Heal filters missing 'nonzero only' option.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Angahran, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. Angahran Augur

    Since there is no way currently to filter nonzero heals can we please get the option of 'nonzero only' for "Heals (Other Critical Heals)" and "Heals (Others)".
    Nadisia, Andarriel and Yinla like this.
  2. Shay Apprentice

    I want a "hide" option on all of them. I'm convinced a lot of the spam is because of all those messages. I want to just turn them off.
    Fanra and Velisaris_MS like this.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Every filter should have an option to hide it. I don't care if the devs think it's too much work to do that...that's their damn job and it's what we're paying them to do.
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Well, you cannot have criticals that are 0 so that should be Hide, not 'nonzero only.' The Criticals show the full value regardless of what you actually received.
    I had assumed that they did, since Angahran was complaining about there not being a nonzero only option, but from what I see there is just Show & nonzero only, there is no hide.
    Options->Chat->Direct Damage (Other Critical Hits)
    Options->Chat->DoTs (Other Critical Hits)
    Options->Chat->Healing (Other Critical Heals)
    Options->Chat->Others Hits (Critical)

    For those who only wish to Filter them to a different Chat window:
    Right Click the window you want them in->Filters->Spells->Direct Damage->Direct Damage (Other Critical Hits)
    Right Click the window you want them in->Filters->Spells->DoTs->DoTs (Other Critical Hits)
    Right Click the window you want them in->Filters->Spells->Healing->Healing (Other Critical Heals)
    Right Click the window you want them in->Filters->Melee->Other Hits (Critical)
    Yinla likes this.