see exp added back to merc quests. This makes them worth running again.
    KushallaFV likes this.
  16. Bilderov Augur

    Yes, especially in a game called Singlequest.. oh wait!
    KushallaFV likes this.
  17. Thren Elder

  18. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Shhh! There are just some things players should never mention on an open forum where the devs can see it.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  19. Thren Elder

    First , if youre grinding to get regular experience, doing a task/quest that gives 1.6% regular exp in 30 minutes is far greater than what you would get in the same time mob killing. Couple that task with a few more and in just an hour or 2 you have 10% reg exp. Instead of the 4% you would get from killing, so there is incentive to repeat the tasks built in. You can actually overseer yourself to max level, done it myself on an alt I use for tradeskills my main doesnt have.
    Second, if you're doing AA, killing mobs is sufficiently fast enough as it is.
    If you dont play but 1 or 2 hours a week, you werent intended to have max AA.
    The only effecient way to do this is level up to 125 first, then go 100% AA experience, and use Overseers to cap off regular exp for any deaths you have daily.
    I took an 8 year break, left mid VoA and came back to game mid CoV. In 8 months I caught up my levels, my AA, did the AP, and maxxed it to 350, farmed all relevant augs, did the Rallos Zek ear, and a set of type 5 augs as well as upgrading my gear to current. I had to catch up on all my AA, and found it easy to do, This game has been dumbed down to the point of it being ridiculously easy. People can make a level 1 and if they apply themselves can be 125 in less than a week, and max AA in a month or 2.
    That said, if you have 55 alts , and are mad because you wont get them all to max AA,, oh well, thats the way the cookie crumbles.
    Kaenneth likes this.