grats ??

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bahdah, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Bahdah Augur

    GG Shadows of Doom on PoWar? CONFIRM THISSS !
  2. Kable Lorekeeper

    Confirm we beat it today.
  3. Bahdah Augur

    grats, welcome to the big leagues
  4. Stubar Augur

    Gratz! I didn't see it posted on...oh ya, NM.
    Utdaan, Treefrog, Enkel and 3 others like this.
  5. Rafather Augur

    Congrats #3 Shadows of Doom.
  6. Axxius Augur

    Grats Shadows of Doom! :cool:
  7. Reht The Dude abides...

    Congratulations Shadows!
  8. Lanadili Elder

    Grats on the win Shadows of Doom!
  9. Charris Journeyman

    Grats guys!
  10. Elricvonclief Augur

  11. Deillusional Augur

    Thanks, as posted in the previous thread on powar, we didnt do it since release day or so. We started it on Monday, had a day off on Tuesday, killed naggy on wed, then decided to goto powar with a less than ideal force I think we were 46 or so on a normal off day and won. The event is not that hard to win, I would say post nerf it on par with pre nerf ToR. If anything I think if it need further turning is to tune down the vallon zek dmg some. I be the first to admit we would have had little chance to win it prenerf but it would have been interesting to see how far we would have got with persistance. I just wish we started it a bit earlier, thanks to triton it gave us belief that we could win it, and hopefully it will do to many other guilds.
    Yinla likes this.
  12. Kreacher Augur

    Grats SoD on #3!

    Why isn't this raid listed on the progression for T2 on elitegamers?'s a T2 raid and awards T2 chits.

    (I've started a guild ranking website where the events that my guild beats first/second are listed - it's still blank atm..but it's coming)
    Esero and Bahdah like this.
  13. Deillusional Augur

    To be fair, guild leaderships were polled to see if they wanted it on. I think the result of the poll was not to put it on or not care about it. I personally said I didn't care if it was on the egl or not. Obviously as a result of wins, no doubt the natural instinct of the members and the guilds would want them on now as its human nature. Strictly its not part of the expansion cycle in terms of progression, and I could see both sides of the situation with ROI winning and the other view points that it shouldnt have been put up in the CoTF section at least.
  14. Porterz73 Augur

    Ohhhh no the poor dead horse is getting flogged again. (I think at this point the dead horse is more like a pile of dry bones with a saddle beside it)

    Seriously though, Congrats on finishing #3 on PoW raid... Good job SoD
  15. RPoo Augur

    Nice, congrats!
  16. Rafather Augur

    Wrong, only ~5 guilds said no or didn't care in a poll a guild member took this past Sunday of the major guilds. So it was taken off in spite because of a loss in position.
    Bahdah likes this.
  17. Axxius Augur

    My position (which I told Beimeith when polled) is: list it, but separately from T2. It's not a part of T2 even though it drops T2 currency now. And most guilds never gave it the same attention as the progression events. But it's the hardest raid in the expansion and deserves to be listed somewhere. I don't see why it's so hard to list it as Non-Progression.
    Yinla likes this.
  18. Bahdah Augur

  19. Durew Journeyman

    Grats to Inverse Logic on downing PoW tonight, great work guys :D
    Khaki and Bahdah like this.
  20. Rafather Augur

    congrats on winning and becoming 4th overall IL