Hunter Achievements, Old Zones, & Rare Bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kalela, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. Thunderkiks Augur

    Its not so much hard as it is just tedious. The placeholders are a pain to get the ones you need when you get down to the last few you need. 3/4 of the zone was done in the first few days. The rest was waiting for the invasion to happen and see what you get for races.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    please tell me its not like hollowshade?
  3. Thunderkiks Augur

    Harder =)
  4. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Thanks ill just avoid it then.
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    One day they will probably have hunter collections in overseer lol.
  6. Thunderkiks Augur

  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I enjoy hunters but not zones that are gonna stress me out lol
  8. Thunderkiks Augur

    Yeah I get it, It was the last zone I did. Like I said the first 3/4 of the named you will get fast, the rest is just a waiting game really. Only have to check once a day because the invasion takes a day or more to complete. Only then will you get new PH's. So I left one character hiding in the corner with and audio trigger for the invasion happening so I could check. May have been less than 21 days if i didn't have a patch in the middle of it reset all my work hehe.
  9. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yup i know how that goes lots of zones that took me awhile like scarlet desert twilight sea and such way to many mobs eventually you get them. butcherblock is still my fastest one like 15mins one 1 account and maybe 20 on another. 1 mob haha how corflunk and zarchoomi arent on it ill never know though.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  10. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    After another 5 Faction Lock potions and a week of "Bonus Spawns" .. Id like to scream my displeasure in regard to another ZERO NAMED SPAWN event in Jagged pine forest.
  11. Tucoh Augur

    My personal rule in gaming: If you don't enjoy it, don't do it.
    Tatanka likes this.
  12. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    I understand your point however - you fail to notice that Izzard has every hunter in the game finished except Jaggedpine. (I also have not been able to finish it) You are litterally telling him to stop playing EQ ... I'm sure the developers disagree.
  13. Tucoh Augur

    Nennius and Tatanka like this.
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I was in jagged for a few hrs got 100 griffon meat and 25 aconda meat. Was only able to get three mobs a savage pinewolf, a great kodiak and Stormclaw none of the real tough ones. I really dislike rare mobs that start with a as its easy to kill them and not know about it lol. But if i had to pick either redoing south karana or jagged i would pick jagged because sk is a HUGE zone with my rng tracking only doing like half of it. But for those who do jagged i just say come do a few hrs at a time your not gonna finish this zone in one night.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I have to marvel that Steve Martin and Bill Murray could get through the scene without cracking up. Classic stuff.
  16. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    You're not going to finish this zone in 5 years.
  17. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I got it done took along time to spawn Goldentalon though. Talon and Jerg are the toughest rarest ones to spawn.
  18. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    How long would you say this took you? I lost count of the seemingly endless hours ive hunted there. I've gone weeks and months without seeing a single rare MOB.
  19. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Baiscally got 3 rare camps. 1st you got the Potamides' camp. rare this took awhile and then you got the Blackguard's and sticklebush rares camp and then the others which are mostly in around the goldentalon area (I use Good's maps) basically with that camp i just kill everything with griffon be rarest. Others spawn rare but no so rare as griffon i prob saw most like 6 times minus the named trean which i saw like 3 times but for him you gotta kill mobs closer to middle of the zone. I was killing recently there but only got normal treants to spawn. Which mobs are you looking for exactly? The last mob Goldentalon took me like i say 3 months to spawn mind you i was just coming over doing a few hrs here and there and such i thought id never seem him to be honest.
  20. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    Time to kick a dead horse - Got a Named to spawn in Jaggedpine; Goldentalon. Fiercewind and Jerg Oakenfist remain MIA.

    After spending years in this zone - considering what it takes to make these MOBs appear, I can confidently say that the rare spawns are too rare.