Congrats SA in server first 50's

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HonorTruthPally, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Sagnid Augur

    Girth and I shall be brothers of the 74th circle of the ashen hand together. Now we need to get this pleb a robe.
  2. MabbuQuest Elder

    I don't know why Mugatu tries to play anything else. He's a career monk ;)
  3. Qelyn Augur

    Can I join your list of plebs that need a robe? Kthxiluvyou~
  4. Frenzic Augur

    Level 1's training buu? Couldn't have happened to a better guy. If I knew who it was I'd offer him a krono.
  5. Tseroth Elder

    Lonye likes this.
  6. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    There are some unfortunate people that would be happy to see cutthroat rivalries. Grievances, poor sportsmanship, among other bad faith traits are easy to entice.

    In this scenario, we had several unknown level 10 clerics specifically level up just for the purpose of binding near our leveling groups and griefing their leveling experience, by training them over and over.

    As to who it was, we certainly can't say it was 100% someone. It wouldn't surprise me if it was individuals that played on former servers, which get off on griefing others. On my Lockjaw tenure, we experienced similar experiences with griefing as well. A founder of another guild went as far as readily giving people my personal information, including my date of birth, the cars I drive, along with some business information on companies I own and operate, so it wouldn't surprise me if some of that same cesspool characters spilled over here.

    With that said, we firmly stand against these types of actions. I have the upmost confidence that my friends and counterparts in SA, along with all the other serious guilds on this server, have the same stance.

    To the general memberbases (mine included), and the general server population, it's on you guys to determine the atmosphere on this server. I hope it can be one where we can be happy for one another's accomplishments, and stand together as necessary against transgressions like this.

    There are a lot of people (certainly some on this thread) that would like nothing more than a cesspool of an environment. Some individuals get off on that type of environment, and encourage it. That will only happen if the members and leaders allow it to happen. Don't feed into the cesspool, it's not even worth the energy.

    I look forward to a competitive, cordial environment, and wish everyone the best on this server.

    I've had a lot of questions about my identity in game on Phinigel, and my name is Satoshi. I, or any of my officers would be happy to engage in dialogue. Seriously, don't be strangers - that goes for anyone. I appreciate a lot of you already reaching out to me (Black Jesus, you're my pal!), and hope we can all stay on cordial terms with each other, at all levels.

    Here's for one of the best TLP server (I think!) that has ever been launched. I look forward to working with many of you :)
    SqueeshSqueesh and ElaidaTL like this.
  7. ElaidaTL Augur

    Well said Dima. We over at SA will continue to support any efforts that will result in a more cordial but competitive environment. The last thing any of us want is to start the blame game and take away any of the forward progress we have made. I look forward to making this servers end game an enjoyable place for everyone.
    Warrior007 likes this.
  8. Jaime Lannister Augur

    This thread is disgusting.

    This happy hold hands crap going on makes me want to stay away from Phinny even more than I already do.

    Have fun over there picking flowers with each other.
    Batbener, Frenzic and EQ1999 like this.
  9. EQ1999 Elder

  10. Frenzic Augur

    I recall some didn't take 15 sk armies well either! :cool:
  11. MabbuQuest Elder

    We had to lose in order to keep the server healthy. When you lose you just quit!
  12. Kravitz Augur

    Gratz on lack of sleep, disrupting your health, life, family and work, if you work at all that is!

    Last time I played EQ for over 48 hours straight was in college, not doing that again!

    I guess you are one of those that doesn't know they run double exp weekend for 12 days of Christmas every year for the past 6-7 years Glad I waited to level:D
  13. ShamWow-RF Lorekeeper

    Let's be clear about at least 1 thing.

    Sham (Employed, it is cold and winter, I choose my time off, I'm a contractor.)
    Sagnid (Gainfully employed, State based laid-off for the next 2 weeks)
    Mwapo (Student)
    First (Married, family, full time job, plays a bit from work)
    Ducreux (Student)
    Grisvok (Gainfully employed, dude's an actual Lawyer, not even just an EQ Lawyer)

    That is our 100% truthful groupcomp. Not a single one of us is this terrible neckbeard mother-basement dweller that people have us out to believe. Again, we prepared for this launch, that's all. We got together each night at 7EST a week before launch and played together for 3 hours a night going over the leveling route, our spreadsheet, and anything else we thought needed attention. I don't think a single one of us took "time off work" or decided to ignore their family or anything else like that. I think one night Gris said he had to take his g/f out to dinner for "being a champ about this server release." And again that wasn't an issue since we had people that were able to True Box him in and keep going.

    Preparation. That's what got us to 50 first.

    But I won't deny the lack of sleep. Lack of sleep was real, but, what did you expect ;)
    EQ1999 and Frottage like this.
  14. EQ1999 Elder

    I'm right there with you bro. Don't think anything will top what we had on Fippy. And the Flames and Rants on Fippy Forums.
  15. EQ1999 Elder

    Guys I've seen their RL pics, so I can put this rumor to bed:

    They are all deadringers for the South Park guy that dominates in WoW.
    ShamWow-RF likes this.
  16. Kolil-EQ New Member

    What's up Elaida!
    ElaidaTL likes this.
  17. Merau Journeyman

    If you have a wife and kids, then you definitely neglected them for the 140-150 hours straight it took to get here. If they were okay with that, then there's no real problems, unless you continue to spend most of your time with the game and not them.
  18. ShamWow-RF Lorekeeper

    It took us roughly 70-80 hours. Literally half of what you're saying. This was over the course of like 4.5-5 days real life. There was actually sleep. There was family and job time. We weren't all 6 online 24/7.

    The only thing I personally neglected a bit was Porkchop, because I didn't take her out hunting at all those 5 days that I junkied out on EQ.

    Here's a picture of Porkchop because every thread deserves doge pics.

    Radien likes this.
  19. dythronn New Member

    Well done guys! As a former hardcore player and soon to be returning ( subscription enabled 30 minutes ago ) and soon about to hit it hard again, I for one can appriate the focus required. I remember camping an IBC back in the day for 40 hours straight ( and not getting it, grr ). Keep up the solid raiding too, hope to play with you all in a week or so! The girlfriend has already accepted my camping in the basement for a few days so hopefully it goes smooth.