Level Locked Time Locked Progression Vaniki Server FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, May 3, 2022.

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  1. Accendo Guest

  2. internalprime8 Journeyman

    For the challenge rewards, are these rewards no longer possible to attain once that "current expansion" period has passed? For example, once the level cap is raised to 60 and OoW, DoN, DoDH, and PoR are released do all of the previous challenges for the lvl 40, 50, and 55 caps go away? Or can we still earn those challenge rewards by completing them with a level appropriate character?
    Brildon and Waring_McMarrin like this.
  3. magikarp Elder

    Thanks for posting, Accendo

    Q: Can I get these rewards on my main character?
    A: Yes. These rewards are granted as a Claim that you may claim on any one character on the same account. These will be available on other servers and expansion locked in the case of progression servers.

    I added the bold on the word "one" - I read this as confirmation that these are not unlimited claims or "999" claims per account. Is that the correct interpretation?
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can you gain these rewards more than once? If they are completed by more than 1 char on an account

    Do they need to be completed before the server unlocks the next level or can you stil gain them a year or so later on a lower char?

    No challenges for anyone who does not raid?

    Are these any server or just Vaniki?

    Are these per char reaching level 60?
  5. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    Just to clarify this.

    In circumstances where a quest is hard level required, it is relaxed by 10 (this makes sense)
    How about situations where there are multiple difficulties based on level?
    • LDoN - Will a full group of 40s get a 40 mission or a 50?
    • OoW - Will a group of 60s that requests a Dranik Hollows mission get the 58-62 version, the 63-67 version, or the 68+ version? Because the Anguish signet is only in 68+
    • DoDH - Will a group of 60s that requests Lost Gnome mission get the level 65 version, the level 68+ version, or no version? To access Dreadspire you MUST do the 68+ for Gold and Platinum Twined Necklace
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    LDoN availablity starts at level 10 now instead of level 20?
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just reread this can we get a weapon ornament keyring, pretty please. :)
  8. TheDohn Augur

    This is no longer true. The DSK access pieces are rewarded for all mission difficulties.
  9. Ythera Augur

    Will fear spells be effective 10 levels above their max as well?
  10. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    When did that change?
  11. Lacka Journeyman

    the achievements are very meh. why so few? isn't that whole point of this server?
  12. TheDohn Augur

    I'm not sure, but I can 100% confirm that all mission difficulties were giving the key pieces on Aradune as of two weeks ago.
    Rasper Helpdesk likes this.
  13. Yarteb Elder

    Thank you Accendo for the FAQ, even after rereading I have questions.
    1. It appears that autogrant of AA's will start when Vaniki reaches the Call of the Forsaken?
    2. I read the updated general TLP description, but I am unsure: Will the Split Paw have elementals at Vaniki server start or only gnolls?
    3. MotM will be in use but will the classic bosses: Vox, Nagafen, Phinny, have MotM removed per the GoD era?
  14. Kahna Augur

    1. Autogrant of AAs starts in DoDH. Where did you get Call of the Forsaken?
    2. Splitpaw is revamped in LDoN, there will likely be elementals on Vaniki
    3. If they didn't say anything it's safe to assume it'll be the same. However, the mob you have to kill for the achievement is CT and he will be the revamped Velious version with MoTM in place.
  15. Morrigan Bowjobs

    Kinda disappointed with these rewards. I wish they were more based/themed around the boss that the achievement was for.
    For example. defeating CT at 40 could of rewarded you with an Amygdalin illusion


    cool looking illusion that hasn't been done and related to the boss you had to kill.

    Also, sad to see no mounts at all like the Quarm server had back in the day. There are already a bunch of items both in raids and DB store that summon food, and if it's "low level" food like mentioned prob some normal stats that will be irrelevant for anyone on other servers except the newest TLPs. The ports would be great for in era as a quick way to get to raid or area while farming, but places like WW don't see to much action after Velious. Raid currency is sooo boring a reward. The shadow step could be fun if it's instant cast with no CD, but would like be useless if wasn't.
    Many of these rewards you can't even really show off on your server for completing the supposedly "hard" acheivement. Food, raid currency, ports? Better rewards when of been illusions based on Boss killed, mounts, and even weapon/armor ornaments, nimbuses etc. All cosmetics that don't impact gameplay but can be shown off for completing the achievement...
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Your reasons for changing the time for unlocking levels and expansions make no sence.

    You are giving players 8 - 12 weeks to gain achievements at level 60 and beyond, yet the level 40 and 55 achievements only have 4 weeks and the level 55 achievement only has 2. :rolleyes: Not that I want to spend any longer at those levels. The only reward I'd be interested in at that range would be the WW clicky.

    Do we really need the extra time at each level increase to complete 1 challenge?

    I feel 12 weeks at level is too long, 8 weeks is probably about right, can we compromise and do all unlocks after level 60 every 8 weeks?
  17. Riou EQResource

    The higher expansions will probably be more likely to require you to actually get full raid gear and such, so you'd need more time to get it
  18. Froglok_Shaman New Member

    Subpar rewards and a vastly different schedule. What a sad day.
    Thatoneguy666 likes this.
  19. Zansobar Augur

    "NPCs who are hit by a PC spell on a Level Locked Progression server will not have a resist bonus based on level differences, as they do on regular servers."

    Does this apply to the initial cast of Charm and does this also apply to every tick where mobs get a chance to break out of Charm?
  20. Tweakfour17 Augur

    So is RSS getting an AoC then or is the vaniki illusion reserved for OW zerg only?
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