Can we please talk about the next expansion...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Matari, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Dre. Altoholic

    I think you mean the same content with different names, models and maps. Complete all of your T1 Merc/Partisan quests? How about your T2 armor? Have all your Rk2 spells yet?
  2. Matari Augur

    Who cares. I am bored of the current content. I burn out faster with revamp. Give me a real expansion with new maps, spells, abilities, and such.
    Viper1 likes this.
  3. Viper1 Augur

    Great attitude!

    It's people like this that burn out the content as fast as they can in every MMO. It's never enough for them. Even if DBG put out the biggest expansion ever, people like this guy would still be here on the forums 3 months after release proclaiming how bored they are.

    Fact is, there is plenty of content in EQ already if you're willing to pursue it. Don't care? Fine, w/e, but don't act like it's not there.
  4. Jetboy Lorekeeper

    We could call it "Expansion Next".
  5. Matari Augur

    I never got burned out of Vanguard. That game had significantly less content than this game. What I am burnt out on is a simple modifier change and call it a day. If they are going to revamp something at least they could do is change the graphics.
  6. Numiko Augur

    I think that is part of the problem, after several expansions of constant quests of that type that reward you with not much more than a tick on your achievement list or a picture you can hang on the wall in your house (if you have one) .. this sort of mindless "carrot and donkey" expansion design has become very boring and repetitive.
    Roxxanna likes this.
  7. sucubae Lorekeeper

    Think of it like this: for whatever else they are planning to do. The xp nerf will hit the missions from forsaken and they can finally be happy. They will officially fix Gribble once and for all time. If I remember correctly, the xp nerf is for anyone over level 100 and at least 3 expats back. So with a new expat forsaken will finally be fixed in their minds.
    Congratz! No really! Congratz! Taking a once fun game and turning it into the red shirted crewman on the away team.
  8. Viper1 Augur

    Doubtful. The difference being that cotf scales based on level, RoF content does not. In gribbles, you will always be fighting mobs that con blue or white, even when the level cap jumps to 120.
  9. sucubae Lorekeeper

    Even with scaling, the mission of the nerf was to make people play in newer content, hence the nerf. the xp nerf as stated by the dev's was so that people would want to play in newer content and funneled in that direction.

    and to quote roshen on this subject "We encourage you to participate in the newest content, and find places in The Darkened Sea to adventure with your friends."
  10. Zeiss New Member

    Did somebody say donkey?