Fixed graphics exploding into kalaidascope

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Svann2, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. Windance Augur

    Is there anything we can do to help isolate and provide test cases ?
    Svann2 likes this.
  2. Gialana Augur

    I had always thought that collectibles were instant respawns. On of the reasons I thought that was because they can stack up in a spawn spot. So you pick one up and it looks like another has instantly respawned in that spot.

    However, I figured I was wrong about instant respawns when the first Extra Life bonuses happened in 2022. One of the bonuses is a reduction in collectible respawns. I don't know if all ground spawn collectibles have the same respawn time, though. And it would be nice if limited time collectibles would have quicker respawns if they don't already.
  3. Peter_The_great Elder

    Also missing texture on some ornaments and campfire.

    All white or black.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Yea Im still seeing it in pok, worse than ever. Lag pile so bad its hard to find the lobby entrance.
  5. Lodestar The Undefeated

    Who ever said it was going to be tangibly fixed? The only thing confirmed is that it was speculative. Daybreak covered their arses on this one.

    Per Merriam-Webster: 1. (also): theoretical rather than demonstrable.
  6. Fanra

    Kalaidascope both before and after the February 1 hotfix, both times in the Guild Lobby. Bertox server.

    I've only seen it in that zone. Zoning into Neighborhood Guild Hall from Lobby shows normal graphic view again.

    Can attempt to provide more information upon request.
    Fuelforfire likes this.
  7. Lodestar The Undefeated

    It is interesting that I've only ever seen it in POK and Guild Lobby, and never any other zones.

    All the reports seem to corroborate this. Hopefully that's helped the devs narrow down their speculati.... hold up. Fix.
    Fuelforfire likes this.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I think it's even worse after the hotfix. Zoned all 3 of my accounts into the lobby and the explosions literally filled my entire screen on all three. I couldn't even see anything. I just picked a direction and ran and eventually hit a wall.
  9. Mysl Augur

    It is getting worse for me. Someone may have already mentioned this. My mage just summon his pet and gave it the mage summoned pet weapons, using the level 123 Grant Goliath's Armaments, in the guild lobby. Once I gave the pet the weapons, the whole screen just exploded into multi-color pattern and I cannot see a thing. Had to use the Drunkard's Stein to get to PoK, since the pattern is giving me a headache.
  10. Lodestar The Undefeated

    I can confirm: I had the issue described in this thread this morning in Plane of Knowledge.

    Speculative fix was not a strong enough version of a fix for this issue. We're going to need an unambiguous fix to solve this one I believe.
  11. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Has anyone seen this issue in zones outside of PoK or the Lobby?
  12. Remien Master

    I just experienced the artificating in LS inn today. So far to fix it, simply have to turn monitor off and back on then the kaleidoscope effect goes away.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Also saw it in LI.
    The monitor trick did not fix it.
  14. Allayna Augur

    I see it daily in the guild lobby and POK.

    Seems to be based on weapon graphics or ornaments from what I can make of it as they are always off of a PC.

    Lubianx and Fenthen like this.
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Also still have missing weapon/shield graphics that we had a lot on beta, directly tied to this problem.
    Allayna likes this.
  16. Mesil Lorekeeper

    This is still happening. No fix from my side works.
  17. Lodestar The Undefeated

    There is no fix for anyone on this. No reason spending time trying to find one. It requires Daybreak to resolve on their end.
  18. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Its super annoying to pop into Laurions Inn and have to run through the massive blinding colorspray, trying to find the door to the next zone.
  19. Scila Augur

    back again this morning so much broken glass look ... reminds me of something kids make in summer camp
  20. Grommit New Member

    Instant fix I use when I get the kaleidoscope or missing stuff is ALT ENTER to go to windowed mode or fullscreen depending on how you run it then again to return to where you normally run.

    Sometimes I log into the guild hall and all the teleport items and other decorations are simply not visible.. seems to fix it for me
    cleriche likes this.