instance zone crash

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Haffa, Nov 18, 2017.

  1. Haffa New Member

    yesterday i was doing the CotF task: Saving Jacyll
    about 20 to 30 seconds into the fight with the General and her 3 Lt's we go LD, ms bar goes all the way to 0% and get the black screen says "you have been disconnected" then you at the character select screen. 4 times in a row go LD at that same spot. some one else went in and tried the task went link dead at the same place.
    worse part is lost mage and chanter pet each time ... no player or merc died just the pets
  2. Tx-Canyon New Member

    having same exact issue at the same point myself.
  3. Vanrau Augur

  4. john5 Lorekeeper

    Same issue here. I also gave up after 3 tries, each one attempted slightly differently, changed kill order, etc.

    They recently changed achievements for some CoTF stuff, this is one of the zones that was affected. Requirements for, and names of a few achievements were changed. That's when the problems started.

    Really a kick in the balls when this and 1 other mission is all you need for completion of CoTF group stuff.

    Devs read: Look at the achievement code you recently changed.
  5. Sam Hyde I'm a monster but not an NPC

    I successfully beat the mission after many fails getting disconnected.

    This won't work for most of you, but here is how:

    You work around the disconnect. It seems to happen at around the 20-30 second mark for me. I have MAG WIZ ENC so, using the enchanter's chromatic haze and delusions of grandeur lines (guaranteed massive crits from other casters in group), I simply burned down each add one at a time, and immediately Exodus'd out. When it came time to kill the general, she was all alone and I had enough practice at that point to pull it off exactly like the 3 weaker adds. It worked, no crash. All you have to do is either kill all 4 in under 30 seconds, or one at a time and be out of the zone before the DC happens after each kill.

    Also of note: only people in combat have to leave, I had a necro standing by and evac missed him, and there was no zone crash as he was nowhere near the npc when they reset.

    Sad it had to be this way, and I know many of you have no blaster casters like WIZ, so it might be impossible unless you have well geared friends. Moloing it is certainly out of the question.
  6. Haffa New Member

    have seen a couple post stating the Devs are aware of this problem

    have just read the notes for todays patch

    DID NOT see that this bug has been fixed