Retro Metamorph Wands

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Eumalfa, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. Eumalfa New Member

    I know this get's brought up constantly, especially around Progression: You'd make so much money from a Metamorph Decaying Skeleton Wand that used the original, still in game for low level skeletons, Skeleton model for pets.
    What are other low poly models you'd like to see as wands? Mushroom Men is popular
    snailish, Duladin and ch0rny like this.
  2. a_librarian Augur

    Retro Spectre please, what an awesome model that was
    snailish and JBizzle like this.
  3. Duladin Lorekeeper

    I keep asking, one of these days they'll respond. Maybe.
  4. snailish Augur

    I'd like the Denizens of Gorge of King Xorbb:

    -little classic minotaur
    -little muddite
    -little beholder (evil eye)
    -little infernal imp (old imp model)
    -little classic green goblin

    Stalag terror (classic model such as Najena)

    Some of the weirdos from Tower of Frozen Shadow could be fun.

    Little House on the Overthere...
    -little classic sarnaks (several models)
    -little cockatrice, rhino, puma
    -little dragoon
    -little undead foreman (undead Iksar model)
    -scorpkis (spelling)
  5. ShivanAngel Augur

    I would pay such an absurd amount of money for a metamorph froglok wand (the unarmored, basic froglok model)
    snailish likes this.
  6. Monkman Augur

    Upvote for the OG skeleton
    Eumalfa likes this.
  7. Hadesborne Augur

    Bring back the Jester!
  8. Duladin Lorekeeper

    Bring back something, the public wants it.